Question When my brother turns on he's pc my internet connection turns garbage

Oct 10, 2019
I have noticed it for a long time now.. I mean, it's not even because he's downloading anything.. It's literally as soon as he turns on he's computer, that the entire problem starts. When he's downloading games, i can barely use my internet browser or play games myself.. I think it's ridiculous. I have tried to ask my ISP, but they just tell me that there isnt any problems as far as they can see from their office.
It feels like he's PC is just taking all of the bandwidth/connection.
I really have no clue on how to fix it.. Could it be a virus? Could it be a poor setup? What?
We have 300 Download speed and 300 Upload speed. Pretty powerful, but still when he downloads he just takes everyone in the house connection.

We are 4 people on the same router so maybe that might be conflicting, but we all run fine when my brothers pc isnt running...
I tried restarting the router several times.

I really dont know what to do at this point, i am currently using Nvidias new program called "GeForce Now" that let's you stream games from their Skyserver, but it's almost impossible to stream games when my brother has he's pc turned on, it was running perfectly this morning, completely smooth and no lag/stuttering. But now after he woke up, it's almost un-playable.

Anything i could try?
if you are using WiFi LAN, it could be a problem with the users connecting on the same channel or users having the same priority setting on the net.
Beware that that you may have more users thank you actually think of. Smart TV sets, smartphones and tablets any kind may also consume a channel.

I would start out getting an overview of connected devices, then try distribute a single channel number to each device. This is done in the device manager for the wifi dongle (on PC's) where you have a setting for channel no.
Similar options are found on other devices WiFi setup apps.
In principle you have 30 channels on each wifi router, but you can not use them all simultaneously, as they will share the available bandwidth cutting it down to a ridiculous low bandwidth on each device, In your case 10Mb/s.

It should be possible to share the bandwidth much better this way.

Another issue is the wifi dongle bandwidth itself. The dongles must use the same bandwidth i.e. type b/g/n on all devices.
Lastly but most importantly, you must have a fair LoS between devices and the router to get reasonable signal levels
This can be overcomed by using repeaters, if you have walls screening off devices.
Recent repeaters are plug n play, no messing around with any settings.
if you are using WiFi LAN, it could be a problem with the users connecting on the same channel or users having the same priority setting on the net.
Beware that that you may have more users thank you actually think of. Smart TV sets, smartphones and tablets any kind may also consume a channel.

We arent using Wifi we are using ethernet cables, that goes directly into the router. We used to be on Wifi but not any longer..
Does your router have any ability to show you utilization. Does your ISP ? Your goal is to see how much bandwidth is being used but 300mbps is hard to use. You can get into the resource monitor network tab and see the usage but it rather tedious method when you have mulitple machines. Note downloads unless you set a limit will always attempt to use 100% of the bandwidth until they complete.

I would also keep a eye on the router cpu. Some features on the router use more cpu than others. You could try to factory reset the router and set only the admin and wifi passwords.

If it does not appear to be traffic related I would see if something strange happens like there is a duplicate ip. Check the ipconfig /all on both machines and see if anything looks strange.

I will assume you do not suspect him of intentionally trying to hurt your performance.
He knows if i find out that he is doing it on purpose, i would get really mad. We are after all a gamer family. 😀
I also useually tell him to stop he's download when im gaming, but sometimes that isnt even the case.. Sometimes he's just watching youtube or playing a game.

I tried opening "cmd.exe" and writing ipconfig /all but all i see is my own ip etc.
I also tried it on he's pc and nothing was really different except for the DHCPv6 Client DUID & ip.
I also went onto my Netgear router and changed the password and username in case someone was able to hack it. I have never really known how to properly set up a router, and i remember about a year ago i factory reset my router, and i never really made changes to it, i just let it be. Could that be a problem?
I am quite a noob at this kinda stuff, i have always been used to everything just working properly.

(Edit): I wasnt able to allow it to set a username and password because everyone in the house lost their internet.
Not sure what you set.

There is a ADMIN password that you use to restrict who can configure the router.

You then have a wifi passwords and SSID. You should be able to set this the same as you had it before.
Make sure you have WPS disabled since that can be used to hack into routers.

I would not worry about the details of what he is running what you want to look at is resource monitor so you can see how much bandwidth is being used. Maybe there is something running you do not know about. Steam like to download stuff whenever it feels like unless you set it so it can't
Not sure what you set.

There is a ADMIN password that you use to restrict who can configure the router.

You then have a wifi passwords and SSID. You should be able to set this the same as you had it before.
Make sure you have WPS disabled since that can be used to hack into routers.

Under the "Wireless" section i have checked it to "Enable SSID Broadcast" 2.4GHz & the same for the 5GHz option.

Under the WPS category, it's asking if i want to do the setup for it, som im guessing that it's disabled.

I went under Internet Setup and checked "Yes" to "Does your internet connection require a login?" Setup a username and password, after i did that, everyone in the house lost their connection to the internet. Not sure if im doing it correctly or not
Check in the router settings if any given device/IP address have been given higher priority in the QoS (Quality of Service) settings. It is possible your brother have set his PC/ his IP address to have higher bandwidth then the rest of the house hold. If so he have been a naughty boy! 😁
Check in the router settings if any given device/IP address have been given higher priority in the QoS (Quality of Service) settings.

It shows that i havent checked the box for "Turn Internet Access QoS On" & under "Setup QoS rule list" there's just a bunch of descriptions about applications and none of them have been checked at all, it just states the names like "MSN Messenger Applications - Priority: High" & "Google Talk Applications - Priority: Highest" etc.

Though i can see an option called "Turn Bandwidth Control On" Would that allow me to control how much bandwidth is being sent out to different computer around the house? I clicked the "Check Internet Uplink Bandwidth" and it came back with 7214 Kbps. Though i have the option to set it as Kbps or Mbps. I'm so confused 😵