Windows Start Button Gone Forever, Replaced By Tutorial

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Feb 23, 2010
[citation][nom]williehmmm[/nom]Aprill fools day... Hmmm maybe, but maybe not.The source article is dated "March 30, 2012"."Un-intuitive & clunky", I hope they have that quote in the adverts... Reminds of the Vista launch, "you'll need double the RAM just to keep your PC performing as it did in XP". Another great advertising slogan.[/citation]
You know, that was true with every OS since DOS. Not really a problem with Vista IMO. It's just that Vista was written for something called modern hardware. But, Alas, I think MS is really blowing it this time.


Jun 13, 2006
Wow... people just need to stop with the fear of the unknown. First it was the ribbon, now it's Metro. As an IT professional with years of experience, I am forced to learn this. I resisted at first. But now after a month solid of using 8/Metro, it's the EVOLUTION the PC needs. We've had a start button since 95, so it's going to take the "afraid to learn something new" people some time. But really, it's awesome, if you stop being afraid, open your mind, and TRY to use it.
Kudos to MSFT for engineering something different, and dare I say "thinking different". 10x more evolution here than their competitors have done in the last 5yrs...


Good for you MS! And Thanks!
I can finally tell all the friends I have and help with Windows problems to go f themselves when they start using Windows8!
Finally peace!
And to all the tech support peeps it's time to CHANGE YOUR JOB Guys ^-^v
Sure you will make a lot of money at first, but will you be able to BARE THE STUPIDITY AND FRUSTRATION?
I don't think so!


Feb 28, 2012
Microsoft you have just FAILED...

and by the way... all those douche bags in your marketing dept who thought it would be a good idea to come here and down-vote all comments critical to the other idiotic decisions made by that same dept just makes you look PATHETIC

never thought windows would be worse than a MAC OS

guess i was wrong


I tried the Win 8 Consumer preview but couldnt figure out how to even shut down so I dumped it and went back to 7.
I will not be "upgrading"


Jan 13, 2012
seriously ppl, theres a tweaker you can download to COMPLETELY get rid of METRO and metro itself is not bad, your just used to 7. that start page is the big floppin mess. with metro you can have ALL your programs on ONE page and they dont have to be tiny because you can always SCROLL SIDEWAYS. and you can make sections, and readjust the size of the apps, and you wont EVER run out of space!!! the start tab is the big load of crap. and personnaly i would much prefer UNLIMITED space with EVERYTHING in its own section that i can access with ONE click, than a crammed screen that i have to double click OR a little bitty tab that comes from the corner of the screen that i get a HEADACHE just trying to control. alright do this, download the preview, try it, use it for about a month, not just TRYING it, USING it, do a few hours of work or just browsing the internet, and think, what was wrong with that, what was missing. i bet that if you give it a chance, you really wouldnt mind metro. and if you still dont like it, then thats really just too bad. because, even if your kickin 'n' screamin, 'n' whinin when it happens, when MS makes a new OS, everryone whos getting a new pc, that hasnt had one before, will USE that OS, and in a yr or so, almost EVERYONE will be using it. but of course there will still be ppl that WILL NOT USE WIN8 just like you critisize others for staying with XP ppl will be critisizing you for staying with WIN7. and ya know what, win-vista was NOT a bad OS, yes it was a failure, because no one would buy it, but the OS itself was NOT bad. seriously how many ppl do you know who have used it??? have you used it??? no you havent so hhhmmmm... YOU NEVER EVEN KNEW IF IT WAS A BAD OS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!! ppfft, its ALOT better than xp ill tell ya that.


Mar 10, 2009
Well if this is not a prank, Windows 7 will be the last microsoft o/s I'll ever buy and I will continue using 7 I use a desktop not a cell phone. If microsoft are not willing to listen to their customers, they deserve to fail ie go broke. I hope someone can come up with an alternative.

BTW the ui change means it is no longer windows but tiles. The good thing about choice is it is mine and I can reject something I don't like, and I reject windows 8 I have experienced it for over an hour, it is flawed I don't like it.
Live Long and prosper but not microsoft.


Jan 13, 2012
and even if hardly anyone buys win8, win9 will probably have the same thing. just like vista and 7, no one likes vista for no reason but that theyre used to xp, and then 7 comes, which is hardly different than vista at all, and everyone likes it. so, say virtually no one buys win8, just because theyre used to 7, then win9 comes out and everyone loves it, even though its hardly different thatn win8.


Mar 10, 2009
Your logic is flawed, the reason I did not like vista was they (microsoft) made it more difficult to use, every time you wanted to do something it asked do you have administrator rights which it knew darn well you logged on as administrator. It is supposed to be easier to use computers but with vista it was made harder. I was sick of access denied nonsense. no wonder people are turning to apple. The only reason I use windows 7 they made it a bit easier to use. Windows 8 has serious flaws that can not be fixed not without them abandoning this stupid UI.
You know what microsft used to do when they found a bug in some software, rather than fixing the problem they would write an exception and this would add to the code and then it became slow because of all the extra junk. I wonder if they still use this practice.


Mar 26, 2012
Win 95 sucked. Win 98 was good. ME was horrible. XP Good. Vista ewwww. Win7 great. Win8 has no start button and will suck.

Why do I have the feeling Win9 will bring back the start button and will be a great OS?


Jan 30, 2003
For Mac OS X, there is no need for the Start menu and button because, all applications go into the Applications folder. Users are accustomed to go there by browsing or shortcut for rarely used applications. Because of the OS and GUI design, application files are packaged and hidden properly by default. No hassle.

In Windows though, the Start menu shortcuts are the only way to meaningfully search what applications and their components are, installed or possible to run. So, without that, Metro is really the only way to go. "Traditional" applications will have issues on this new Windows. Together with the new API set, Microsoft is really pushing hard for the better application packaging and updating model. Though, leaving a lot of troubles for the vast majorities.

From this, Apple is reaffirmed their choice in OS and GUI design.


Jul 3, 2008
Tom's, you have to ban all those accounts who down voted comments for this one. They are obviously from microsoft. A whole page with exactly same number of down votes, all complaining about loss of start button. Obviously microsoft hired some people.


Feb 8, 2012
[citation][nom]captainspock[/nom]The only reason I use windows 7 they made it a bit easier to use. Windows 8 has serious flaws that can not be fixed not without them abandoning this stupid UI.[/citation]

Care to share?


Jul 3, 2009
I'm getting used to using the no start menu thing, still don't like. My biggest complaint is that there is no good way to exit apps. I don't want things running in the background if I'm not using them.


Mar 10, 2009
They have already been mentioned, BTW It is not the fear of the unknown, as we have seen what windows 8 does or not, so it is not unknown, it is, know, so therefore it what is known about windows 8, that people don't like. So don't say it is a fear of the unknown!
What are you the Borg from startrek, resisstance is futile.


I think the market for UI replacements is going to explode with Windows 8. It's funny because out of the box, Windows 8 is like a delicious apple pie covered in elephant poo. Under the hood Windows 8 is fantastic. The boot times are incredible, the whole OS is lighter and more streamlined, but then there's Metro.

It's like going to a restaurant and ordering an apple pie. You can see them making the apple pie and it looks delicious. The apples are fresh, the filling is sweet, the crust is flaky and delicious.. then right before they serve it to you, they have an elephant take a nice big dump on it.

Custom UIs like Litestep, and Talisman back in the XP days will be the only thing that can save Windows 8 for the computer savy. For the casual, there is no saving it. Microsoft is making a mistake of epic proportions, and it's astonishing that they don't realize it.


Feb 8, 2012
[citation][nom]GreaseMonkey_62[/nom]I'm getting used to using the no start menu thing, still don't like. My biggest complaint is that there is no good way to exit apps. I don't want things running in the background if I'm not using them.[/citation]

Supposedly, they aren't taking much resources, but it is an annoyance. Personally, I use the left upper corner to close them.
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