Hello, I'm experiencing critical issues with my Windows system after a sudden BSOD crash. My main issue is that I cannot connect to the internet, even though my LAN connection is detected. Additionally, Windows Defender Firewall and multiple services are not starting, preventing me from...
I'm at my the end of my rope with Ubuntu, I cannot get my ports to listen or open. I have tried every ufw command, I have tried turning ufw off, Ive tried disabling it. What I've discovered is that apparently ufw doesnt come pre-installed anymore because Linux/Ubuntu come by default with every...
Good afternoon, I was dumb and downloaded a file I shouldn't have on my Win 10 PC. They got into my Instagram, Riot Games, Epic Games and that was all. I changed every single password, added two-factor authentication with google authentication too to every email, account that is possible along...
This batch file method used to work for me, but as of recent months, when I try to run it, it says "You must run this file in Administrator mode"...
Hello, I am struggling with a few things in regard to my router and my pfSense. Below I am going to explain what I am trying to do and the reasoning behind it.
To start with, my goal is to divide my network into two parts using my firewall and its ports. Essentially I plan to make a DMZ in a...
Port forward works fine when firewall is disabled. I have attempted to add rules to inbound AND outbound for the ports I want to open in windows firewall. I'm unsure what I am doing wrong with windows firewall and friends.
If it is in question, I do have my own static public IP, router settings...
Sometimes when I play online games such as PUBG, League of Legends or Destiny I lose connection to the game until I quit and restart the game. While this is happening my internet works fine I don't lose connection to anything else but this specific game. Waiting does not reconnect to the...
I admit that networking is not my forte in the least. I can do the standard sharing folders, checking permissions, etc but it doesn't extend past that. So when I can usually communicate with my second laptop in my house from my Windows 11 to Windows 10 all of a sudden stops, I'm a bit lost. I...
Im trying to open ports on my router, TP-Link Archer VR400. The issue is that my public IP address indicating ALL ports closed, which is something I never experienced. Everything working fine, except Hamachi and stuff around hosting public Minecraft server.
I tried open several ports, I...
using Windows Defender Firewall, how do I block a program from accessing a specific domain?
Eg: Firefox from accessing bing.com
I can see how I could block from certain IP addresses, but not the domains
Hi everybody,
As a software developer and an electronic hobbyist, I am working on my own door access system.
This is going pretty well and I could already implement most of the required parts, but I am facing a last challenge: the network.
This is a critical part of the security of my system...
I have integrated wifi on my motherboard. One day my wifi went out, but in a strange way - the internet is "connected and secured" but there is no internet access, e.g. chrome can't load a page. Windows troubleshooter tells me that "Windows can't communicate with the device or resource (primary...
Dear all
What is best security wise, Port forward or port trigger?
What ports shall I put in "Port target" and "Port trigger"?
CSGO use for example 27000-27031 UDP, so it opens up for 31 ports?
Thank you for replying
Best regards
In Windows Defender firewall advanced settings
Is inbound and outbound rules the same as ports?
The programs with the green button / activated, are they blocked or allowed by the firewall?
Thanks in advance for replying
Best regards
Hello everyone
I have found out, that my Router firewall has never blocked ICMP traffic.
There is a lot of opinions online regarding ICMP, and whether it should be disabled or limited.
So far I have found out, that it can exploited to monitor network traffic / I/O traffic (man-in-the-middle)...
Dear everyone
I am not a high profile person or anything like that. I just dislike the idea, that someone with bad intentions could access my personal files, documents, photos etc. (personal diary, baby pictures of my children etc.)
I am not worried about anyone getting a look at my internet...
Dear community
My game League of Legends, it is not on the Microsoft Defender firewall list of allowed apps and functions, and yet I can play it. All my other games is on the list. This is the case on both my laptop and main PC.
I looked in Firewall Advanced settings of Windows, on both the...
i have had this issue for a while now but i did not really try to fix it since i rarely downloaded anything from the epic games launcher, however recently i started to use it more and its getting annoying. Whenever i start a download on epic games, the internet stops working on all other devices...
Hello, I don't typically make my own posts, generally gleaning what I need from other topics, etc. So if there's something I've improperly formatted or posted in the wrong place, please let me know & I'll try to fix it.
So, I've been trying to start up a Minecraft server for my friends & me...
Not sure if this is a hardware or software (OS) issue, but here goes...
I brought up a Pi Zero W last month running the then-current Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian Buster) 20-02-27 release. It has updated itself to linux kernel 5.4.51+. This headless system is running 5 servers (of note): an RDP...
How can I check that a device connected to my local area network (LAN and WAN) is not accessible from outside over internet?
I use a router and its firewall seems enabled but I want to be sure that it actually works.
Hey as the title says, this is my first IPSEC tunnel I've set up
it seems like almost everything is good and I have the tunnel active but I cant ping remote hosts I swear its like on config off from working
so very simple set up here at my house (GFIREWALL) I use and at the...
Setting up a Cisco ASA 5505 at home I can reach internet from ASA but not from computer inside LAN
could someone help me?
I have set the outside interface for DHCP and I can acquire my public IP address, I can ping outside, but inside devices can't ping anything or reach outside, also I'm a bit...
Hello, a long time ago, our family invested in a family laptop. That laptop was an ASUS G60VX with a completely legitimate version of Windows 7 Home Premium. About a month ago, I got my hands on a DELL Inspiron 570 Desktop computer with many missing parts. I replaced as many parts as I could...
Has anyone noticed various brands of routers blocking the "All Service Ports" scan function of Shield's up (grc.com)? Individual port scans (or common ports scan) on the same site pose no problem, nor do the individual or common port scans from any other site that allows you to test for open...
I have switched my modem to bridge mode.
The NAT and DHCP disabled of cos automatically, leaving that to my router.
The firewall + upnp stay enable.
The connection is fine.
I'm wondering, should I also disable the firewall of the modem, or that is not necessary/not affecting anything...
I turned off my Windows 10 Firewall because I never liked windows firewall ever but I keep getting notifications to turn it back on, I get like 5 per day I turned all of the notifications I can turn off but the f-ing notifications won't leave me alone
Can the firewalls on the modems provided to us by the various service providers perform deep packet inspection or can it only do stateful packet inspections? :unsure:
Hi Folks - I need a little help please.
I have a test system running Windows 10 and I need to block ALL outgoing communication except being able to use the Internet through FireFox. When I block all outbound connections in the "Public" tab of the firewall properties, I lose connectivity to the...
so recently i changed my wifi usb adapter to a PCI wifi adapter, i can browse the internet and download stuff on steam faster now but when i tried to play csgo and search matchmaking suddenly my internet crashed and my downloads also stopped on my pc, but when i'm back on the desktop again the...
I'm blocking ports in Windows Firewall, but when I run a loopback scan in Nmap, it says that the ports are open.
I go into windows firewall and create a new rule in the "inbound" section. I set it to "block the connection", then specify the port and protocol. I save it for public, private and...
recently steam has stopped working properly , 0kbs download , online matchmaking doesn't work etc..
i thought that my net is just being slow , but everything else was working fine(uplay,epic launcher...) until i checked the ports & i'v found all of my ports closed like all of them even the...
Hello people!
I have setup a new network using a BT Openreach Huawei HG612 modem and an ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC2900, which replaced the nasty lump of plastic that TalkTalk made me purchase with their fastest broadband package, which is laughably up to 70.2Mbps (I should've stayed with Virgin...
So I've been instructed to connect to a VPN server that a colleague has set up, he gave me an IP and Port and which Protocol to use (UDP) that i should open as outbound connection in the firewall. The idea is that a Linux controller and a PC is communicating with each other in a private...
As the title describes I am having an issue where I cannot connect to my router's IP nor my printer's IP with my windows 10 desktop however I can connect with my laptop. The desktop can connect to the internet, only the IPs are blocked from accessing the. I was using BitDefender and...
I’m working on building a new pfsense firewall for our business, probably in abit over my head here. Currently using and old PC with pfsense installed. We have it set up to allow “email only” but are looking to add filtered browsing on select devices on the network.
Should mention current setup...
I am doing some testing on a program connected to two DBs with same IP address and different port. I need one of the DB to be online and the other to be unreachable. I presume that the easiest way would be blocking communication with given IP and port (as I cannot change easily the configuration...
I find myself going into control panel to get to 'Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall' quite often, and I think it'd save me some time to just create a shortcut on my desktop that I can just double click to instantly get to that window. I've tried manually creating a...
As the title says I can browse internet but can't connect to online games like GameRanger, Age of empires (eso) and others. I need help with this its been more than a month I've not played my games due to this problem.
Tried searching more than hundreds of fix's but that didn't solve any of my...