
Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with network.
  1. T

    Question Flight sim downloads at extremely slow speeds compared to steam

    I am getting an average of 30mbps when downloading something on steam and when i try downloading flight sim i get 3mbits/s
  2. M

    Question Internet speed droppping randomly regardless of network or connection method

    As a prelude to this issue, I'm only having this issue on one PC. I have 2 other PCs and various other devices on the same network that have no issues. My current downstream speed is 1gb. This PC in question only recieves around 20Mb on both wireless and ethernet. Any time it's downloading...
  3. mmzf

    Question Can i make local device available to internet?

    This is my router wan: the ip is nat, is there any way i can make my local machine available to internet? my dynamic changing ip is also not accessible even if enabled via router port forwarding, is there any way other then using cloudflare and another server to make my device visible to...
  4. jsh0

    [SOLVED] WiFi card not working (but still detected) after updating BIOS

    WiFi Card: Gigabyte GC-WBAX210 Motherboard: Gigabyte B450 Aorus Pro WiFi I updated my Ryzen 2600 to a 5600X, but after updating my BIOS and installing the CPU, my external WiFi card does not work. Not working on Windows or Linux... but the card is still detected on both OS. Note: I have the...
  5. modus7230

    Question Lag with low ping League of Legends

    I'm experiencing lag in league of legends which is making the game unplayable, hopefully someone knows why! I play with my FPS capped at 144 for those who might think it is because I could have uncapped fps. I usually have a constant 20 ping however recently its been spiking up to 30-40 which...
  6. derekullo

    Question 1 Gigabit to 10 Gigabit to 4 Gigabit Bridge NinitePro

    At work we use a virtual machine through vmware to update applications on other computers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge and others) with Ninite Pro. I typically push out updates to 120 or so computers at a time and so the 1 gigabit connection is completely saturated for about 30 minutes. The server...
  7. ditrate

    Question FIlezilla speed bug?

    When I uploading a file over 100 Mbit lan, my upload speed showing 1000-500 Mbit for first minutes, and after become average. What is that?
  8. RTX30XX2021

    Question VirtualBox WiFi Kali Linux

    Hello everyone, So I have a ALFA AWUS 1900 usb wireless adapter. I have installed a Kali Linux virtual machine in virtual box and when I run it, it has no internet connection. I believe there is no internet because I need to install necessary drivers for the adapter to work, however I can not...
  9. ditrate

    Question Is there harm from phone or watch vibration?

    I was holding my switched off external drive, while notifications on my watch bring vibration. My question is, is there gonna be physical damage from such a vibration?
  10. ditrate

    Question Concerning values?

    Unsafe shutdown count and Power-off retract count. Are those are concerning values? I usually using this drive attached to a router, so maybe because of that?
  11. ditrate

    Question Is it safe cancelling bad blocks HDD scan.

    Is it safe to cancel a surface scan of a HDD, at the middle (after couple of hours). It's is basically just self reading, or not?
  12. ditrate

    Question Windows Defender full scan got stuck, but it said it had completed ?

    I recently did a full scan with Windows Defender, but it stuck at the end. (after, clear all exceptions). But, in notifications I received message that a "full scan is complete". And after reboot, I looked in a Defender's logs and the log is saying that a full scan is completed even though the...
  13. ditrate

    Question "550: Failed to change directory" (FTP)?

    I was uploading a directory (with files) to a server. Upload was successful but I saw this in the log afterwards: Maybe, set simultaneously upload to a one would solve this? Log: 10864 2 Response: 230 Login successful. 10864 2 Command: OPTS UTF8 ON 10864 2 Response: 200 Always in UTF8 mode...
  14. A

    Question TP Link Gigabit Powerline transfer rate is high, but actual internet speed test is slow

    Hi there, As stated above, I have a TPlink powerline adapter connecting a PC about 15ft away from a router in another room. The transfer rate on the TPlink app reports as anything between 500mbit and 750mbit, but a speed test on the PC reports between 100mbit and 130mbit down. My connection...
  15. C

    Question Turn a laptop with VPN on it into a proxy ?

    Machine A: is a laptop running Windows 10 Enterprise and a locked down version of Pulse Secure VPN client - all it can do is connect/disconnect. Machine B: is a desktop running Ubuntu 22.04 They are both connected to the same local broadband router. I do have admin access for both machines and...
  16. ditrate

    [SOLVED] Could the source file be deleted during it's upload?

    Is it possible do delete source file during FTP upload (via Windows explorer or FIlezilla), or windows will forbidden deletion ? Or windows will allow this action, and the server will stop the upload due to a file deletion?
  17. O

    [SOLVED] Asus PCE-AC68 can't connect to 5ghz channel 149 ?

    Hi! I use my Oneplus 9 as a mobile hotspot for wifi on my PC however I have a problem. My PC has an Asus PCE-AC68 network adapter installed but can't connect to the mobile hotspot if I choose the 5Ghz band, it only works with 2,4Ghz. I have managed to figure out that my phone uses channel 149...
  18. ditrate

    Question Should I defrag a hdd attached to a router?

    Is it necessary to defrag NTFS drive, that working as SMB and FTP share? I have a 100 megabit lan, so logically I don't see any need to defrag. Because transfer average speed is 5 megabytes. I'm on a right side?
  19. PauloATB

    Question Wifi repeater isn't working

    Good evening! Please, can someone help me with what should I do on my repeater? I acquired it on 08/09, and since then it had been working. However, since Wednesday afternoon it has simply stopped having connectivity (connected but no network). It cannot repeat the modem/router signal, even...
  20. Sinawxii

    Question Windows 11 can't connect to internet after updates with Driver Booster

    Hi there, last night I've updated my drivers with Driver Booster, everything was fine, but this morning my PC can't connect to internet. (I use my phone for internet via a USB, Android) I'm using Windows 11 with a MSI B450M PRO-VDH Max motherboard, that driver I've updated was something like...
  21. Y

    Question Upload/Download speeds drop to basically zero on PC startup ?

    I've read o couple of other threads that seem similar to my issue but none seem to have this exact issue. It's a bit of a strange one, I'm hoping some absolute legend can help me fix this. When I power on my PC the Internet connection will be at a stable 15up/2down (my normal speed, no ftth...
  22. J

    Question PC internet is much slower than other devices.

    Hello all. I recently moved into an apartment on my college campus, and I am experiencing some issues with my internet. I am on wifi. Unfortunately, ethernet is NOT an option. In comparison to my other devices, as well as my roommates devices, the internet on my PC is much, much slower...
  23. P

    Question WiFi connection dropping out for short periods ?

    Hello, I'm at my wits end with an issue I've been having for a few months now. Basically my wifi will drop out for a few seconds at a time and this has become a huge issue when trying to game with friends. I don't think this is something that other devices are experiencing, mainly just on my...
  24. DRIXER

    Question Internet Connection has slowed down ?

    Hi, I've back to my place after couple months of unpresence, for that time everything in my home including pc and router was disabled just in case, when I came back and turned everything on I noticed that Internet is not good as it was. On pc (connected by Ethernet Cable) is relatively good...
  25. Gaaaaary108

    [SOLVED] Site falling to load in an inconsistent manner.

    I am trying help a friend with a weird issue and am out of ideas. They messed with their internet settings trying to set up a server for gaming, and after doing so, web browsers seem to not have a consistent internet connection. Applications like steam and discord function perfectly, chrome wont...
  26. 5

    [SOLVED] How to keep my system safe from possible malware & virus infected devices on my network

    Hi! Quick introduction related to my question: My household has zero clue about internet security and IT in general, and their systems (notebook, phones) constantly get malicious softwares/codes due to their unresponsible internet activity. How could I prevent my devices getting infected by...
  27. S

    [SOLVED] VPN - Can it slow down the Wi-fi speed of others connected to the same network with it on/is it possible to not get any slowed network speed?

    Does using VPN use up more Wi-fi/data than normal if you didn't have it on, and if it does would that mean having VPN on can also slow down the Wi-fi speed for others who are connected to the same network? How? Is it also possible to have a VPN that does not slow down your internet speed at...
  28. I

    Question How do i get network to connect straight to game server ?

    As a South African, my options in online gaming are limited thus causing me to play with an average 160+ ping on EUR servers and 130+ ping on Middle East (Bahrain). One of the games i play is Valorant and FOR NO REASON! >:-(( this happens, View: My network...
  29. O

    Question Several problems in home wired & wireless network

    Hello guys. I have searched almost every corner of the internet and talked to anyone I knew in order to find a solution to my problem and came up with nothing so far. A little background to the story I live in a private home with 3 floors- main floor, second floor and basement. About two weeks...
  30. Nevis

    Question After Windows did a system update, I constantly have to use winsock reset at every boot of my PC ?

    After I updated my windows the wifi would just cut out every few mins like when I play a game and it shows the ping every few mins the game stops because the ping is in the rotating loading symbol and I lose wifi for a few seconds. My first fix was doing a system restore which fixed this but...
  31. T

    Question Making wired IP Phone wireless with router extender mode receive voice worse than wifi phone

    I have wired IP Phone Yealink SIP T-20 and want to connect it to a VOIP server via Wifi. So I connected the wired ip phone to wireless router (tp link wr840n) and enabled range extender mode on the router and selected the desired SSID. It works and I can make calls but it doesn't sound as good...
  32. SickTengu

    Question WiFi card randomly stops working ?

    I recently bought an EDUP EP-9655GS PCi WiFi card, and it seems to randomly stop receiving the internet while still being connected. A quick disconnect and reconnect is all it needs to work again but i find it tedious while simultaneously flying a mini in Rust. I've come to see if anyone could...
  33. P

    Question During afternoon and later, my network is slower.

    During morning hours till 5pm. my ethernet speed is normal at 50 mbps download and 5 mbps upload(also the speed of my plan). During afternoon thought, the speed can get considerably lower and playing games is impossible. I checked my router, the configuration is as should be. I assume because...
  34. P

    Question Gmail, YouTube, and possible Windows 10 issues ?

    So I am having issues where 95% of my webpages are functioning with no issue (twitch, reddit, forums, shopping, issues). However, Gmail, YouTube, Netflix/Hulu, and other random websites either won't load, play their content, or function properly. Cannot attach documents to emails...
  35. Oblivion77

    Question Router trigger ports ?

    Dear all If I only want to open ports for a game that, for example, requires: TCP: 1000, 1100 UDP: 1000, 1100 And I want to do it in the trigger port function. 1. What info shall I then insert? Trigger port 0 ~ 0 Target port 0 ~ 0 For TCP, UDP or BOTH? 2. I have tried to experiment a bit...
  36. Hinatachan

    Question Speedtest is 1 gigabit but I get 20 MB max

    I recently got an internet that is 1 gigabit upload and down. I always get minimum 900 mbit speed test from Speedtest/ookla. But for some reason, it is unstable. I tried downloading from private trackers on qbittorent. I got max 20MByte speed. I am living in Turkey and my friend tried to...
  37. S

    Question Does turning on hotspot for your laptop use up more data than if just your phone was using mobile data?

    If you loaded up a website on either the phone or the laptop using data/hotspot, would they take the same amount of data to do so? Is hotspot slower than using the mobile data on the phone itself, or should it be the same? In general are laptops faster in loading sites compared to phones if...
  38. K

    Question Recommend Switch for 20 connection intranet

    Hello - We have 18 cashiers and a server that are currently connected on a unmanned 1 GB switch. (This system is not on the internet....but just a local intranet in same room). We are having some data drops and were told to look at a 2GB switch and upgrading our cables as a solution. I would...
  39. S

    Question Download problems over ethernet ?

    Hi y'all, I haven't posted with a problem in a while but this one is really bugging me. My roomates and I have had problems with our ethernet recently that have been beyond frustrating. Both of my roomates have switched to WIFI over ethernet because of slow download speeds, but I don't have the...
  40. N

    Question Network Device cant be controlled on same Wi-Fi

    Hi Everyone. Hopefully this is the correct place for this. Any help is appreciated because I posted this on another forum and didn't get any good help. I purchased a new smart home device that is basically an RF blaster. I have some storm shutters that are remote controlled with a 433hz RF...