
Forum discussion tagged with Suggestion.
  1. 5

    Question Seeking RAM Upgrade Advice for My System 3600 MHZ 32GB

    Title: Seeking RAM Upgrade Advice for My Ryzen 5 3600X System Hello, I’m looking to upgrade my system with a 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 RAM kit. My preference is for a 3600MHz kit. I’m currently considering the following options: Kingston Fury Beast 32GB (2x16) 3600MHz CL18 G.Skill Ripjaws V 32GB...
  2. Ahannaan99

    Build Complete GPU for a Ryzen 5 4500 ?

    I have a Amd Ryzen 5 4500 got it for cheap price oem stock and i wanted to pair a good gpu for better performance in gaming highend gaming. I watched some youtube channels and got to know from gtx 1650 to rtx 3060ti will be best for performance ingaming. And will the rtx 4060 will be a good...
  3. stickas

    Question Need a keyboard suggestion

    Hello folks. My old cm storm trigger lasted a long time but it seems like it's dying day by day. I am looking for something to replace it that has to be as silent as possible (thinking silent black/red or if there is something similar to these) and be a 100% (need the numpad). I was looking at...
  4. K

    Question modem router suggestion

    Can you suggest me a modem router with a 2.5 gigabit ethernet and low latency and good specs in general to use it for wired gaming. I am not interested much on wireless because i have access points with wifi 6. If the modem router has fast wifi anyway i won't mind but i dont need much I care...
  5. bit_user

    Discussion Suggestion: Forum for showcasing member builds

    I'm a little surprised there's not a forum on here for members to post threads detailing their builds. It's common to see people link the PCPartPicker pages of their builds, in their sig. Why doesn't Toms have a dedicated forum for it? One benefit is that you could search for a specific...
  6. S

    Question What motherboard/cpu/ram should I get?

    Hi there! I have a decent gaming pc that I've had for about 9 years now. I run most games fine (medium to ultra) at 1440p 144hz but I'm struggling with PUBG, which is a problem as I've gotten into playing it competitively lately. I suffer from extreme freeze spikes, which I'm fairly sure is due...
  7. Ako McChicken

    Question Suggestion for MB + CPU upgrade

    Hello everybody, I want to ask you a suggestion. I have to upgrade my MB and, of course, my CPU. Right now I have: ROG Strix X99 Intel i7-5820K 3.30GHz 3070 Ti Now, I would like to know if you guys have any suggestion about CPU and MB (I need it with Wi-Fi) in a middle budget (300-400$) in...
  8. testeras

    Question Overclock settings

    I wanna overclock afox rx 550 4gb in Amd Software Until i buy rx 580 Stock : Core: 1183 Memory: 1500 Are these settings ok Fan tuning is default
  9. G

    Question Suggestion for MOBO replacement

    Hi guys, My mother boad is corrupt, I'm looking to get a replacement, just wondering if there are any alternatives to my current one that are cheaper, My case is cooler master, I believe the legacy model is: Cooler Master HAF 912 Mid Tower Desktop Case My current MOBO: Gigabyte AM3+ AMD 970...
  10. A

    Question Laptop Suggestions - Work

    I currently run a HP Envy x360 15 Ryzen 7 as my laptop. It's fine as a laptop really, works as I'd need it. But it's heavy, big, runs hot and ultimately it's way too much laptop, bought at a different time in my life when I potentially needed the portable power. Travelling with it not fun, my...
  11. Geef

    Discussion Suggestion: For Meet The Team, don't stare at the camera. It's creepy.

    I stop by the site from time to time and read it but I noticed on the front page the Meet The Team section. It shows each of the pictures for the website creators. My suggestion is when you get pictures done don't look at the camera, look off to the side like Matt and Paul are doing. The...
  12. Garen D

    [SOLVED] A good PSU line/model? (Seasonic Focus GX - 2017(?)) & PSU Recommendations

    I'm looking to upgrade to a better PSU from a SeaSonic M12II 520 Bronze EVO Edition 520W. Currently I'm looking at this PSU that is also from Seasonic: Seasonic FOCUS GX-750, 750W Full-Modular Power Supply for Gaming - It looks good so far but when I was looking at the PSUCultists...
  13. E

    Question best APU for 200$ or less?

    hi, im planning on buying a pc with an APU then later adding a GPU. the budget for said APU is maximum 200$, but im clueless as to which APU to buy. i already have a couple of candidates which i’ll include in the poll keep in mind that i am using the pc for coding and games like apex...
  14. MaxThePizza

    [SOLVED] My very first PC build - Need Suggestions

    Hello! I need suggestion on building a very first new system. In particular I need to satisfy 3 aspects: The most important of course, I want to build an outstanding gaming PC. I need enough power for structural engineering work (Sap2000, Risa 3D, simulation software, etc). I want to build a...
  15. P

    [SOLVED] Help deciding on a CPU

    I'm looking to upgrade my CPU from my current Intel Core i7-4790K that I've had for roughly 6 years. It's starting to feel slightly outdated with what I'm currently doing (pushing graphics in games and streaming)...
  16. Iver Hicarte

    [SOLVED] Looking For a Motherboard with a Type-C Header

    Good day, I am currently looking for a motherboard with a type c header. My case is the O11 Dynamic from Lian Li, and it has a type c port on the front panel. I wanna be able to utilize that feature so I'm looking for a motherboard with a type c header. The motherboard should be black, or it...
  17. chelevi

    Question Suggest me a GPU

    Hello, These are my brother's specs: View: Power supply: 500W Please, suggest me a GPU. Thanks!
  18. M

    [SOLVED] Which prebuilt system is better? or With gpu prices so ridiculous rn, I rather not build a pc. Which of these is better or is there anything definitively better for my budget?
  19. A

    [SOLVED] Gaming rig question

    Im building a gaming rig and was wondering if anyone could look at my build and suggest any changes/addtions and also if this is a good build in general.
  20. theanimenightcore

    Question Budget Gaming Laptop recommendations ?

    1. What is your budget? Around 3.5k AED ~ after converting that to USD, it's around 950$. But I'd like to spend less if possible. 2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering? The smaller the better, but if it would compromise performance due to the size I'd prefer 15" at the...
  21. Mali_Mrav

    [SOLVED] HDD 1tb suggestion

    Any suggestion what HDD to buy ? Gona be use for all, OS, storage... Some normal use,nothig "heavy" and special. Is there any big differences about failures, vibration ect ? Thank you for answers :giggle:
  22. S

    [SOLVED] i5 6600k. time for an upgrade?

    So i have a i5 6600k with z170 viii ranger and 16gb 2400 cl14 ram alongside a 980 ti sc+ acx 2.0 and a 1080p 144hz monitor. I think this system it's struggling with new games as it stresses the cpu and is mostly on 70-100 % usage on games (warzone 100%) and my question is : should i upgrade...
  23. J

    Question Best laptop choice for motorcycle mechanic? (2021)

    Hello, I want to know what kind of laptop and what price range should have to cover the needs of a motorcycle mechanic and keep it for some years? He needs it to process programs like Dynojet power commander, Motec, and Haltech software so he can remap or (create new maps) programming Electronic...
  24. hannankhan

    [SOLVED] Advice Needed!

    Hello, I hope you are doing good. I want one advice about upgrading my System for Gaming. I have Intel Xeon E5-2660 2.2Ghz (8c 16t) with 16GB 1600Mhz Ram on Dell T3610. Should I just go with it and buy an AMD Sapphire Nitro+ Rx 570 GB Graphics card or the other option is to sell this PC and buy...
  25. 4

    [SOLVED] Looking for Graphics Card Suggestion

    Hey Buddy, I'm new in this group and wanted to build my first gaming PC for gaming and video editing works (I'm thinking to start my own youtube channel). As I'm a student, I'm not able to spend much on PC Parts so I'm confused about which graphics card should I choose in my build? Here is my...
  26. 29dragon

    i need help with buying a laptop, looking for suggestions

    hi im looking to buy my brother a laptop will mainly will be used to run minecraft and studying my budget is £500 - £700 requirements -can run minecraft -studying
  27. mirkomirkica

    [SOLVED] Suggestions for psu (my build)

    Hello guys, I was wondering if you can help me with my PSU choice. my budget is around 60$... I just recently bought new parts for my pc I just need a PSU and a case to go, currently I am using older PSU and case for a case I will probably be going for classic NZXT one but I need help with...
  28. P

    [SOLVED] M.2 or SSD Upgrade for Gaming

    So im planning to buy a new 1TB M.2 or SSD for my pc which i only use for gaming and streaming because my current M.2 is to small. I only have one M.2 spot so if i buy another M.2 i my current one will be either sold or put away incase i get another mobo in the future with multiple slots. So my...
  29. Rocky6

    [SOLVED] is MSI BAZOOKA PLUS better than b450 ds3h?

    Is MSI BAZOOKA PLUS good better than b450 ds3h ? , here the MSI BAZOOKA PLUS is 20$ more than ds3h , but idk does it have good vrm? . and is it a "very old " motherboard. I intend to get Ryzen 5 3600 with it.
  30. Rocky6

    [SOLVED] will zen 3 bottleneck with 1050ti

    i know its still not out but any gueses
  31. M

    Question planning to upgrade my gpu

    i have a PC with an old components CPU: Intel Core i5-8400 Motherboard: MSI Z370-A PRO GPU: MSI GTX 1070 TI GAMING 8G Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory and i want to upgrade my GPU to 3070, what changes do i need to apply on my old PC NOTE: i have Samsung...
  32. C

    [SOLVED] looking to make a new build need help with these parts (if theres no incompability issues) motherboard cpu ram...
  33. tenhundred

    Question Router Recommendation

    Hi Guys, First time posting here. :) I'm planning to upgrade my current router (Linksys E1200) with a new one. However, I'm having a hard time deciding which model should I pick. Here are my top 3 (in-order): ASUS RT-AC59U (around $76) Pros: Cheapest of the 3 ; Recently released (Oct 2019)...
  34. B

    [SOLVED] ~$1000 Computer Build/Headphone Advice

    Approximate Purchase Date: ASAP Budget Range: ~1000, might be willing to go slightly higher. After Rebates; After Shipping System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, Game Development Are you buying a monitor: Yes, but maybe not right away? I currently own these two monitors...
  35. D

    Question Best CPU choice

    I am looking for a CPU to upgrade my Proliant Gen8 Microserver from HP Enterprise. It has to be a server CPU (will always be on, no desktop CPUs then) and must handle a couple of Plex transcoding at the same time while running IIS for ownCloud. Server will be running Windows Server 2016...
  36. BlankWF

    [SOLVED] In need of help building a gaming computer.

    Hello! I was planning on upgrading my rig for better gaming performance and fps. But I am wondering about either or not the Ryzen 5 3600X and GTX 2070 Super is gonna be compatible with my current specs. If not, can you guys help me suggest some better options? I am sort of in a budget. I am...
  37. S

    [SOLVED] Need help deciding which motherboard is compatible with my parts.

    I recently got given a pc by a friend, the motherboard was fried but i managed to salvage some parts and now all i need to do is buy a new motherboard. I'm not the best with parts so i'm asking if anyone knows any good compatible motherboards? don't need anything too expensive. The parts i...
  38. wandering.apparition

    [SOLVED] Help with with a budget gaming PC

    Hello, I'm quite new when it comes to computer hardware so I am hoping someone could help me get started. I've been searching for components online and here's what I came up with so far: Chassis: Fractal Define Mini C Motherboard: MSI b450m pro-vdh max CPU: Ryzen 5 2600x GPU: RX 5500 XT 8GB...
  39. ExtreamChaozZ

    [SOLVED] New Build, Any Suggestions?

    Hello all, Im currently putting a part list together for a friend of mine so he can finally experience the joy of pc gaming. His budget is £1500 for everything including monitor and peripherals. I believe its a good system for his budget and gets the best bang for his buck but i wanted to here...
  40. manasan3010

    Paid Tech Forums Suggestion

    What are some online tech forums, that I can use to earn money by providing tech solutions to the tech problems.