Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with WEP.
  1. Y

    what are the requirements for vista

    I have a athlon 64 can I run it?
  2. S

    667mz vs 533mhz ram

    Can you really notice the performance difference between 533mhz(pc2-4200) and 667mhz(pc2-5300) ddr2 on a HTPC. I already have 2 gigs of pc2-5300 installed in my HTPC and just aquired 2 gigs of pc2-4200 free.
  3. D

    Format from XP CD

    8O Before installing XP to a new hard drive, can you format the HD by using the XP OS CD from the CDR Drive instead of using a fdisk floppy. Is there a option to format at the opening XP screen? Thanks, :)
  4. S

    MSN Messenger 7.5 and Watchport webcam problem

    Hi, I'm running MSN Messenger 7.5 on Win XP SP2, and I have a Watchport USB camera. I installed the iucam220 file. After rebooting the computer, when I go to MSN's webcam configuration I see that the webcam is working. Yet when I try to open a video conversation, it fails. When I then go...
  5. JeanLuc

    Need help with uploading to an FTP

    I was at work the other day when something happened and the it dawned on me how useful it is to have an FTP. The trouble is I know nothing about ftp’s or how to set one up. All I want to do is take advantage of the 50MB free web space I get my with ISP (waitrose.com). I thought I could manage...
  6. A

    .mov troubles

    I have a .mov on my system that will play on a Mac, but not on a PC. I've tried it on various Windows machines, various Quicktime versions, and I have tons of codecs. The error I get when trying to open it in quicktime is "Error - 2048: the file is not a movie file" Trying to open it in Media...
  7. S

    THE BEST FREE antivirus???

    Hello. I dun wanna get Norton since it takes too much memory ..are there any good FREE antivirus?? Thanks for suggestions.
  8. fedude

    Remote Desktop Connection Quandry

    I hate to start yet another thread over this networking nightmare, but I have reached the end of my rope. I've read all the threads on this in TH and the dozens of other places that try to help with this abomination. My 2 PC's (PC-A and PC-B) are on a LAN connected via RJ45 a LinkSYS router...
  9. M

    I am getting 0xc0000005 error in my laptop what does it mean ?

  10. M

    Can’t see secondary SATA drive in “My Computer”

    I recently needed to increase the size of boot (C:) drive (from 80Gb to 300Gb). I originally had two SATA drives in my PC, an 80 GB (C:) drive that contained WinXP and a secondary 160 GB (G:) drive that I was using for data storage. So what I did was to remove the 160 GB drive and install the...
  11. C

    Desktop XP Problem

    Hello My desktop has decieded to add the 'menu' bar down trhe left had side of the screen. It is the same as the type which appears on the left hand side of open folders in XP. I created a new user account and it was OK until the screen went into screen saver and I needed to log back in and...
  12. L

    Change boot.ini for duel OS?

    Hi Everybody, In the next couple months I will be adding a second SATA HD for a duel boot system (XP pro). One will be for gaming, the other for general computer use. When I boot up, I want the system to stop and ask me which OS to load. So I assume I will need to change the boot.ini file in...
  13. R

    IE uninstall

    I fucked up and installed M$ ie 7 beta 2. It of course doesn't work right and now I need to uninstall it. The instructions to do that are to go to add/remove programs and uninstall it and then the original will be back. The problem is there is no listing for ie in add/remove programs. All I can...
  14. T

    Urgent: Disk read error has occurred, press ctrl alt delete to restart

    i start my pc rgent: Disk read error has occurred, press ctrl alt delete to restart
  15. P

    Internet Explorer quirk

    What would cause IE to NOT retain the web site addresses in the drop down section? While active, all the sites visited show up in there. But, after shut down and a reboot whenever, it's all cleaned out - nada. I checked in options, but don't see anything marked on that would result in this...
  16. D

    Problems with BitTorrent apps locking up port 80, VNC, email

    Hello Everyone, I've been having problem with multiple BitTorrent programs locking up port 80, as well as VNC ports (I'm using 5901) and the POP3 port. I've tried Azureus and uTorrent up to this point. Whenever I run either BitTorrent app (I've tried multiple ports inside and outside of their...
  17. B

    Screwed up registry

    I can't use mouse or keyboard (KB) in safe mode.Cant shut computer down,except with on-off switch.XP Pro loads and I get screen with icons,ZA,NAV loads but no KB or mouse.Can I get back in to restore through CMD or dos.I tried to enable usb mouse in setup but that won't work either.KB will work...
  18. D

    Migrating XP installation to new hardware - Help!

    Hey guys, I just built a new system and wanted to move my C:\ to it. I followed instructions here: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;nl;314070 Basically used the backup tool to backup my old comp's C:\ and all installed stuff, then installed winXP fresh on the new comp and then...
  19. G

    Adding or removing programs to start button

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?) I have a lot of items on my start menu, in fact too many I have things like quicktime, that I don't need running. I have to turn it off every time. How do I turn things off that I only want to use periodically. Also...
  20. G

    Driver for Frontech JIL 0313 internal modem required

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) I can't seem to find it anywhere. I hope this is the right group to put this post up in. TIA, Neil
  21. G

    Remote connection

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?) I wanted to know what I needed to do to remote connect to a computer that is not on my network. Can I use remote desktop or do I need other software?
  22. G

    Copying files to CDRW

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) I have formatted a CD using InCd (Nero) and there were no errors. Every file/folder I try to copy directly (using Windows Explorer) I get the following error: Windows encountered a problem when trying to copy this folder...
  23. U

    MS takes control of the internet

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers,microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics,microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support (More info?) Anyone who reply's to my posts in any MS newsgroup your posts will be deleted by John Eddy. The new Big man on...
  24. G

    User Group with permission to install local printer

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?) Hi, I have a third party program that needs to have a local printer installed. I've installed a TCP/IP printer and shared it on the machine, then I installed the same printer with the LPT1 port. Finally I've made de net...
  25. U

    how to remove "windows onecare"?

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?) how to remove "windows onecare"? the uninstall program is not work!
  26. G


    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) A friend downloaded and installed 'Opera' on my Laptop. Each time I start windows the 'opera' programme starts .. how do I turn it off? Also it won't let me uninstall it!! Thanks Steve
  27. G

    How much security.....

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?) is enough for a personal net. Id like to be able run my three comps in a network as secure as possible. What security should I employ. Is a dedicated firewall to much.
  28. A

    No Audio

    I have an IBM thinkpad t22 and i dont hear anything when i play dvds i can see the video and the volume is at full but no sound and my sound card has all the drivers and is suppoted for dvd usage. help...
  29. ashlux

    <$2000 gaming and programming PC

    APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: Very soon BUDGET RANGE: 2000-2300 SYSTEM USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Programming/compiling, gaming, virtualization PARTS NOT REQUIRED: Need everything PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: newegg, amazon (I have free 2 day shipping) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: USA PARTS...
  30. S

    New hardware changes, no luck getting computer to run.

    I recently bough a new CPU motherboard and case. When I power the computer on, the fans and LED work, and I can even heard a little loading noise for a brief second, but I get no video input from my monitor (black screen). The motherboard doesn't have integrated graphics, so I use the graphics...
  31. B

    Annoying popup

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) Hi All Windows XP pro in a small ICS environment Outlook 2003 I am receiving, sometimes every few seconds sometimes every few hours, a Windows popup "Enter Network Password" which says: "Please type your user name and...
  32. I

    auto mapping of network printers

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) Hi all. I setup a few printers in my network and i realise most pc in my network would auto map the available network printers. Is this a feature of windows xp?
  33. G

    _Some_ exe files - Windows cannot find the file

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) When double clicking the actual file, Windows reports "windows cannot find file ... <file name.exe>" This is only SOME exe's. Particularly, older programs. Word, excel, WordPerfect all work. Older apps don't. I've tried...
  34. G

    aquarium screensaver

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.customize (More info?) Wasn't there an aquarium screensaver included with XP home? Can't remember how to install it.
  35. G

    Smart Card Certificate based logon with Windows XP SP2

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?) I am having problems trying to use a smart card based certificate to log onto Windows XP SP2. The system shows the following error in the event log: Category: none Type: Error Event ID: 5 Description: An error...
  36. G

    USB Ethernet adapter

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?) Hello, I've got an USB Adapter on my XP machine. I do need to keep alive my USB adapter, even if the network is NOT available. (the adapter seems to be in sleeping mode, if no network is connected...) - Is there anybody...
  37. B

    Windows XP New Hardware Notification

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) Whenever I "add" new hardware (like plugging in a jump drive, or an external drive), a box comes up once, or even multiple times, as follows: "Windows media can perform the same action each time you insert a disk or connect...
  38. G

    Task bar problem...

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) I'm using Windows XP Professional SP2. I like to increase the size of my taskbar or should I say (double) its size to two lines at the bottom of the screen in order to allow me to have more quick launch icons readily...
  39. G

    About installing windows xp professional over a network

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) How to install wndowsxp professional over a network? How to set the distribution server and the client computer? Are there any articles about this subject? Thanks.
  40. G

    Printer Permissons

    Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax (More info?) IN many of the help documents in windows XP, it mentions printer permissons. How can I assign these to USERS in XP Home and XP pro. (Obviously an administrator has "manage printers" priveldge, and users have "manage own...