
Sep 7, 2013

i am building my first PC and i am not sure wether i should purchase the AMD Ryzen 5 2600 or the 2600X version.

i heard that the 2600X is the better option if you aren't overclocking, but i definitely want to do so since it is free performance and seems easy eanough to do.

in this case i've read, that the 2600 has better performance if you overclock it than the 2600X, but the 2600 stock cooler isn't good enough for OCing.
After doing some research and reading some reviews i found some cooler options, but I am not sure which one would be the best value for money.

so my question is, do i really need an extra cooler and if so, which one should i purchase?

here are the links to the coolers i have found.
If the price difference between the 2600 & 2600X is like $10 then just grab the X version.

As for the aftermarket cooler it's really not needed especially if you can put that money into a better GPU or something. Even with some overclocking it will stay within safe temps but the only downside is it can get a bit audible.

what about this PSU : https://geizhals.at/be-quiet-system-power-8-600w-atx-2-4-bn242-a1361851.html?hloc=at
is this better?

and also whats the difference between and SSD like the crucial mx 500 and the Crucial P1? they look different, but if the P1 is better, how can it be the same price as the crucial mx500?
the advantage it has a x over a non x version is that it usually comes out of the box running at higher speeds, and it will turboboost or overclock itself higher, is like 200 or 300 mhz more

it has its advantages if you don't plan to overclock

once you overclock both should be the same

if you find that evo 212 cheap, is a good option, but there are better, in terms of price and performance, also noise under load, but if is cheap, is good enough

what you need to do is use the stock one, if you don't overclock, let it be, don't hange, if you overclkco to 4.1 or something like that, perhaps it becomes noisy and let the cpu run hot, you can consider the evo 212, but later, when you decide it is not enough but leaving the 2600x alone, the stock cooler should be enough and you might see the cpu by itself running at 3.7 more or less without your intervention
You might have a little fun getting the 3600 mhz ram to run.

I bought some G.skill Trident Z Royal Gold 3600 Cl16 samsung B-Dies 16 16 16 36
for the 3600x I plan on putting on soon.
Out of curiousity I finally got it to run on my asus Rog Strix X470 F Gaming with my 2600x without Errors
by Ryzen Dram Calculator 3600 fast 1.45v 14 14 15 28 42
Proc 60
Rtt_nom disabled
Rtt_Wr dynamic Off
Rtt_park st to Auto
On down below is the 4 Cad bus's all those set to Auto.
Without doing that yes the 3600mhz would run But would Throw Errors
After making those changes it now without Errors.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!