AMD vs. Intel: Battery Life Investigated

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I was a fan of the original Star Trek series back in the 1960's.There was another sci fi show that I used to watch for a while back in the 60's (Just the first season).It was called Lost in Space (1965-1968).It became corny with too much fantasy in it though.One thing about Lost in Space was that it was about the future starting in 1997.There were funny parts in it about how the crew would use reel to reel tape recorders in the the late 1990's oh yeah and discrete transistors..Anyway I recently viewed all the episodes at Hulu.One episode had the boy Will Robinson travelling back to Earth in 1998 and the eastern U.S. town in Vermont looked like something out of the late 1940's or 50's rather than 1998.It looked kinda like Mayberry R.F.D.
Note you can only view this in the U.S.,vepisode,1
Looking back at this show from 44 years later is kind of funny.

It is obviously clear to you these kids up here are not knowledgeable of computer hardware nor can they exercise common sense.

One of the reasons why I hardly ever bother reading replies to what I initially post.

I understand what your saying, it's as plain as day.

Do we need to remind her that AMD still only makes 65nm mobile CPUs and that it'd take a very, very crappy AMD GPU to compare to an Intel one?

LOL - ST TOS is pretty dated - gotta love that "ships computer" intercom box hanging on the wall, plus Kirk always grabbing the big-haired women by the shoulders right before kissing them - I guess he didn't want them to wriggle free or something :). The special effects were OK for a 60's TV serial.

However my fave series was ST-TNG, with DS9 a close second. Least favorite is Voyager, mainly because of some really bad episodes in the first couple of seasons. Things picked up considerably after Seven of Nine joined the cast 😀. Enterprise, I have to admit I only watched the first season, but I have the rest on DVD.

Bill Mumy, who played Will Robinson, also was a regular on Babylon 5, another fave series of mine.

BTW, Bob May who played the "Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!!" arm-waving but otherwise fairly useless Robot, died back in January.

I've been a loyal Netflix fan for about 6 years now, and given that I have Comcrash as my ISP, I'm not too fond of streaming video 😀.

Well now that we have hijacked this thread...
Ah who could forget "the invaders" a quinn martin production.Someone had some of the episodes up at youtube.
My fav sci fi show of all time was the Outer Limits (The original series back in the early 1960's.I watched every episode back then on the old black and white 1948 Zenith TV console with the round picture tube (C.R.T.).
I fondly remember going with dad to test and replace the vacuum tubes every so often.

Naah, no way 😀. Although I will grant you that the first season or so episodes of TNG were rather dismal (Deanna Troi crying buckets over some poor saucer-shaped aliens, plus her bowling-pin hairdo distracted from every scene she was in), the series rapidly improved. In fact, one of the most interesting & thought-provoking episodes ever, IMO, was Picard & the Enterprise tracking down DNA code segments scattered between the Klingons, Romulans, humans & other races to eventually decode a message (messenger RNA?? 😀) from the original race to their descendants.

DS9, being aboard a non-moving (usually) space station, depended on things coming to it, rather than the other way round. However, it also had the arc story of the Dominion & Kardassians plotting to conquer the alpha quadrant (Romulan, Klingon empires + Federation). Also, the fleet battle scenes were excellent as well. But - the arc story of battling against a powerful & unknown & frightening enemy had already been done, and IMO far better too, with the creepy Shadows in Babylon 5. From

Several similarities have been noticed between the two although whether these are the result of active plagiarism on the part of Paramount/Deep Space Nine, or merely two shows tapping into a similar zeitgeist is unclear. Among the similarities are:

-Babylon 5 involves a space station beside an artificial hyperspace jumpgate. Deep Space Nine involves a space station beside a naturally occurring wormhole. -Both shows had human captains who would end up becoming figures of religious significance to a local race. Benjamin Sisko would become the Bajoran Emissary while Jeffrey Sinclair would become Valen. -Both shows involved humans working alongside a recent enemy race: the Minbari in Babylon 5 and the Klingon's in Deep Space Nine (although the friendly nature of the Klingons was established in Star Trek: The Next Generation). -Both shows would introduce a small, powerful, first of its kind warship at similar points in their third season: The Defiant on Deep Space Nine and the White Star on Babylon 5. -Both shows featured female seconds in command who were hot tempered: Kira Nerys on Deep Space Nine and Susan Ivanova on Babylon 5. -Both shows featured doctors who had strained relations with their fathers and who were hiding secrets: Julian Bashir's genetic modification on Deep Space Nine and Stephen Franklin's involvement with the underground and his stim addiction on Babylon 5. -Both shows involved combat against mysterious foes who seemed much more powerful than the protagonists: The Dominion on Deep Space Nine and the Shadows on Babylon 5. -In addition there are several names which appear in both shows such as Lyta/Leeta and Dukhat/Dukat..


Straczynski maintains that Paramount, the studio which produced Deep Space Nine was aware of Babylon 5 as early as 1989. He claims that when he was shopping B5 around to various studios he gave Paramount a series bible as well as plot breakdowns for the first season of the show and other background materials. He maintains that Paramount used these materials to help create Deep Space Nine. Straczynski says that he declined to sue in order to put the past behind them and allow both shows to go forward without the taint of a legal sturggle.

So, IMO, Babylon 5 did it first and better. Esp. the epic fleet battle against the spidery Shadow ships in the 4th season.

In contrast, there is no such knock against TNG, and I would put several TNG episodes at the very top of the sci-fi heap 😀.
Oh forgot to mention that I agree with you that Star Trek (2009) was excellent, although since I saw it in the Smithsonian iMAX theater with 11,000 watt sound-system & 6-story high screen, both my eardrums and eyeballs had to recuperate for a week after 😀. A bit hard to get used to Zachary Quinto playing the young Spock, however - I keep seeing him as the ultimate bad guy in Heroes ...
lol, this has gone wayyyyyy OT

and i loved the new trek, I was born too late for TOS ( I watched a few of it), and I liked enterprise before the whole xindi crap of bs. DS9 was action lacked for my attention span back when I was 10 and the first one that I really liked was VoY lol, I did pick it up later in the course tho (didn't know about kess until later rofl)

But then, TNG had be hooked better than VoY, that one has my top list of all thing, top 1 now is mythbusters.

I do like Stargate, but don't follow it as much with the constant change of main cast, watched the old Babylon 5 and was like meh, watched the new one was like, wait what happened to that GUY?? Sex change?? WTFHAXBBQ!!

On a side note, anyone like Gundam 😀 you gota be the younger crowd tho, which I don't think there is much of that in this thread....

That may be but still, I never trust those videos. Why? Because they are done and uploaded by AMD.

They also were the ones who compared a $200 Phenom CPU to a $1K Intel CPU even though the $200 Intel CPU was a better performer.

Its AMD so they will use a bias in any way that they can.

Um you realize that 90% of all laptops are used by businesses and college students, right? My sister has one with a very old Pentium M @ 1.8GHz and a Intel IGP. Does she game? No. Does it do what she needs for school? Yes. So battery life itself is more important to the mass majority of laptop users since they will use it for mobility. The ones who game are a small market, much like the enthusiast crowds of desktop PCs.

So you need to understand that Intel goes where the mass market is, and AMD should too. People want a laptop with long battery life. Same with cell phones. Hell the Samsung Omnia HD has 13.5 hours of battery life which will give it a great review in the end.

And actually the HD playback is fine. Unless you are doing what AMD did and playing HL2 EP2 and watching a HD movie but thats kinda meh.

Oh and its AMDs fault that they do not have a low power usage IGP. They have the ability to but haven't yet.

Screw that. 1963 Corevette Grand Sport. Wait....

Jenny, I'm sorry we used such a biased source like AnandTech. We'll use less biased source like you do, such as AMD's marketing department!

jkjk :pt1cable:

TBH, I never watched the new BG on TV, but have it on DVD (have to queue up season 4.5 on Netflix). Also have the original on DVD, and have seen all the episodes. Pretty good effects for a '70s TV series.

I'm not a big fan of animated series - Dragonball Z comes to mind, where the heroes & villains seem to spend a lot of time grimacing at each other while shooting their mouths off, instead of actually kicking some butt :). Saves a lot of money when all you have to animate is the mouth and eyebrows 😀...

Stargate SG-1 did undergo some cast changes - first Daniel Jackson takes off for a season after "ascending" to some higher existence, then comes back, then O'Neill gets promoted and written out except for cameos. However the cinematography & special effects were generally excellent - IIRC the series won a number of awards, despite being overly fond of long crane shots.

Occasionally they would cheap out & do some clip episode however, which I hate just enough to squirm through it instead of skipping to the next episode. Richard Dean Anderson however makes even the clip shows bearable. Cracks me up everytime he sticks his face in the MALF video camera to speak with SG Command. Plus, as my wife has mentioned, most of the alien women on the show have enough silicone between them to fill a swimming pool 😀.
DS9 was so good because of the continuing storyline, especially the last couple of series.

It was kinda plagued by overacting, and too much ferengi. I recently watched the entire series again, and voyager too. If you'd asked me before watching both I'd have said DS9 was way better, but now it's pretty apparent that Voyager is a superior series.

You can't really rank them however as it's always going to be unfair on the older series I think.

I think DS9 was superior because of the whole arching dominion story plot. And yes, WAYYYY too many Ferengi stories. I still don't think VOY was better, it was just one random episode after another. VOY had too many holo-stories and too many Borg stories.
I watched the original Star Trek, and read all the books too, but never really thought of myself as a Trekkie. TNG was unfortunately ruined for me by 'Q,' a character with no reason to exist, other than to introduce complications; reminiscent of Trelayne in the original. I generally liked DS9 and Voyager, but lost track of each of them after a few seasons.
Cattlecar Bonanza was campy, but just fine if that's what you expected when you sat down to watch it.
Battlestar Galactica (recent TV series) introduced way too much mystical BS, and I lost interest during the first season.
Space: Above and Beyond was a great series, that ended all too soon. I think it was rushed at the end, as it could have ended much better if there'd been another season.

His name was Rom. That's cool that you got to meet him!