
Nov 30, 2018
I’m currently planning a small long term data archive and I was wondering: are 2 hard drives in RAID 1 more reliable than 1 SSD? No one has really compared these 2 configurations that I could find, so I was wondering if any of y’all have any insight on this. Thanks!
Even 2 of them?
The main problem is that the primary cause for data loss is NOT hardware failure. It is human error. If 100% uptime is the most important thing, then a RAID1 will help you achieve that. If data security is the most important thing, then an SSD and automated backup program is the most reliable.
What would be even more reliable is one good quality SSD and a daily back up plan. Raid is not a form of backup

And the short answer is no there is no way it would be more reliable you have spinning discs and mechanical moving parts there’s no way it’s more reliable than a solid-state drive
If reliability in the first place, from data recovery view: with older CMR / PMR technology HDDs, yes. With newer SMR technology HDDs no, because that technology is hardening data recovery from all these drives to approx. equal with flash based devices.

BTW according to the relevant JEDEC standard, the required data retention period is 1 year at 30C for consumer SSDs and 3 months (!) At 40C for corporate SSDs.
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That’s why you have a back up plan. And no mechanical hard drive is going to be reliable as an SSD.