Hello, I am building my first PC with the main purpose of using it for 3D Animation (modelling, rigging, animation and a bit of rendering), and a secondary purpose of some gaming and am looking at which components will fit me best. I'm very new to this so have been doing some research and for my storage I am thinking of an HDD for files I'm not currently using (animation files I've completed/moved on from etc and any other general files), a NVMe for current files and programs such as Maya, Blender, Adobe programs and games, and finally another drive for my OS (Windows) as i've heard it is good to have this on a separate drive. I would really appreciate any thoughts on this and if this sounds good or not - again I'm just learning so I thank you for any input. My budget isn't too big, probably around £1500-£1750 for all the main components, but I believe the principle will probably be the same. Any advice on suggested storage size of each would be great too
Thanks in advance!