jessterman21 :
It is exactly like Crysis 2. Except in much cooler and larger environments.
For real. That was my one beef with the alpha - I asked them to make sprinting drain energy again and make it slightly faster. And I wish Armor mode could take less hits - it will in the hardest difficulty, I'm sure. (Actually from the video it looks like they're playing on Easy difficulty - able to take way too many bullets in normal suit mode.)
The only graphical nitpick I have in this video is the return of cube-map reflections in the water. Looks terrible at 4:30.
For real. That was my one beef with the alpha - I asked them to make sprinting drain energy again and make it slightly faster. And I wish Armor mode could take less hits - it will in the hardest difficulty, I'm sure. (Actually from the video it looks like they're playing on Easy difficulty - able to take way too many bullets in normal suit mode.)
The only graphical nitpick I have in this video is the return of cube-map reflections in the water. Looks terrible at 4:30.
My real concern is how removing energy-drain from sprint will affect multiplayer. I thought that having sprint consume suit energy in Crysis 2 multiplayer was a key component to keeping people from rushing corner-camp to corner-camp just spamming stealth/unstealth as they go. It helped keep the experience actually very balanced considering the suit's powers that were in play. This is a disappointing step backward from that gameplay style that to me, was the one thing that Crysis 2 really did shine at.