Question FPS drops Win10 1903

Nov 4, 2019
Hello guys,
I Bought an ASUS ROG G531GT Gaming laptop 1 months ago, and it was running very nice. One day FPS drops appeared from nowhere.
My FPS in CSGO drops from 100~ to 30 for 1-2 seconds and then goes back to normal.
It doesn't matter what video options are set, I have drops even in low settings.
I have drops in other games like GTA V and Minecraft.
When i bought the laptop all the games ran with no issues.
I don't know why it drops, but it's very annoying. Is it caused by a faulty windows update?
I have windows 10 1903 now. I dont know if the version changed or not beacuse i havent checked it before the problem appeared.
It came from one day to an other. I dont remember installing apps or random softwares.
8GB ram
GTX 1650 4GB

Thanks you for reading my post!
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