Jul 12, 2019
So I've been here a long time and would really like a fix plz. So I have speakers and a headset when i plug either in the front IO they both only play through one speaker but if i plug either in the back IO they work great. I've tried restarting and updating drivers. Not sure what to do please help.
Usually when left or right speaker only works means there's a physical connection problem, rarely software. Either with the jack itself wearing out, wires soldered behind the jack or the wires leading to the front panel audio header on the motherboard isn't seated properly.

How new is the case? Have you tried wiggling or slowly inserting the audio pin to listen for any change?
It's a Corsair spec alpha so it's not too old, also the speaker does work with my phone I can plug it in and it works fine

I don't mean the speakers since you said they work. I meant the audio jack itself on the case. Check the wiring to the motherboard and wiggle the speaker/headphone jack inside the case audio hole. The two rings on the audio jack both need to make good connection.

Either it's not fully inserted as said or there's a wiring fault somewhere behind the case audio jack to the motherboard or the ring inserts inside the case jack is worn out from excessive pluggings (rarely the case though).
So I checked it and i could not see any obvious wires or any problems, Furthur testing showed the mic doesn't work and also i found that the device was deleted in the events tab of the properties.