Question GPU (?) squeaking in a rhythm


Sep 24, 2020
Hey, a few days ago my PC started making weird squeaking / beeping noises.
It isn't always there and when it is there it is behaving like a wave, getting louder and then quiter again multiple times. And that almost in the rhythm of a clock. It happens in idle as well as load.

The possibly relevant specs are:
-MSI GTX 1080 Gaming X
-2x 2TB WD Blue 5400 HDD
-EVGA Supernova 650 G3 80 Plus Gold

I'm pretty sure it's not the HDDs as they work as they should and it's no "clicking"noise or something, I've had a dead HDD before.
All the fans seem to work fine, stopping them doesnt remove the noise.

I recorded a short clip trying to figure out where the noise comes from and when its loud it was at the GPU. Here is a link to that.

I have never experienced something like this, I think it's the GPU but I have no idea what the problem is. Could that be some electrical component that is about to die? Would there be a way to find it?
Only moving part in a GPU is going to be the fans, have you cleaned them recently?

I haven't cleaned them in a long time as they aren't getting dirty thanks to a dust filter. However the fans shouldn't be the problem, the GPU has a "0 RPM mode" where the fans are not spinning at all most of the time and the noises are exactly the same when the fans are standing still.