S Spiderbait375 Reputable Apr 20, 2015 84 0 4,630 Dec 26, 2019 #1 My main OS is windows 10 on my C drive, and i want to install windows 7 on one of my other drives (i have 3 drives), is it bad for your computer and will the two OSes installed interfere with eachother even though it is on two different drives?
My main OS is windows 10 on my C drive, and i want to install windows 7 on one of my other drives (i have 3 drives), is it bad for your computer and will the two OSes installed interfere with eachother even though it is on two different drives?
ss996su Nov 29, 2019 61 3 45 Dec 26, 2019 #2 Nope aslong as you know what you're doing Upvote 0 Downvote