Question Is my cooling/CPU/GPU okay??


Nov 19, 2017
I was recently playing Fortnite and I was curious to see what my temps were on my Alienware Aurora Gaming PC. I checked the Thermal Controller and the GPU was going from about 78C to 82C, and I was wondering if thats bad. I can also hear the fans on my PC too, but it is pretty quiet. I want to know if my PC will be okay with these temps, and if there is anything I should do about this.
This is my PC when its idle
this is the link to my PC when it is idle. Let me know if you want to see it when I am playing fortnite.
GPU temps below 85°C are typically fine, and for some cards there is even a bit more headroom than that before the thermal spec is reached. Knowing what card you have would be helpful but at that temp, if that is under a full load, I'd say you are still ok. That system probably does not have great case airflow and is likely contributing to the higher than optimal GPU temp.

When asking for help, it is usually wise to include your full system specifications AND that link to your Google doc requires permission, so that's not helpful to anybody either.