[SOLVED] My microphone is picking up every sound played on my PC ?

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Feb 2, 2025
My friend bought me a headset, since my pc doesn't have a combo audio jack, i bought a splitter. But when i plug the splitter audio and mic jack into my motherboard and recorded to test the mic on sound recorder from windows, its picking up the sounds from my youtube video im watching, and notifications, etc. The headset that im using is the JBL Quantum 100.

I already tried to use the realtek audio console manager to seperate all input jacks, updating my drivers, no luck.

But when i unplug the audio jack (the green one), and plug in the audio jack from my speakers, my mic no longer picks up sounds from my pc anymore, but that way what's the point of the headset when the headset doesn't even work and only the mic.

Can anyone help me with this problem? Also yes, Stereo mix is off.
Try not using splitter.
Connect the headphone plug to the Green and the Microphone plug to the Pink.
The headset uses a combo audio jack which i do not have, and if i used the headset without the mic and plugged it into the mic jack, there would be not any outputs on the headset. Same goes with the audio or headphone jack. So i need an audio splitter for them to work
Yes, I'm not accustomed to using the analog audio connections, so I was a little slow understanding the splitter for the TRRS (Tip, Ring, Ring, Sleeve) headset connection.
Do you have the microphone set as the default input device, within Windows' sound settings?
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Anyway, make sure it's set as Default Device, so that applications can properly utilize it.

And as for the microphone picking up the main output, the microphone may simply need its level dialed back some so that it isn't sensitive enough to pick up the headphones.
Right click on the microphone, select "Properties" and lower the Level, which is in the "Levels" tab.
Sorry for the late reply, I already did all of those stuff, I would attach an image but i don't know how since im new to this website.
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