Trying to get to the bottom of what is wrong with a friends desktop, from what he's told me it won't turn on after a power surge, 2 capacitors have blown off from the Fans/Front panel controller but everything else appears to be intact.
Only having the CPU and Mobo power cables connected it will boot up into the Bios and no faults or error codes are present ( aside from the no hard drive detected)
But once any SSD or HDD is fully connected and the system is powered on everything will flash on the Mobo and fail to post( sounds and looks like a short circuit), and having to unplug the Mobo from the PSU before it will even attempt to boot again.
I've tried isolating the issue by swapping out the PSU, cables, storage drives and removing the fan control unit from the system with no luck at all.
We did get to a point where we had a SSD pluged in and got it into bios but it wasn't detecting the drive.
Only thing i can think of is it being a Mobo fault, any insight appreciated thanks.
Only having the CPU and Mobo power cables connected it will boot up into the Bios and no faults or error codes are present ( aside from the no hard drive detected)
But once any SSD or HDD is fully connected and the system is powered on everything will flash on the Mobo and fail to post( sounds and looks like a short circuit), and having to unplug the Mobo from the PSU before it will even attempt to boot again.
I've tried isolating the issue by swapping out the PSU, cables, storage drives and removing the fan control unit from the system with no luck at all.
We did get to a point where we had a SSD pluged in and got it into bios but it wasn't detecting the drive.
Only thing i can think of is it being a Mobo fault, any insight appreciated thanks.