gropouce :
And if my knowledge of history is correct, the second amendment refers to "a well regulated Militia" ... but if everyone has his own gun, there is as much chance of that this "militia" is "well regulated" as seeing a mouse give sexual pleasure to a humpback whale through the anus.
Or have all your own gun, but stop paying taxes to fund the police.
Or have all your own gun, but stop paying taxes to fund the police.
You're knowledge of American history is INCORRECT.
The militia is the People.
The terms "well regulated" is written to mean "to make regular" as in to make the same, as in to ensure the firearms owned by the people are the same, or as close can be.
At one point in America's history, the federal government debated over how much powder, how many rounds of ammo, and what supplies each person was to keep on hand if the need arose.
gropouce :
I just think the laws and constitutions must evolve with time.
Hiding behind constitutional amendments written in 1791 has no meaning in 2013.
Hiding behind constitutional amendments written in 1791 has no meaning in 2013.
Again, you're knowledge of American history and of the Constitution is INCORRECT.
The American Constitution was made to evolve with time as witnessed by the fact that there are 27 Amendments dating from 1789 all the way up to 1992.
The Amendment process was written into the Constitution specifically to allow it to evolve with the times. This is a simple fact that the Progressives and Democrats in America seem to have forgotten as they would rather pass laws that trump and usurp the Constitution in the name of political expediency.