wanamingo :
Its a good thing no one wants to take away your guns, if you need an ar-15 with a 30 round clip to defend yourself then you need to move.
90% of the American public wants expanded background checks, your elected officials have decided to listen to the NRA lobby instead of their constituents. I work in NH and Kelly Ayott has seen a 15% drop in her approval rating since her vote on background checks, I know other senators have seen a drop in ratings also.
90% of the American public wants expanded background checks, your elected officials have decided to listen to the NRA lobby instead of their constituents. I work in NH and Kelly Ayott has seen a 15% drop in her approval rating since her vote on background checks, I know other senators have seen a drop in ratings also.
More specious talking points about what people need. How elitist do you have to be to presume that people can just displace the lives and children simply because crime has increased in their neighborhood over the past 20 years. Rhetoric like this just re-enforces my belief that most anti-gun people live sheltered lives.
The simple fact that the background check failed in the Senate is proof that the 90% poll cited ad nauseum was just another BS talking point from the Obama Administration and continually repeated by the media to such an extent that those without critical thinking skills actually believe it.
Who cares if Ayott saw a drop in her poll numbers, the real question is will the people of NH vote her out because of it? My guess, probably not. Here's an interesting tidbit, NH is a "Shall Issue" concealed carry State. How low would have Ayott's poll numbers have dropped if she voted to change that?
Here's a factual Justice Dept report that just kicks the gun violence argument into a tailspin, Firearm Violence, 1993-2011.
Also, give this blog post a read, if you dare...Justice Department study shoots holes in media gun violence narrative.
This report not only proves the media wrong, it proves the NRA right...Between the years of 1993 and 2011, as the assault weapons ban expired, more Americans purchased guns, the Supreme Court overturned outright gun bans, and individual states not only loosed gun control restrictions but also issued concealed carry permits to private citizens, incidents of gun violence in America collapsed...Between 1993 and 2011, nonfatal gun crimes plummeted 69%; from 1.5 million to 467,300. Gun-related murders dropped 40%; from 18,253 to 11,101. Gun-related murders for black Americans plummeted by 51%...The report also shows that the media-created hysteria over school shootings is wildly misleading. Between ’93 and ’11, the murder rate in schools dropped by almost a third; from 29 to 20...Background checks have also been exposed as another bogus narrative the media’s crafted out of thin air. This report proves beyond any doubt that closing the so-called gun show loophole will accomplish next to nothing...What this study clearly shows is that Obama, Democrats, and the media don’t give a damn about stopping gun violence. If they did, they would be focused on everything but the one and two-percent problems.