Oct 29, 2019
I have been trying to update my BIOS for my Gigabyte GA 970A UD3 rev1.1 Socket AM3+ and i got the BIOS update from Gigabyte's website. I put it on a flash drive that i made sure was a FAT32 flash drive. I plug it in, restart my PC, hit the End key until the Q-Flash screen pops up. I choose the option "Update Bios from drive." And I see the flash drive listed right there, so i choose it. and it just opens the flash drive to show its contents, and I can only navigate through the flash drive's folders, nothing else. I cant do anything from there, It won't let me choose anything.

I'm so confused here, Am I missing something? What do I do...
if it doesnt work, then you dont have compatible bios file for your mainboard
make sure that mainboard revision matches your bios download
Well, I'm not sure what else to do then, because I opened up my case and took a flashlight and right there on the MOBO it says rev 1.1, and that's the BIOS update I got. And I know everything else about my MOBO is correct.
I guess it worked. But it didn't fix the original reason why I was updating the BIOS in the first place. The BIOS screen that flashes looks all wonky and pixelated in a bunch of different colors and unrecognizable. Ever since I got a new graphics card. But whatever, it still works when I press the BIOS key and Q-Flash key and all.