Question Reapplied thermal paste three times cpu still overheating?


May 4, 2017
So I bought a ryzen 2600 about 2 weeks ago. I obviously messed up the installation and thermal paste the first time I dont doubt that. However the second and third time applying the thermal paste it for some reason kept running hot. The first time it ran at 99 so I quickly shut off the computer. But both times reinstalling the cpu it ran on 82 to 87 on idle. I'm still using the cooler that it came with too. I followed all the steps to reinstalling thermal paste but still keep hitting high temps. I have a 1300x (my old one) with the old cooler so I can see if that could be why but I am running out of thermal paste. 1300x reinstalling is my backup for this.
Even if you gobbed it on like an OEM does. It shouldn't be having problems like that.
  • Is the heatsink seated flat on the CPU?
  • Are all your fans turning on?
  • Did you update the BIOS?
  • How are you monitoring the temps? Are you using AMD's Ryzen Master?
  • Are you using the heatsink which came with the CPU?
  • Like
Reactions: HelloJon
Even if you gobbed it on like an OEM does. It shouldn't be having problems like that.
  • Is the heatsink seated flat on the CPU?
  • Are all your fans turning on?
  • Did you update the BIOS?
  • How are you monitoring the temps? Are you using AMD's Ryzen Master?
  • Are you using the heatsink which came with the CPU?
Thanks you. I was using core temp. Gave me 87 degrees while ryzen master gave me 37. Everything is all good.