
Sep 13, 2004
Hey Everyone

I was woundering what these mean (Rev C0 & Rev CG) and was woundering wich CPU has the 1mb L2 cache AMD Athlon 64 3200+ ClawHammer or the NewCastle i know that the one that doesn't have the 1mb L2 cache is 2.2Ghz instead of 2.0 but what is more important in Gaming the extra 200Mhz or the extra 512kb L2 Cache.


The answer is a resounding no. Which is faster in games is the question. Many games like extra hz, while others like cache. Generally speeking, the newcastle ( faster, but only 512k L2 cache) is better .
Now lets talk about OCing. All of the A64 chips, made on a particular day, have the same max speed. All of the chips made on that day will OC to that speed, but because the clawhammer core (1meg L2 cache, but slower speed ) starts out with extra cache, it ends up a better performer. Some have even found them a little easier to OC because the larger die size, allows easier cooling.


Aug 2, 2001
All of the A64 chips, made on a particular day, have the same max speed. All of the chips made on that day will OC to that speed
I’m sorry, I don’t agree. From what I’ve read when the chips are separated from the wafer they are tested for defects, thermal envelope and max clock. The better performing chips are then sold at a premium, the lesser as cheaper chips. Uniformity on a wafer is almost unheard of.

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