Hi, so first I will tell you my specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7GHz box
COOLER: Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED Turbo Black Cover
GPU: ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 DUAL O12G LHR 12GB GDDR6 192-bit
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4 3200MHz CL16 Dual Channel Kit (But set at 2933 [with custom timings] in BIOS cuz of the motherboard) CMK32GX4M2E3200C16
Motherboard: GIGABYTE B450M DS3H V2
PC Case: Inter-Tech C-III Saphir Black
HDD: Seagate BarraCuda, 2TB, 7200rpm, 256MB cache, SATA-III
SSD: Kingston A400 240GB SATA-III 2.5 inch (Windows is on this one)
PSU (Power Supply): Seasonic S12II-620 Bronze 620W
OS: Windows 10 Pro (10.0.19045 Build 19045)
Monitor: LED BenQ Gaming Zowie XL2411P 24 inch 1 ms Black 144Hz
I've uploaded some screenshots with my BIOS settings, MSI Afterburner, NVIDIA Control Panel Global Settings, Powerplan, etc.
So i will tell you a long story short of what I did in terms of perfomance optimizations in Nvidia control panel and etc, then i will tell you about my problem.
in 2017 i bought the GTX 1060 6GB, then in 2019 i bought the CPU, PSU, RAM and cooler i listed above. Couple years later i bought a new motherboard too cuz i went into problems with the old one it was a ASRock AB350M PRO4 R2.0, so i bought the one i have today, the B450M one, then in 2023 in November i bought the GPU i have today, RTX 3060.
The Problem: when i play ALMOST any game like (GOW Ragnarok, Apex, Wi tch it, GOW: Ascension (on RPCS3), Phasmo, Gh ost of Tsushima) after 5-10 minutes depending on the game I play at that moment, the CPU usage drops and my FPS drop too, like an example from 200 fps to 20 and it stays at 20 FPS for 5-10 seconds then everything is back to normal, then after 4 minutes now, the problem occurs again, then after 3 minutes, then after 2, and is like the problem appears more and more often as the time passes. I want to mention that i don't have any problem in games like (Mine craft, Dea th Must D ie, Blo odStrike, Core Ke eper, Proj ect Zom boid, War craft 2 and 3).
Here you have a video i recorded with Nvidia Shadowplay with the problem in GOW Ascension, i opened Task Manager and HW INFO while i play that game. ignore the low fps, that's the game, it's very bad optimized like some of you know AND ignore my friend's voice in the background:
ht tp s:// youtu. be/ ylNmtckImiI
backspace here
So from November 2023 i didn't had a single problem with any game, I really believe it is from windows updates because back when i had the 1060 I had weird problems with games, it was like I play any game for 15 minutes then the game exists out on desktop with no error at all, then I restored to my recent windows update and the problem was solved but now i can't do that because the windows will update itself when I restart it EVEN if i change the settings in GROUP POLICY and REGEDIT, that's why I think this problem I have today is because of the new windows updates, i had this problem since June or July 2024 windows update. I also read that my cpu is VERY BAD at Single Core Performance but if it's that, why I'm having this things happening now and not from the very day I bought it?
I installed MSI Afterburner and overclocked the GPU, then undervolt it, now I stay with it undervolted cuz i think i get better FPS
I also have: Intelligent standby list cleaner ISLC
What i tried: BIOS version I had F63, and today i updated to F64 cuz i thought it was from the bios update but no, ALL the drivers i installed them clean with Driver Easy PRO, and I downloaded the drivers from the motherboard page too, at GPU I used DDU v18.0.8.0, boot it in safe mode etc, to uninstall ALL the old drivers i had, and I installed the new driver with NVCleanstall_1.16.0, i have all versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from TechPowerUp, my Windows is optimized also by me, many notification settings and things like that turned OFF. I don't really know which are the best bios settings especially for my MOBO cuz I'm afraid to break something so I don't change anything there, when i'm not sure of something i google it and i'm documenting myself about that thing in order to know what happens if i turn it ON or OFF but is BIOS man, it depends here. I optimized even my Internet settings with TCPOptimizer and other programs, everything in terms of PERFORMANCE is GREAT, I think
I also know how to change my settings in game for Quality but also best perfomance I can SQUEEZE outta that game
, shadows very low or low, etc.
!!! What I want to add here guys is, i want to get the Ryzen 7 5700X for everything to be in order and perfect, even that SINGLE CORE thing i mentioned earlier, more FPS and better Perform.. yeah i repeated that word a lot
SO what can I do, buy the Ryzen 7 5700X or do some new settings somewhere and FIX that problem? Also i want some help with my bios settings if you don't mind, thank you and sorry for writing a book here 
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7GHz box
COOLER: Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED Turbo Black Cover
GPU: ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 DUAL O12G LHR 12GB GDDR6 192-bit
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4 3200MHz CL16 Dual Channel Kit (But set at 2933 [with custom timings] in BIOS cuz of the motherboard) CMK32GX4M2E3200C16
Motherboard: GIGABYTE B450M DS3H V2
PC Case: Inter-Tech C-III Saphir Black
HDD: Seagate BarraCuda, 2TB, 7200rpm, 256MB cache, SATA-III
SSD: Kingston A400 240GB SATA-III 2.5 inch (Windows is on this one)
PSU (Power Supply): Seasonic S12II-620 Bronze 620W
OS: Windows 10 Pro (10.0.19045 Build 19045)
Monitor: LED BenQ Gaming Zowie XL2411P 24 inch 1 ms Black 144Hz
I've uploaded some screenshots with my BIOS settings, MSI Afterburner, NVIDIA Control Panel Global Settings, Powerplan, etc.
So i will tell you a long story short of what I did in terms of perfomance optimizations in Nvidia control panel and etc, then i will tell you about my problem.
in 2017 i bought the GTX 1060 6GB, then in 2019 i bought the CPU, PSU, RAM and cooler i listed above. Couple years later i bought a new motherboard too cuz i went into problems with the old one it was a ASRock AB350M PRO4 R2.0, so i bought the one i have today, the B450M one, then in 2023 in November i bought the GPU i have today, RTX 3060.
The Problem: when i play ALMOST any game like (GOW Ragnarok, Apex, Wi tch it, GOW: Ascension (on RPCS3), Phasmo, Gh ost of Tsushima) after 5-10 minutes depending on the game I play at that moment, the CPU usage drops and my FPS drop too, like an example from 200 fps to 20 and it stays at 20 FPS for 5-10 seconds then everything is back to normal, then after 4 minutes now, the problem occurs again, then after 3 minutes, then after 2, and is like the problem appears more and more often as the time passes. I want to mention that i don't have any problem in games like (Mine craft, Dea th Must D ie, Blo odStrike, Core Ke eper, Proj ect Zom boid, War craft 2 and 3).
Here you have a video i recorded with Nvidia Shadowplay with the problem in GOW Ascension, i opened Task Manager and HW INFO while i play that game. ignore the low fps, that's the game, it's very bad optimized like some of you know AND ignore my friend's voice in the background:
ht tp s:// youtu. be/ ylNmtckImiI
backspace here
So from November 2023 i didn't had a single problem with any game, I really believe it is from windows updates because back when i had the 1060 I had weird problems with games, it was like I play any game for 15 minutes then the game exists out on desktop with no error at all, then I restored to my recent windows update and the problem was solved but now i can't do that because the windows will update itself when I restart it EVEN if i change the settings in GROUP POLICY and REGEDIT, that's why I think this problem I have today is because of the new windows updates, i had this problem since June or July 2024 windows update. I also read that my cpu is VERY BAD at Single Core Performance but if it's that, why I'm having this things happening now and not from the very day I bought it?
I installed MSI Afterburner and overclocked the GPU, then undervolt it, now I stay with it undervolted cuz i think i get better FPS
I also have: Intelligent standby list cleaner ISLC
What i tried: BIOS version I had F63, and today i updated to F64 cuz i thought it was from the bios update but no, ALL the drivers i installed them clean with Driver Easy PRO, and I downloaded the drivers from the motherboard page too, at GPU I used DDU v18.0.8.0, boot it in safe mode etc, to uninstall ALL the old drivers i had, and I installed the new driver with NVCleanstall_1.16.0, i have all versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from TechPowerUp, my Windows is optimized also by me, many notification settings and things like that turned OFF. I don't really know which are the best bios settings especially for my MOBO cuz I'm afraid to break something so I don't change anything there, when i'm not sure of something i google it and i'm documenting myself about that thing in order to know what happens if i turn it ON or OFF but is BIOS man, it depends here. I optimized even my Internet settings with TCPOptimizer and other programs, everything in terms of PERFORMANCE is GREAT, I think

!!! What I want to add here guys is, i want to get the Ryzen 7 5700X for everything to be in order and perfect, even that SINGLE CORE thing i mentioned earlier, more FPS and better Perform.. yeah i repeated that word a lot