[SOLVED] Severe Lag in Warzone and Fortnite, is it my CPU?

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May 17, 2020
In the past month or two my PC started having severe lag on Fortnite and COD WZ that has made them both unplayable. Ive checked for malware and cleaned my PC. In COD my player will jump around and move in completely random direction, while in fortnite it takes ridiculously long to render buildings to the point where I cant land. I feel like my CPU is the root of the problem as its a i5 7400. I have the lower end HP Omen desktop that i Have upgraded with 16g RAM and a RTX 2060. I planned to make a new build eventually with a new MOBO and CPU. I was wondering if there would be any other temporary fixes or other possible problems. I thought it could be my internet but I have a nighthawk 2100 router that wired in and an Arris Surfboard modem. ISP tests out at 235 mbps/ 12 mbps which is higher speeds than I pay for so i dont think ISP is the issue. Please let me know of any possible quick fixes and some suggestions for new MOBO/CPU/Case for a new set up.
If you upgrade gpu on HP prebuild. should upgrade the psu too.
For sure that was on my list of future upgrades, I feel like thats not whats causing lag tho? wouldnt that cause a crash?
I also checked online and a 500w PSU is fine for a RTX 2060 straight from Nvidia. They recommend a 500w supply right on the Specs.
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