Hello! I was searching the web for the past day and I saw most quality answers here, so decided to join the community 
I bought a second NVMe SSD drive for my current PC which I built by myself 1,5 year ago. Thought it will be a piece of cake to add the second stick... yeah...
So, the second SSD is Gigabyte Aorus NVMe Gen4 SSD 1TB.
The first one (which I have also Windows installed in) is Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1 TB NVMe.
Mobo: Gigabyte Z390 Gaming X.
M2A slot: Samsung SSD
M2M slot: Gigabyte SSD
I were using the PC with Samsung EVO for the past 1,5 year and it was like a breeze, nothing bad happened except the lack of storage - so I decided to buy another one and put it in M2M slot which seemed perfect. The problem is it is not visible anywhere. Just like it wasn't there.
I disconnected my additional HDD drive, but it was in SATA4 slot 2, so it shouldn't by any problem. Still nothing.
I updated my bios (had the first edition) to the newest version. Nothing.
Looked in Windows in partition manager to see if there is unallocated space. Nope, it shows only the Samsung sad, Aorus is not present.
The last thing I had in mind was switching the ports from M2A to M2M on recognizable Samsung disk, but I will wait with it a little longer, maybe there is another, obvious way.
Do you have any ideas on what could be wrong, how to fix it and make the second stick to work?
Some screenshots from BIOS and mobo (I removed and installed the stick like 3 times to make sure it's fitting well):
Thank you in advance!

I bought a second NVMe SSD drive for my current PC which I built by myself 1,5 year ago. Thought it will be a piece of cake to add the second stick... yeah...
So, the second SSD is Gigabyte Aorus NVMe Gen4 SSD 1TB.
The first one (which I have also Windows installed in) is Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1 TB NVMe.
Mobo: Gigabyte Z390 Gaming X.
M2A slot: Samsung SSD
M2M slot: Gigabyte SSD
I were using the PC with Samsung EVO for the past 1,5 year and it was like a breeze, nothing bad happened except the lack of storage - so I decided to buy another one and put it in M2M slot which seemed perfect. The problem is it is not visible anywhere. Just like it wasn't there.
I disconnected my additional HDD drive, but it was in SATA4 slot 2, so it shouldn't by any problem. Still nothing.
I updated my bios (had the first edition) to the newest version. Nothing.
Looked in Windows in partition manager to see if there is unallocated space. Nope, it shows only the Samsung sad, Aorus is not present.
The last thing I had in mind was switching the ports from M2A to M2M on recognizable Samsung disk, but I will wait with it a little longer, maybe there is another, obvious way.
Do you have any ideas on what could be wrong, how to fix it and make the second stick to work?
Some screenshots from BIOS and mobo (I removed and installed the stick like 3 times to make sure it's fitting well):



Thank you in advance!