sound problems


Dec 9, 2004
latly i've experienced alot of problems with the sound on my PC: occasional drop-outs, no sound at all and system crashes. the last i cant really say is a sound problem, but i'm sure it's a connection there. often i have to reboot several times to get the sound to work, 'cause either there's no sound at all or the sound drops out (continually beeping noise) or the system crashes, and just now (as i'm writing this) the sound got suddenly very fuzzy. i have no idea what couses these problems, if it is a driver issue, system issue or a hardware issue. i have a PC with Windows XP SP2 installed and a SB AUDIGY 2 card. i have experienced such problems before also, but they didn't happen as frequently. another thing: i havent been able to update my drivers, 'cause the setup program couldn't find any "web update WDM drivers" but i've managed to install the newest drivers before and that didn't help me much, so guess it's not a driver issue.. but i can't be sure. I've also tried to adjust the PCI clock settings (or something) in BIOS (i read somehwere that the ideal setting was 32) but neither that has solved the problem. now, any suggestions?
It could be that the card is loose on the motherboard. Perhaps try removing the card and putting it back in, or even try another slot.

Make sure you're getting the latest drivers from Creative, not Microsoft. <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

"A delayed game will eventually come out, a bad game is bad forever."
-Shigeru Miyamoto
Leave the PCI clock at the defaults. Try a difference PCI slot. Easiest fix. Also, when the card isn't working, checked device manager to see if it's still being recognized. Check dxdiag and check out the sound diagnostics section.

umheint0's phat setup --> <A HREF="" target="_new"></A><--