USB 3.0 Gaming Keyboard


Jan 8, 2013
I'm looking into getting a mechanical keyboard. My understanding is that the PS2 connection uses a cpu interrupt which is faster than the USB 2.0 polling situation. Unfortunately, my MOBO has no PS2 port. I believe that the USB 3.0 standard is cpu interrupt. Is this correct?

If so, are there any USB 3.0 gaming keyboards on the market? I've fount the following, but I think it's just a 3.0 pass-through and the board runs at 2.0:
From Gigabyte's hype found here they say
"Enjoy USB3.0 Superspeed fast transmission
Independent USB3.0 signal transferring through motherboard ensures the full data transmission without any loss. 10X data transfer speed boost over USB 2.0
1.8X power supply compare to USB2.0" which I take as meaning the keyboard is in fact USB 3.0 controlled but it may simply be an implication to mean the pass-through. Gotta love hype. I might suggest inquiring with Gigabyte just to be sure


Jan 8, 2013
Thanks for the reply.

I should have mentioned that I checked that already. If you click the specification tab the very first line lists the interface as 2.0, and later only lists the 3.0 as a port. I 'll check with the manufacturer to be sure.

Even if it is 3.0 it can't be the only one, has anyone seen any others to compare it to?


Dec 10, 2012


USB 3.0 for a keyboard=waste. not to mention if you ever need to get into BIOS, you probably won't be able to using a usb 3.0 port.


Jan 8, 2013
Can you expand on why it won't give a performance boost? As per the OP, my question was about the interrupt similar to PS2, not one of transfer speed.

I'm not worried about bios access, my asus P8Z77 has a couple ways to get in, and I can always plug my crappy USB 2.0 keyboard in if I get in a fix.


Jan 8, 2013

OK, I'll try one more time.

I'm not interested in 3.0 transfer speed increases. My understanding is that the PS2 connection is slightly faster because it signals and interrupts the cpu when a key has been pressed. Alternatively, USB 2.0 is repeatedly scanned to see IF a key has been pressed. I believe that USB 3.0 acts like the PS2 in that it sends the signal immediately and interrupts instead of waiting to be scanned for a change.

I realize that the real-time difference may be negligible. However, since I do not have a PS2 connection and am in the market for a mechanical gaming keyboard, it seems to me a worthy path to look into.

If they were to (or actually do) make a USB 3.0 keyboard that operates in this way, I assume they would include any internal memory needed (if this is what you mean) to make it operate properly.

i have a mechanical keyboard thats usb 2.0 and works fast. the difference is that the mechanical keyboard has keys with switches and is more precise and quick, versus a non mechanical version that has plastic membranes and less precise.

its the mechanical part thats gonna help u be more productive and quick not usb 2.0 or 3.0.



Jan 8, 2013
I understand the difference between a mechanical keyboard and a membrane keyboard. I'm glad you are satisfied with your purchase. Thank you.

Is there anyone else out there who can answer ACTUAL questions I've asked about PS2/USB 3.0 interrupt vs. USB 2.0, or for that matter if they know of any USB 3.0 keyboards on the market.


Jan 8, 2013

I don't comprehend what you're saying because you are somehow incapable of answering the question I suspect it is because you don't know the answer but like to think you do. This is the first time you've mentioned the PS2 question but have still not yet answered it.

Are you trying to say that there is no interrupt with a PS2?
Are you trying to say that there is no interrupt with USB 3.0?
Are you trying to say that USB 2.0 has no difference at all from the other options?

Do you have some other explanation that a $370 MOBO has a seemingly outdated PS2 socket?

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but none of your multiple responses actually address my questions.


Jan 8, 2013

Once again, not an answer remotely addressing the parameters of the question. Take it on an academic level, assume I can type a million words per minute, indulge me. It's OK if you don't know, I'll ask somebody else who's more of a nerd on these minor things.

edit, reading link...


Jan 8, 2013

Yes it explains it a bit, we're both theoretically right.
"Do you need PS/2 or is USB good enough?

Theoretically, you should go for PS/2 if it's available. But you really have to be a turbo-typer to notice a difference. And still you would only perceive it in very few exceptional situations. If your PC doesn't have a PS/2 port, it's unlikely that you'll miss out on anything here. Go ahead and use it though, if that'll put your mind at ease. Certain differences can be measured, but not felt."

It is unlikely to be an issue with normal use, although I do run a lot in the background. It still doesn't address how USB 3.0 compares or operates, or if there are even any out there. They may not even exist due to PS/2 availability on many gaming MOBO's and/ot a lack od demand.
well tbh i havent seen alot of usb 3.0 keyboards, and theres a reason why there arent many since it doesnt have any real world advantages, since usb 2.0 has no input lag, using a highspeed port seems useless.

also when u pay 330$ u like the option of having a ps2 port, also because when u boot up ur pc for the first time might not recognize a usb keyboard, so the usefulness of a ps2 port is quite useful when first booting in bios or pc, because somethimes u wont be able to install windows since the pc might not recognize usb

keyboard. i guess that answers ur question about why theyre usb ports on highend pc mobo.



Jan 8, 2013

I think you're right about not having them out there because of a lack of real world advantages.

I have to disagree with your reasoning for having the PS/2 for initial boot up. I haven't had an issue like that in a very long time. I think the PS/2 has to only be there for gaming keyboards. Mine doesn't have the PS/2, but is no slouch. I can't imagine having an initial boot up issue with a USB keyboard:

I can't say that I've seen that since the first few revisions of PnP but, yes it did happen to me in the past too. Which is the main reason I look for PS2 in both keyboard and mobo*. My fear now is that PS2 interface will soon be dropped from motherboards altogether (what to do with my collection of PS2 input devices then?)

* I considered that and realized I have not even attempted to do an original setup with USB since


Apr 26, 2013
I bought Gigabyte OSMIUM Mechnical keyboard which uses USB 3.0 - claims to supports 64 simultaneous key presses via USB connection (why on earth you would need more than 6 is beyond me)
Most gaming machines should have no trouble with the polling and latency should be far less than our own human reflexes.
it's got Cherry red - probably would have been happy with brown also.