VGA Led on Motherboard stays on after pc start

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Jun 3, 2018
My pc crashed and gave me the Error (windows bluescreen irql_not_less_or_eqal) now if i wanna turn on my pc the white motherboard led stays on (asus strix x370f vga led) and im not even getting to the boot menu.
i tried a different GPU but it didn't work either.

Ryzen 1700x
Gskill Trident Z RGB
Asus ROG strix x370f-Gaming
G1 Gaming 1070
Corsair CS750M

i had the System working before so the cables shouldnt be an issue

If you have a spare PSU then by any means yes, try it. If you don't have any, well things got complicated as it could really be any part that's failing. Considering it's Ryzen and you can't try it without GPU, local pc shop is next best move - spending money blindly for spare parts in hope you hit the right one otherwise.
for everyone who has this problem as well, the CPU was dead.
I sent it and the motherboard back to the shop i bought them from under warranty . I've got a new CPU now but the Mainboard is the same.
Everything is now working as it should.

Thanks for everyone replying to this post!

sorry for the bad grammar D:
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