
May 9, 2017
Please post using proper English.
I had a home invasion and no items stolen. There was evidence that the person sat down in pc chair. My acct's have been messed with. I keep all of my accts and passwords on a text file. So its either data theft or keyloggers. I have OMV NAS(Odroid SBC), 2 tablets, mifi Router(at&t cellular internet) 3 phone's and 2 laptop's that all use the same network. One tablet, desktop, one laptop,one phone, the nas and the mifi router was possibly physically tampered with. What should I throw away ? Ram, graphics card, tablets, phones, HDD, SSD, SD cards and so on ? And what order should I do cleaning up if kept ? Do I do firmware flash first than partition(for MBR virus) then format ? I am a very poor person based on possession(money).
The probability of someone coming into a home for a cyber attack is incredibly, and I do mean incredibly, remote.

They were probably far more interested in rummaging through your desk.

"Possibly tampered with" means just that, "possibly." Is there anything at all that suggests it was actually tampered with?

You say that your accounts have been messed with. In precisely what way? It takes a long while to log in to a great many accounts, though if your account and password list was stolen I would be very worried about possible compromise. The best thing to do, and you should do it anyway, is to promptly change all those account passwords and enable 2-step verification where possible. This should be done on a machine and network known to be clean (that is, someone else's) until enough watchful waiting can be done to ascertain precisely what, if any, local (as in on your LAN) compromises occurred. These would be way down the target list compared to the ability to log in to banking accounts.

Most computer hacking of any sort is not done "just because it's amusing" but with a very specific idea in mind: theft. Whether that theft be transferring an individual's money out of bank accounts or trying to assume their identity is an open question. Poking around in someone's router when robbing their house is not something generally done because there's no reward in it.

This sort of thing is generally of a "smash and grab" nature, and most of what you list would not be a part of that sort of undertaking.
The backstory on this:
ok so most of my accts have ben messed with. Credentials changed/attempt, email acct stolen(1 of 20) and I can't get it back. Wen I got to highlight and copy(con+c) verification code in email the clipboard gets hijack. It losses the info of last copy'd.

Sorry about dup simaler posting
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ok just set aside the probability ! I real'y just need to know what minimal should I throw away and what pattern of proses I should do to attempt to clean up undetectable attacks ?

Do I do firm wear flash first than partition(for MBR viris) than format ?
if you delete your partition(s) and reinstall (which will include a quick format), anything that might have been there....no longer is.

Was your desktop wide open to anyone that knew how to power it on? No password or anything to prevent JoeCrackUser-Homebreaker from accessing your cryptic file on the desktop labeled, "Passwordfile.txt"? :)

Secure your desktop! Use a (free for personal use) Password manager like Lastpass, and, secure your desktop with either Bitlocker (requires Windows Pro or Enterprise) or VeraCrypt, etc...
if you delete your partition(s) and reinstall (which will include a quick format), anything that might have been there....no longer is.

Was your desktop wide open to anyone that knew how to power it on? No password or anything to prevent JoeCrackUser-Homebreaker from accessing your cryptic file on the desktop labeled, "Passwordfile.txt"? :)

Secure your desktop! Use a (free for personal use) Password manager like Lastpass, and, secure your desktop with either Bitlocker (requires Windows Pro or Enterprise) or VeraCrypt, etc...
Most common hardware keyloger is network firmwear and bios firmwear. HDD Also have a few ways to store un-id-abule data. And as far as I know The phone's and tablets cant be formated without finding the stock firmware. Witch I cant find.
FYI if you looking for a way to beary data on a Standard HDD user sectors. I would use D-ban live os. D-ban and any other formating will not chaing MBR or un-readabil sector's malwear.

Yes tower was open. Any boot os will bypass windows login screen. And I was such a noob I did not have a bios password on witch might have help prevent live boot's. And no my docs wer not encrypted and wer left open.
Have you fixed the apparent effects from your earlier breakin and system compromise?

I'm working on it. I have been non stop researching .. INSANE amount of info. Some was bloock'd by the NSA. 🙁 Witch is good for defense.. But bad for me !

I'm hoping I don't have to trow away all writable devices. I might look into replacing the memory models on circuit boards.. Some are near impossible to solder on thow. 🙁

EDIT: Wen I get progress I'll post my out come's. (software, hardware and custom mods)
A newb pc annalist say'd everything looks god on my main pc. Never got any one to test server/sbc(android and so on) and other small pc's. But I'm continually seeing that statement to be incorrect. I have try'd all I can to fix other than VPN and I could. I don't have time this session to start learning code so I never addressed a few of my ideas on how to prevent firmware/memory models and sector hacks.
I'm just going to have to dump my emails and maybey all my acct's and set up 2 completely seporet networks/isp and slowly rebuild a ghost(unideabule to hakers(mac,ip and so on))network. I'll keep my old stuff on same net for fun stuff and use my second one for work and sensitive data.

I am stuck on a conundrum as for how to raise money with out moral conflict with selling my old net stuff to ppl !
ok well I cant find my post wear I had some one from this site that did analysis on my pc.
I am getting odd activity wen I request a verification cod from any one. I highlight the cod to copy and past but the highlight disaperas immediately after I highlight anything on the e-mail. I than can highlight again and it dos not disapear.
Reading back through your various posts I have a question:

Beyond the ongoing concerns of someone getting into your computer and other devices have you seen any further indications of illegal/unauthorized attempts to access your accounts and emails?

And you did change all previous user names and passwords - correct?

And you no longer keep a text file containing that information in an accessible (physically or electronically) location - correct?

If you have done those things, have continued to run AV scans etc. I would not expect any further or ongoing threats via hardware.


Explain what you are doing when you highlight the verification code. It appears that you are using CTRL+X to cut out the code.

All that you should need to do is highlight just the code.

Then use CTRL+C to copy.

Be careful not to highlight (select) anything else but the code.

Then go to the field where the verification code is to be entered and use CTRL+V to paste in the code.
Reading back through your various posts I have a question:

Beyond the ongoing concerns of someone getting into your computer and other devices have you seen any further indications of illegal/unauthorized attempts to access your accounts and emails?

And you did change all previous user names and passwords - correct?

And you no longer keep a text file containing that information in an accessible (physically or electronically) location - correct?

If you have done those things, have continued to run AV scans etc. I would not expect any further or ongoing threats via hardware.


Explain what you are doing when you highlight the verification code. It appears that you are using CTRL+X to cut out the code.

All that you should need to do is highlight just the code.

Then use CTRL+C to copy.

Be careful not to highlight (select) anything else but the code.

Then go to the field where the verification code is to be entered and use CTRL+V to paste in the code.
I have not seen any elegal actions yet. I will be checking my credit again seing my credit sky roketed in just a few month's. I want to make shere no one is building it up to take it down. I keep punting off work due to concerns about data theft.

I did changing all major acct's psword's. Should I dump all my emails and create new ones ? I have ben making a list of affected emails(highliting hijak thaing)

I am using a psword program. And I will be encrefting my note's prety soon. I might start using a anti keyloger again.

Ok. I request a verification cod for an acct I than use the mouse to highlight. Does not mater what I highlight cod or other it immediately diapers. This only happens after opening the new e-mail with cod.
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Not sure what you mean by credit skyrocketing: do you mean the credit amount or the credit score?

Just read your credit card statements carefully and verify that all transactions were made by you.

Apply for credit reports. You are entitled to a free report from each of the three major credit card companies. The reports should provide you with what has been and may be happening relative to your credit.

As long as you can copy (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL + V) the verification code to verify your account access then the verification process is working. However, there is usually a time limit on using the code and if you do not use the code within that time limit you will need to request that a new code be sent.

The email that was sent to you would stay in your mail box until you delete that email. Even if you do not delete the email, the verification code will expire. I am not aware of any verification emails that self-delete or otherwise make the verification code disappear.

If you highlight the code and use CTRL+X the code then the code could disappear as a "cut" and not as a "copy".
Not sure what you mean by credit skyrocketing: do you mean the credit amount or the credit score?

Just read your credit card statements carefully and verify that all transactions were made by you.

Apply for credit reports. You are entitled to a free report from each of the three major credit card companies. The reports should provide you with what has been and may be happening relative to your credit.

As long as you can copy (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL + V) the verification code to verify your account access then the verification process is working. However, there is usually a time limit on using the code and if you do not use the code within that time limit you will need to request that a new code be sent.

The email that was sent to you would stay in your mail box until you delete that email. Even if you do not delete the email, the verification code will expire. I am not aware of any verification emails that self-delete or otherwise make the verification code disappear.

If you highlight the code and use CTRL+X the code then the code could disappear as a "cut" and not as a "copy".
I was talking about credit score. Ppl do this to victims thay plan on maxing out cards thay apply under the victims id. I never heard of any one using some ones existing cards/acct's. I'm sheer it happens if the haker only has accesses to a small amount of the victims info.

And for the screen print and/or clipboard hijacking. Ween I highlight something the high lighting is what disappears not the text. The text never makes it to my clipboard.. I think... I never look'd other than trying to past and failing.
It seam the malisha cod is either hidden in the email and or html address. It might also some how be hidden in one of my devices firmware and/or hdd sector's(hack). I have a filling I'm going to have to delete all 250+ digital acct's I have. change all mac and ip's. I'm hoping it will prevent me from being tracked. I also am going to higher some one to cheek all my devices on network after raising some money.

I was hopping some one would have heard of the kind of attack i'm getting !
I am thinking that it is unlikely you are being attacked or hacked.

If you still have concerns, contact the credit card companies and put a freeze or limit on activities. Report a suspected hack and the credit card company should work with you to put protections in place.

You can set alerts on almost any financial accounts that you have and thus be notified if there is a transaction over some set amount that you specify. Likely limited to some value: for most of my accounts a change involving $100 (USD) is the minimum allowed setting.

Do you mean that you have 250 different sites that you log into with a user name and password?

Immediately close out any that you no longer need or use. Make your life simpler and easier.

Statistically you can probably dump 80% of them; 200 of them via the 80/20 rule of thumb.

I.e., you probably spend 80% of your time on 20% of the accounts/websites.

You and your computer will be much less vulnerable.


" The text never makes it to my clipboard.. I think... I never look'd other than trying to past and failing."

Open Notepad.

Practice using CRTL+C (Copy), CTRL+ X (Cut), and CTRL + V (Paste).

Stay on one page. Just create some text and work on copying, cutting, and pasting until you see how it is done and what happens.

Here is a link to help:


And remember the Clipboard:


Doubt that there is any need to have someone check your devices. Save your money.
I am thinking that it is unlikely you are being attacked or hacked.

If you still have concerns, contact the credit card companies and put a freeze or limit on activities. Report a suspected hack and the credit card company should work with you to put protections in place.

You can set alerts on almost any financial accounts that you have and thus be notified if there is a transaction over some set amount that you specify. Likely limited to some value: for most of my accounts a change involving $100 (USD) is the minimum allowed setting.

Do you mean that you have 250 different sites that you log into with a user name and password?

Immediately close out any that you no longer need or use. Make your life simpler and easier.

Statistically you can probably dump 80% of them; 200 of them via the 80/20 rule of thumb.

I.e., you probably spend 80% of your time on 20% of the accounts/websites.

You and your computer will be much less vulnerable.


" The text never makes it to my clipboard.. I think... I never look'd other than trying to past and failing."

Open Notepad.

Practice using CRTL+C (Copy), CTRL+ X (Cut), and CTRL + V (Paste).

Stay on one page. Just create some text and work on copying, cutting, and pasting until you see how it is done and what happens.

Here is a link to help:


And remember the Clipboard:


Doubt that there is any need to have someone check your devices. Save your money.
I cant see any attacks on my credit acct's.
I don't want to say mutch..But maybe i'm supa smart. I'm new to the pub/social net stuff.. I'm self taught and may be that should be in my prof. But. My bad..
I'm tyer'd.. It seams I'm the only one..Look ate my post.. I'm dun..
I'm thinking about giving it all away ! Or I need a worthy team.. plz pm me. I will pub a e-mail if necessary,
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My immediate suggestion is that you should stay out of pub/social net stuff.

If you are concerned about possibly being hacked then going "social" is just going expose you all the more to further attempts to either capitalize on any preceding hacks or attempt a re-hack.

Minimize your online social activities until you are sure that your accounts and systems are all secure.

Stick to just a few (4 or 5 in my view) accounts and communicate only with trusted/known friends and family members. And still do not reveal any personal information in whole or in part.

And again, get rid of accounts that you do not use or even truly need.

Also: do not publish any email addresses. They will be deleted if you do publish an email address.
My immediate suggestion is that you should stay out of pub/social net stuff.

Minimize your online social activities until you are sure that your accounts and systems are all secure.

Stick to just a few (4 or 5 in my view) accounts and communicate only with trusted/known friends and family members. And still do not reveal any personal information in whole or in part.
Well.. I defiantly don't do any no no's. I'm a reserch adic. I'm going to raise the money and higher a team. No a -fence but all the pub help I have ben trying to get (many forum's) is not the insane depth of help I need. love this site. Dont get me wrong I got much for tome's.