
Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with coolermaster.
  1. Memiink18244

    Question ARGB Cooler Master to AORUS PRO WIFI B450

    Hi, Im sure this may not be a new question but ive been trying to find my specific case and i have not found it. Here is the deal, i just got a Cooler Master TD500 mesh with the ARGB controller, however im not really sure in which connector from my MOBO i should plug it in. I noticed that...
  2. J

    [SOLVED] Coolermaster Hyper 212 Black edition or Corsair A500 for same price?

    Planning on getting a new CPU cooler to match my upgrade to either a 5600 or 5600x in the near future. The A500 is on sale atm and I can get it for ~£35 which is the same price amazon is selling the hyper 212 black edition. I heard that the A500 isnt great at its usually price range, but at...
  3. S

    Question ARGB brightness/current problem CoolerMaster

    hi guys, i built my PC two days ago and connected 9 white MF120 halo fans to the ARGB controller in groups of three, along with the argb of my aio pump (Deepcool Castle 360 ex Snow). using the argb controller from CM...
  4. C

    Question PSU fan makes noise when upside down

    Hi everyone Just started to build my first PC. I've noticed when I installing the PSU upside down it started to make a rattling noise like the fan moved down and started to touch the grid of the PSU? 🤷‍♂️ PSU Model: CoolerMaster V750 Full-Modular Semi-Fanless 80 Plus Gold. You can see it in...
  5. T

    [SOLVED] Coolermaster gts v8 1150 backplate

    I have the coolermaster gts v8 on my i7 4790k but i needed to change motherboard and i had my pc disassembled for a month or so and now that my new MoBo arrived i realised i lost the backplate of my cooler and i contacted coolermaster for help but they told me they were out of this accessory...
  6. TheUltraMarine

    Question My friends new PC is booting up, but is not posting, what's wrong?

    Hey everyone. So grim news, my friend just finished building his PC after 7 hours of hard work, all of the RGB lights up and all the fans start spinning, but it won't post. It always says "no signal" on the screen, he did have an incident where he accidentally took the CPU with the heatsink of...
  7. drinilajqi

    Question ARGB and RGB header

    Hello recently bought a motherboard asus rog b365-f and a liquid cooler ml120r rgb. And my question is the motherboard has only RGB header while the cooler has ARGB fans, iv connected the cooler to the motherboard through a usb thingie and it works but the motherboard lights and the fans are...
  8. V

    [SOLVED] ryzen 1700x absurd temps and vcore voltages on new motherboard.

    hi my system config is: ryzen 1700x no OC. corsair h100i v2 liquid cooler (noctua nt-h1 thermal compound used) msi b450 gaming plus max gtx 1080 wf3 cm v750 psu gskill trident z 32gigs I recently bought this msi motherboard since i lost my older one due to power surges and the first thing i...
  9. ThatJigsawGuy

    [SOLVED] Is it safe to connect 10 Fans via splitters to a 6 Port Cooler Master ARGB PWM Hub?

    Sorry for the question but its my first time to build a PC. First of all my motherboard is a Gigabyte Aorus B450 Elite and my fans are Coolermaster 120mm fan SickleFlow 120 ARGB (10 pcs). I'll use a Coolman Robin 2 case which is similar to the Tecware VXR. I saw this Coolermaster ARGB and PWM 6...
  10. SSFX

    Question CPU Fan Keeps Running at High RPM

    So, i recently built my potato setup: i5-4690 stock ECS H81H3-MV Cooler Master Hyper i30 (3pin, plugged on to CPU_FAN header) 8GB DDR3 1600 Mhz RAM MSI RX 570 Gaming X 4GB stock WD Caviar Blue 500GB 7.2K RPM FSP Hexa+ 500W Just did a fresh windows 10 pro installation, problem is, the cpu fan...
  11. Z

    [SOLVED] Comparing between 2 CPU Coolers for R5 3600

    Hi everyone I have my Ryzen 5 3600 CPU with no stock cooler, and I need to choose between 2 CPU Air Coolers, and I'm running on a budget! 1- CoolerMaster Hyper 212 RGB BE (70$) 2- CoolerMaster MasterAir MA610P (55$) Now basically I'm not an overclocker, but of course I'll give the CPU a small...
  12. KevNaja

    [SOLVED] Coolermaster CPU Cooler LED question

    I'm planning to buy the Coolermaster Masterliquid ML240L but I don't want to have the radiator fans have its LED turned on. Will the fan work perfectly if the RGB wire is disconnected from the header?
  13. gerero000

    Question Cooler Master MS110 - caps/num/scroll lock lights not working

    hey guys can u help me on this one ! The lights stopped working.
  14. O

    [SOLVED] Fan Setup Help

    So I've installed a Cooler Master ML240L AIO in front of my case and i have the radiator fans pushing air into the case. I have 3 other fans that came with my phantek p400A, where and what direction shall i install them? Appreciate your help guys, thank you!
  15. P

    [SOLVED] Cooler Master Hyper 212 RGB Black Edition vs. Noctua NH L9x65 Cooler? Which one should I get for more cooling?

    Hi. I have a Antec NX200 Mid Tower case MSI B450 Tomahawk Max motherboard, Ryzen 5 3600 (stock fan) Gigabyte RX 5700 XT OC Ed. 8GB. Basically, the temps on my motherboard and GPU are cool, with motherboard being at around 45-55 max under load, and GPU maxing at 75-80C. But, since I have the...
  16. P

    [SOLVED] Need help pairing an AIO liquid cooler with my 3700x

    I was thinking of already upgrading my newly built rig with an AIO cooler since i'm aimming towards a better airflow and lower temps in general for better OCing. Now, my case is the coolermaster masterbox mb530p. So far i have 3x120mm fans as intake on the front and 1x120mm fan at the back as...
  17. M

    [SOLVED] Cooler master or seasonic

    I'm building my first pc and i'm still looking for a psu to pair with these parts: AMD ryzen 5 1600 AF Msi radeon rx 570 8gb ASRock b450m pro-4 16gb ddr4 3200 mhz 258 gb M.2 SSd The two psu's that i have in mind right now are the Cooler Master mwe 450w 80+ and the Seasonic s12iii 500w 80+...
  18. S

    [SOLVED] Need help with new power supply please

    Hi, I currently have a Cooler Master MasterWatt 550W and it has really bad coil whine. I have read this model is common for coil whining. I’m not sure if it’s because I have it paired with a RX590 or what it is. Can anyone recommend a good PSU. My budget is around $100 thanks
  19. Aris87

    [SOLVED] Why can I not control my Cooler Master ARGB fans from Cooler Master Masterplus?

    Hello everyone, I have recently bought 6 Coolermaster ARGB Masterfan MF120 Halo and I connected them all to the Masterfan ARGB and PWM Hub. The problem is that when I try to run the MasterPlus software to control my fans, it doesn’t seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? Also, it would be...
  20. M

    Question CPU cooler for r5 3600?

    I just got a ryzen 5 3600 and while it works great, I notice when I crank up the settings it stays just below 80 degrees. I'm currently using the stock cooler, and I was thinking about getting the coolermaster hyper 212 black. I don't have experience with cpu coolers that aren't stock, but this...
  21. nabajoli

    [SOLVED] CPU change need advices :) and power supply

    First of all hello all ; Gonna make some changes in my computer except my cpu which is intel i7 3770k gonna buy gigabyte B365M auros elite intel motherboard along with DDR4 16gb ram and for gpu gigabyte geforce rtx2060 super windforce 8g and gonna put them all in new case Cooler master...
  22. A

    [SOLVED] how many Cooler Master H500M ARGB Fans on a single header?

    I posted this question in cooling section, but there hasn't been any replies and very few views, so I'd like to ask here too, maybe I can get an answer here. If any mods read this, please delete the old post at...
  23. camr7425

    [SOLVED] BCLK overclock, PC won't boot

    Hi. I recently overclocked the BCLK on my motherboard from 100mhz to 104mhz My specs : Ryzen 5 2600 Aours Elite B450 8gb×2 vengeance 2400mhz Zotac Mini 1070Ti COOLER master MWE 550w psu I have one m.2 and 2 sata SSD and 3 hard drives attached The thing is, as soon as I increased the BCLK...
  24. C

    [SOLVED] Cooler master 212 + corsair ll120 fanrgb

    Hi, I have a cooler master 212 hyper evo, I was wondering if I replace the stock fan with a corsair ll120 fan. The reason is I want to match my case fans and it also makes a lot of noise. I'm new to PC building, hence the silly question :)
  25. J

    [SOLVED] Broken fans

    My Corsair front Af140 fans are broken. They are making loud noises and don't run well anymore. I want to replace them but my knowledge of fans isn't that great. My question is if anyone can help me with some sugestions to replace the broken fans. I've seen some noctua fans etc.. but there are...
  26. lordtristan28

    [SOLVED] 2 fans on 1 CPU header [Msi gaming 970] Will i destory my header?

    As the title says, im looking to connect 2 120mm fans to 1 4 pin CPU fan header. I see a lot of people saying each fan header can take up to 1 amp of power before it being a issue. Should i be alright to connect 2 fans to 1 cpu header? I'm looking to hook 2 arctic 120mm 4 pin fans up to my...
  27. T

    [SOLVED] Is this psu enough?

    I have xeon e3 1225v2 , rx 570 4gb, 8gb ram ddr3 1333 and i want to buy cooler master thunder 500w but without 80 plus verification ( ) Will this psu be enough to supply power for these components?
  28. P

    [SOLVED] Help with Coolermaster MasterBox MB530P

    Hello everyone. So i finally upgraded my computer after many years and i have chosen this case for my new build. Three weeks into the build i have to say it's awesome. Since the case manual wasn't useful at all, my question is, how do i remove the front tempered glass panel so i can clean it? I...
  29. N

    [SOLVED] Fan Recommendations

    Hey everyone, Currently on the market for some new fans, however I'm seeing lots about decibels and CFM, etc. Am i right in saying that the more CFM the louder they are. I currently have the fans listed below. Does anyone have any recommendations for RGB fans that are quieter or the same as...
  30. A

    [SOLVED] CoolerMaster ML360R High Idle Temps

    I recently put together my new PC, and decided to use a Coolermaster ML360R AIO as the cooling solution for my 3700X (a bit overkill i know). After spending some time adjusting my bios settings, like fan speeds and using PBO, i realized that my CPU idle temp is relativly high. While only having...

    [SOLVED] A Modest futureproof 1080p AMD rig

    So after a long debate and joint venture finally my brother has decided to assemble himself a pc. Most of the specs are recommended by me, so I guess I need to clear my conscience here, forgive me Tomshardware as I may have sinned, The specs are CPU- Ryzen 5 3500 GPU- Sapphire pulse RX 5600...
  32. B

    Question aerocool kcas 600w

    guys i built my first pc back in 2016 and i got a kcas 600w now i am building a new one with an rtx 2070 super and a ryzen 5 3600 on a b450 motherboard i havent faced any problems with the psu so far am i safe just using that or should i get a new one? if its not good am i safe using it for a...
  33. M

    Question Possibly Fried Fan LEDs by Plugging Them In Troubleshooting

    I recently got the MF120R adressable RGB fan. I plugged it into my RGB cable splitter, which is plugged into my D_LED1 RGB connector on my Gigabyte B450 Aorus Elite. It worked fine. I then realised that the D_LED2 connector was close enough to be connected to my fan. I decided connect it to that...
  34. HarrisonHo1209

    [SOLVED] Is the Cooler Master MWE 500/500W ATX PowerSupply (MPW-5002-ACABW) enough for my build?

    My build used to be an office custom build which has pretty low specs. CPU: core i3-2100 RAM: 8GB DDR3 1333 MHz Mobo: some biostar motherboard Storage: an old sata hard drive + a new sata SSD I am planning to instal my old zotac dual fan GTX 970 into this old thing, with the intention of...
  35. Arno__Dorian

    Question Best case fans ?

    Hey guys, I have the CoolerMaster H500P Mesh case and i was wondering, will the coolermaster sf360r 360mm fan on the top and one mf120r fan at the rear work well with the case ? I want something that really compliments the front rgb fans and I think these fans have almost the same rgb as the...
  36. B

    [SOLVED] Good CPU Cooler from Coolermaster for AM4

    I currently run a Coolermaster V8 CPU cooler on my Intel 2066 setup, but Im moving to an AMD AM4 setup. Im planning to get the 3950X CPU. The board Im putting it on is the GIGABYTE X570 AORUS PRO WIFI. I will be using all 4 DDR 4 slots as well. I could use the stock cooler the CPU comes with...
  37. Z

    Question What CPU cooler should i choose to replace my current one with ? ( Case fan question too)

    Hey there! I currently have a R5 1600X with a TERRIBLE cooler - CoolerMaster Master Air G100L. It runs 55c-60 idle but curiously maxes out at 75 and never goes above it. Just seems to throttle and lower clocks and voltage. I have a few options. ThermalTake Riing Silent 12 RGB, Hyper 212...
  38. NaLolaEnaMilo

    Question My headset sounds static

    I very recently bought the Coolermaster MH751. first time I tried to use the microphone a very loud static noise was the only thing you could hear. My voice isn't even coming through I think. What could the problem be and how do I solve it??
  39. ddule.srb

    [SOLVED] Seasonic vs CoolerMaster

    Hi, i need just a quick answer. Looking to buy a new PSU for my RX 580 and Ryzen 5 1600. Looking to buy one of these two as they are quite good when it comes to power draw, they both got a bronze certification but also they are fully modural, so i can get some headache off from the...
  40. frenzy001

    Question CrosairRM or CoolerMaster V series

    Hey I do not know which one PSU to buy, - Corsair RM650x W, 80 plus gold or Cooler Master V series 650W 80 plus gold, both modular. They are same to me just the price of the Corsair is higher than the Cooler Master psu, and i dont know why and confuses me...