
Page 3 - Forum discussion tagged with Mesh.
  1. T

    AMD or Intel for mid-high End Gaming/Video Editing System

    Ok, so. I am currently planning on building a new rig. I thought all along that yep, I will go with Intel cause they are better etc etc. But I've always had a little voice in the back of my mind going, why not AMD? After watching some youtube vids from Tech Syndicate and JayzTwoCents (who are...
  2. R

    How can I backup Windows 7 recovery drive from Windows 8

    I have an HP laptop, that came pre-installed with Windows 7, but I installed Windows 8 on it. I have a Windows 7 recovery partition on the laptop, which I want to delete, but first I would like to make a backup of it, in case I need it in the future. I know that there's a "Create recovery...
  3. K

    H100i RMA process

    Ive got my RMA request accepted for my h100i and when ive gone to pack it all up to send it to them ive noticed ive lost the AMD mount and a few washers. Ive asked on the live chat if i need to send the wires and stuff and she said no, to just send the fan, radiator and pump but on the ticket...
  4. W

    Will an after market cpu fan help my gaming performance?

    Hi, I built my pc in late 2012 and it's starting to struggle with modern games. I've recently bought GTA V and it plays okay at normal settings for a while.. But then my framerate drops very low and stutters after about an hour of gaming. I thought I may get an aftermarket cpu fan as I'm just...
  5. J

    Doubts about temp reporting on GA-F2A88XM-D3H

    This is something I've been noticing for a long time (since November 2013 when I built this system), but my Gigabyte GA-F2A88XM-D3H is giving me temperatures that seem really unlikely given the minimal load the system is under and flat out common sense. The BIOS routinely reports CPU...
  6. N

    Mouse and K/B stop working when loadin WIN7

    Hi, First, sorry my bad english. My OS is in finnish, so I don't know all the right wording. My PC was in "sleepmode". Then happened power failure. I restarted pc. As it was starting, my 2 y old son repeatedly pushed power button. Computer started up and it was complaining that it wasn't shut...
  7. MakoRuu

    1366 Mobo for Custom Build

    Hello everyone. First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this thread and again for replying. Secondly. I need to explain that I am on an extremely tight budget. So. I was researching a new CPU to completely replace my old Core 2 Duo build which is getting old and having...
  8. C


    I have a WD My Passport Ultra portable HD. I plugged it on my computer, it made sound it makes when a USB is plugged in. But it's didn't appear on My Computer. I tried plugging it into another USB port on my laptop. Again, it was recognized, it appeared on My Computer but it doesn't have any...
  9. D

    is this build any good?

    PCPartPicker part list: Price breakdown by merchant: CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($237.98 @ Newegg) Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($79.99 @ Newegg) Memory: Crucial...
  10. Krusifixion

    Questions on 3+ SLI Configuration

    So, since I'm getting a lot of money thanks to my new job, and my computer before "took a dive too deep," I've been wanting to build a 4K rig. Since gaming is definitely something I want to do on it, I did some research and found that SLI is a must and the GTX 980 is the true champion. But...
  11. F

    what kind of graphic card can i upgrate to my computer

    I have a 4 years old hp computer which i bought in 2011 and it was fine to run most games but now the graphic card is too old to run morden games do i need to get a new one? What kind of graphic card would work with my computer or i have to build a new computer? My Specs here...
  12. TeamSupreme

    Moto G gen 1 to Asus Zenfone

    Is this a worthy upgrade, any reccomendations? I need a off contract phone sub ~350$
  13. K

    I need help deciding.

    Guys i have a pretty decent pc. g3258 4.4 ghz hd 7870 z97 8gb ram 1600mhz I want to buy one of these 2 games. GTA V(when it comes out of course.) or Arma 3. If it wasnt for my friend i would pick gta instantly with no doubt but he wants me to buy it but i kind of see arma 3 boring. I have played...
  14. A

    install ati radeon x600 series in win 8.1

    Hello can some one help me modding my xp ati x600 driver to make it working in Windows 8.1
  15. I

    gaming pc checkup before ordering

    Hi everyone :) , So i've had some help of some of you guys already and i really want to thank you for that. With your help i made it to this build : If anyone has any last suggestions, ill be glad to hear them. (btw im not planning on...
  16. spellbinder2050

    Assassin's creed unity system requirements: 6GB vs 8GB?

    I wanted to know people's thoughts on this. The min specs and recommended RAM specs for Unity are 6GB and 8GB's respectively. I noticed that a lot of the newer console ports require high levels of Vram and Ram. I'm pretty sure this is because of lazy optimization and the developers would rather...
  17. M

    Gigabyte 990FXA - UD3 REV 3 issue

    I have the stated motherboard from Gigabyte, I know it has North Bridge overheating issues but my board seems to be okay with that, the problem/inconvenience I have is that when I turn my PC on it turns on for 3 seconds then back off and then turns back on and boots normally. My PC has a FX 8350...
  18. R

    Buy a second 290 or sell and buy 2 970s

    So after reading some reviews on how well the 970 is doing at 1440p I wanted to know if it's worth me selling my current 290 Vapor-X and buying a 970 and saving for a second 970? I will be spending $320 on the GPU and another $170 on a new PSU if I go the 290 xfire route which would put me at...
  19. N

    how to change front case fans in rosewill blackhawk?

    watch these two videos: i revomed the front panel but the cage is blocking me from removing the fans. i tried everything to remove this bay cage. i read the manual i inspected the case from left to right to front to back and i can't figure...
  20. C

    Very weird and high pitch sound coming from PC

    I can't tell the exact spot from where the sound is coming but it appears whenever I use my CPU very much ( mostly games, like Battlefield 3 , DotA 2 (+ streaming) CS:GO. My computer is brand new, except the HDD ( i bought a SSD and using the old HDD for more storage) and the graphics card (...
  21. P

    Question on Gigabit ethernet

    Hi I'm looking to upgrading to gigabit Ethernet and I'm curious on how to do it. I'm also curious as to if your wireless plan has to allow it for you be able to make the upgrade? And if they do let you, why don't ISPs make you pay for that capability. Links to good routers and Ethernet cables...
  22. S

    Problem with wireless adapter or access point.

    So my roommate cannot connect to the wifi at our apartment complex and when he tries it says the error "problem with wireless adapter or access point". Myself and our other roommates can cannot and his other devices connect fine. Also his laptop connects to other networks just fine. He does not...
  23. D

    Confusion over graphics card quality and which laptop to buy

    Hi everyone :) I am looking to buy a laptop for gaming but I am very confused. I figured the best way for me to explain things clearly is through bullet points, so here goes: - it needs to be a laptop and not a desktop as I am nearly always bed bound - I have a budget of £1,000 (although if I...
  24. J

    YAMAKASI 301 SPARTA 30" S-IPS 2560x1600 DVI-D PC Monitor Perfect Pixel

    I found pretty nice deal on eBay what do you think YAMAKASI 301 SPARTA 30" S-IPS 2560x1600 DVI-D PC Monitor Perfect Pixel $389.00
  25. N

    Unidentified network, no network access

    Okay, so I recently just moved to my grandmas and she uses a different modem and I brought my desktop over to use. The info for the desktop is here OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 build 7601 Manufacturer: Microsoft System Model P7-1019 System type x64...
  26. S

    Lag on bf 4

    I have a great computer i run bf4 on ultra settings and get 67 fps but then I lag. The lag is horrible and it's not my internet. It makes the game in playable. My ping is around 38 and I even lowered the setting to low. I then got 178 fps with 37 ping and the lag was STILL in playable. I don't...
  27. J

    Sony Vaio Laptop

    I have a VGN-FS515B - when I switched it on a black screen comes up saying windows did not open properly. I have tried all the options offered to open it but nothing is working?
  28. S

    Geforce experience 2.0.1 not working

    every time I try to update doesnt work. starts updating but at the end it says installion failed. How to fix this? is this a windows problem? coz my usb drivers stopped working properly and my friends told me it was a windows problem and to re install windows but everything else is fine...
  29. TheMagicalWallaby

    Is the fan on the Kraken G10 enough to cool my GTX 770 VRM

    I am going to be cooling my 770 with an all in one liquid cooler using the g10. A fan is the only thing cooling the VRM. I am curious if just a fan would suffice for the 770 and if it would work for an overclock as well.
  30. icraft

    MSI Z87-G41 doesn't have voltage control?

    I've been using a MSI Z87-G41 (PC mate) in junction with my 4670k. I've been forced to use the Intel Tuning Utility because the mobo only overclocks with OC genie, not manually. Is this normal? If it is I am rather disappointed. This looks like a nice chip.
  31. B

    Weird smell coming from computer, is it my GPU or my PSU?

    I was recently playing a game, Diablo 3, and noticed that there was this weird smell coming from my computer. I didn't think much about it until my computer completely shut off. I immediately thought it was the video card, because I have had problems with it in the past. So I turned it back on...
  32. G

    780 vs 770

    Is the 780 really worth the extra 100 bucks from the 770?
  33. R

    Inquiri ng about a GTX780 SC

    I am curious as to how the EVGA GeForce GTX 780 is when it comes to temps under idle and load, i mainly play BF4.
  34. R

    Will GPU differences in otherwise identical cards prevent Crossfire from working?

    Well, ladies and gentlemen, I’m completely stumped after a lot of Crossfire problem-solving. Even though both cards had the exact same item number on Newegg (checked my receipts), they were purchased a year apart and to my surprise, one is built with a Pitcairn GPU and one with Tahiti. They’re...
  35. T

    my laptop has no dvd. it will not read movies on an external dvd drive.

    i have an acer laptop that has no internal dvd drive. i tried to watch a netflix movie and others with an external dvd drive. nothing happens. whan i look at the files on the dvd, the laptop finds no files to run the dvd. i tried the same dvd on my other laptop with an internal dvd drive and the...
  36. N

    Which CPU To Buy?

    hey guys i need your help. i am thinking of buying an AMD A8 5600K 3.6GHZ Quad-Core APU to go in my new PC. I will eventually be saving up for a new graphics card but may take a while. What settings would this APU play games on at 720p. I also have 8GB DDR3 Ram, And a GeForce 210(not planning on...
  37. A

    Amd HD 4200 and AMD MANTLE

    Does mantle work with the amd hd 4200 integrated graphics or is it only for dedicated graphics?
  38. K

    how to connect internet at may phone

    how to connect internet at may phone
  39. P

    Advice on choosing a Video Card

    Can anyone offer some advice on which video cards I should buy for my new rig? Here is the list of parts I have already bought. This build will be mainly used for moderate video editing with adobe premiere, watching movies, and a little gaming. I plan to hook...
  40. whitie63

    P9X79 Pro motherboard for sale price drop sold

    P9X79 Pro motherboard for sale price drop sold 3-4 months old in mint condition.