Mar 12, 2020
I built my computer about 2 years ago and I have never had any problems, let alone a BSOD. Randomly 3 days ago I was playing CS:GO and I got my first BSOD, and since then I have gotten a BSOD while playing CS:GO every day since then (So up to 3 days in a row now). The error for the first BSOD I got was "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" and the second one I got was "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". I was too distracted and forgot to note down what the third BSOD error code was. I know that these are common BSODs for driver issues, so I made sure to check all my drivers, and windows updates, and they only out of date driver I had was my GPU. I updated the GPU driver and still got a BSOD the next day, so I ran a virus scan and a diskcheck in the command prompt and nothing was wrong there. I am also aware that new hardware could be causing the problem, and I did get new 2x8 3600mhz RAM and those are the only RAM sticks I have installed right now. I installed that RAM about two-three weeks before the first BSOD so could this be the problem still? Also as a side note I have never overclocked anything except on my new RAM I am using XMP to get the RAM to the 3600mhz speed that they should be running at. I did see that when I installed my RAM it recognized one of the sicks as 3600mhz and the other as 3200mhz, is it a problem that this happened in the first place considering I bought two new 8gb sticks of 3600mhz. I used xmp to boost both sticks to 3600mhz and I haden't had any problems for about 3 weeks as I said previously. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
UPDATE: I looked up my motherboard, and found that it only supports up to 3444mhz ram, and I was running my ram at 3600mhz. I then proceeded to go into my bios and change the speed of my ram to 3333mhz, and I haven't had a blue screen since. I would guess that was the problem, but I am still a little bit confused, as to why it worked at 3600mhz for about a week and a half before deciding to bluescreen a bunch.