A decade ago, it was possible to get constant 60 fps with max settings at the highest resolution available, 1080p, with the best gpu available.
Today, it is not possible to do the same, at 4K resolution, with the best gpu available.
Additionally, not even first-party games can reach this quality target on dedicated, current gen hardware, such as the Ps5 and newest Xbox.
Add the fact that gpu's are still overpriced, and this is all why I think the gpu business is a scam, for those who chase max settings.
It is an objective fact, that graphical fidelity in games is the least important part of a game, because it's only purpose is to increase realistic immersion.
Though, the more realistic a game is, the more it becomes a simulation, rather than a game. It also decreases the entertainment value of said game or simulation.
It has also been decreasing the amount of resources, i.e. money, time and development focus on other aspects of a game that actually make it more fun or higher quality.
Additionally, you can have a game with low graphical fidelity, but a great, tasteful art style, which makes it look amazing without graphical fidelity, which further proves graphical fidelity is unnecessary.
Moral of the story is you can enjoy games and save a fortune pursuing your gaming hobby, by not caring about realistic graphical fidelity via unnecessary expensive shiny graphics.
We may also have to not care within 5 to 7 years, as AAA games are literally unsustainable and too much of a gamble/risk to make even today.
Today, it is not possible to do the same, at 4K resolution, with the best gpu available.
Additionally, not even first-party games can reach this quality target on dedicated, current gen hardware, such as the Ps5 and newest Xbox.
Add the fact that gpu's are still overpriced, and this is all why I think the gpu business is a scam, for those who chase max settings.
It is an objective fact, that graphical fidelity in games is the least important part of a game, because it's only purpose is to increase realistic immersion.
Though, the more realistic a game is, the more it becomes a simulation, rather than a game. It also decreases the entertainment value of said game or simulation.
It has also been decreasing the amount of resources, i.e. money, time and development focus on other aspects of a game that actually make it more fun or higher quality.
Additionally, you can have a game with low graphical fidelity, but a great, tasteful art style, which makes it look amazing without graphical fidelity, which further proves graphical fidelity is unnecessary.
Moral of the story is you can enjoy games and save a fortune pursuing your gaming hobby, by not caring about realistic graphical fidelity via unnecessary expensive shiny graphics.
We may also have to not care within 5 to 7 years, as AAA games are literally unsustainable and too much of a gamble/risk to make even today.