
Oct 30, 2019
I'm wondering if you can install heat spreaders on every memory stick, do all of they support this feature or only some kinds? I am using 2 sticks of Corsair Value (CMV4GX4M1A2133C15). I can buy 2 heat spreaders online.
So heat spreaders are pretty much just for show with some exceptions for Overclocking but because they are just for show you can get creative and install any you want. the heat spreaders you can buy are basically U shaped pieces of metal that can be bent open and then closed around the RAM. basically every stick will support a spreader of the correct type, IE DDR4 spreaders for DDR4, DDR3 for DDR3, etc. If you want it to work properly pickup some thermal pads and place one on each of the black DRAM modules on the stick. Be very careful not to let the spreader come into contact with the PCB itself or you will likely destroy the RAM.

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