Jul 30, 2024
Hi guys, so I bought an asus tuf a-15 a couple years ago and since a few months ago it started constantly crashing to bsod, at first it would never happen if I have a game running so i was able to play games on it, i would run a game alt tab and be able to work for hours without issues. That worked for at least 5-6 months without issues, then it started crashing pretty much on startup so I was unable to use it again.

I tried a bunch of things to fix it, including going to a computer repair shop.

the guy from the shop told me its an issue with the motherboard, most likely voltage related, and that aparently its a common problem with asus motherboards (i cant find this information anywhere.) And suggested I send it over to asus support.
As I dont have a warranty (or money enough money to pay for repairs from manufacturer) I held off on that and brought the laptop home again, in hopes of finding a cure.

So, bear with me as I list what I tried (one sec..)

Its not memory related, it passes memtest, in fact, everyone was so convinced it was a ram issue that I changed to some new ram.
Issue persists.

Ive formatted and fully wiped everything

Its not the drive, as it happens when im booting my os from a usb instead of the internal drive.

Its not windows, cause I get kernel panic when I boot to ubuntu as well.

It wouldn't be driver related, as it happens on a fresh install of windows 7, 10, 11 and ubuntu

Tho it seemed to take longer to crash on a fresh install (pre-windows update/prior to "installing" ubuntu when still booted on my flash drive (but it still crashes, just less)

Its not thermal related, my therm readings are Ok and normal, I even changed my fans to some brand new ones and cleaned/replaced the thermal paste.
It also freezes/crashes when cold

I tried undervolting, overclocking, disabling c-state, turning off virtualization..

I was told it could be processor, to disable one of the 16 cores or something, i did that, still persisted. (Something about the processing unit crashing when it goes to idle)

As it is right now i need to wipe everything and start anew again, im on a broken ubuntu install (i broke it trying to fix shit)
At this point i probably made it worst by messing around with it, but im desperate.

I bought a temporary laptop for 200$ so i can continue working (i produce electronic music and its quite hardware intensive) but i really miss my unit.

I want to keep it low cost cause im basically bankrupt, or id just buy another one..

Anyways, tldr:
Constant bsod/kernel panic
Issue seems to be motherboard related
Tried all the google search suggestions

heard its a common-ish issue, hoping to exchange with somebody else who had the issue, or maybe someone has a fix for it. Next step is sending to another computer shop but they tend to charge you just to run the same tests i already ran and say "send it to asus"
Jul 30, 2024
Im honestly not even sure ? (Not home right now) asus seem to use the same name for there laptops every year, i have the 2021 model with the 1060ti and the ryzen 7
Jul 30, 2024
i heard the cpu and gpu are soldered to the board? Is that true? Didnt really take it apart that far.. im not very experienced im surprised i got that far