Heyy guyys, i am desperate and just trying to search for hope that doesn't exist. 2 hours ago my pc crashed, everything freezed with 1 click. Then i had a BIOS loop. After restarting the pc via the restart button (because the pc was frozen so i couldn't restart the normal way) it opened the msi click bios 5, after closing it, it opened again. After restarting: Opened again. Doesn't matter what i changed, it opened again, i just couldn't boot windows 10 pro. And 5 minutes ago i made a terrible mistake. After having tried every possible setting and variation i clicked 1 last thing which i haven't clicked yet, and this was the final click i made on the PC. I am a total PC noob, and i didn't know what could happen, so i clicked something where i could switch between AHIC and RAID. It was AHIC, and for my last option for this pc i switched to RAID. Now i get a blackscreen, nothing happens anymore. Did i now completely destroy it or is there any chance of getting the system back? I don't care about data loss, as my pc is 2 days old and nothing important is stored ln it yet. Is there a way to completely reset the PC? Or is there no chance anymore.