[SOLVED] please help I'm about to throw my pc out the window

Apr 11, 2020
Its about my CPU-Fan:
I have a Acer Predator G3 with Intel Core i7 6700, the pc is about 6 years old. The standard CPU-cooling is very bad, it lets the CPU heat up to about 95°c and then cools it all the way to about 50°c and then the fan shuts off and lets it heat up again and so on. terrible. I tried so many fan control programs and except Argus monitor not one is working and apparently my pc is too old for predator sense. The problem with argus monitor is that i can only control the fan once it has started running. That means, when i start the pc i have to hop in game and then wait until the cpu has reached said 95°c and the fan starts running. I cannot start the fan on my own. When it is running i then can control it using argus monitor. The only setting in my BIOS regarding CPU fan is Smart fan and I disabled it and nothing changed. PLEASE HELP ME
Problem....CPU heats to a threshold of 100'C or so before CPU fan starts.

Answer....well the first 15 answers about the fan, heatsink, thermal paste being defective is a load of horse dung. If the fan spins at 100'C then it obviously works. Dust is not causing your fan to all of sudden only spin at 100'C.

After the first 15 answers people start giving you better advice. You could plug the CPU fan into the powersupply or into a chasis fan header on the motherboard to have it spin all the time. But you need a fan plugged into the CPU fan header so the motherboard detects it and doesn't freak out. I would plug it direct to the power supply so it runs 100% since the case fans might be programmed to not work 100% of the time...
Have you considered a aftermarket air cooler?

Have you cleaned the system of dust?
Yes it is clean and i dont think the cooler itself is the problem but rather the system (its BIOS i think) that controls the fan and especially starts it. Because once its is running i can perfectly control it using argus monitor.
Well if you got a better cooler you wouldn't need to manually control it as a good cooler would keep that CPU well within safe limits while gaming (under 80C) and be fairly quiet. It's just a matter of figuring out what'll fit in that case. As for your current temp of 95C is far too high and could potentially damage the CPU.
Well a new cooler is just avoiding the problem and not solving it. And still i am pretty sure that a new cooler wouldnt change a thing. Once the cooler is running it cools perfectly. I just dont get why it doesnt start running and why there are settings in the BIOS that dont do anything. If i turn off smart fan it should fan always on full speed, right? why doesnt it do so then?
Well a new cooler is just avoiding the problem and not solving it. And still i am pretty sure that a new cooler wouldnt change a thing.
Well if a aftermarket cooler keeps the CPU under 80C while gaming/load then it solves the problem as its keep with CPU safe and won't require you to manually tweak the fan settings.

As for the fan speeds it should be on a fan curve with 80C (and above) should be at 100% to prevent damage. I'm not sure what you changed in the BIOS so the fan isn't increasing to keep the CPU cool but the first thing I'd do is revert the BIOS settings back to default for now as the stock settings should be able to keep it within safe limits. If not then there's not much you can do as it would be a limitation of the stock cooler, which by the way is complete garbage.
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i am pretty sure that a new cooler wouldnt change a thing.
Can you show a photo of your cpu cooler?
Is it like this one? If yes, then it is not adequate for i7.

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Your pc is 6 years old. Did you firstly change the thermal paste ? I would advise you to change the thermal paste first and if the problem continues, get another cpu cooler. There are a lot of them on the internet, we can help you finding one if needed. It would be way better than what you've been using for 6 years.
Your pc is 6 years old. Did you firstly change the thermal paste ? I would advise you to change the thermal paste first and if the problem continues, get another cpu cooler. There are a lot of them on the internet, we can help you finding one if needed. It would be way better than what you've been using for 6 years.
Thanks for the help guys. I didnt change the thermal paste. I am gonna buy a new fan. The only thing is this. Once the fan is activated i can start my argus monitor and control the fan with a graph where i can set the fan speed at a certain temperature. And this works perfectly. It would also work perfectly if the program could start the fan by itself. The problem why i asekd for help is that i cannot start up the fan but only control it once it runs. And the second problem is that the settings in my BIOS for the fan dont actually change anything. I restored default settings there mulitple times too. If you could tell me what i need to look for when bying a new fan that would be awesome :)
I imagine the graph for the fan right now when controlled by BIOS looks like this:
0-95°c: fan speed 0%
95+°c: fan speed 100%
and that is the issure right there. Are you guys sure a new fan will fix this? If you say yes i will finally believe you haha
I imagine the graph for the fan right now when controlled by BIOS looks like this:
0-95°c: fan speed 0%
95+°c: fan speed 100%
and that is the issue right there. Are you guys sure a new fan will fix this? If you say yes i will finally believe you haha
If that's what it's actually like then there's something seriously wrong. Is the fan connected to the CPU_FAN header on the motherboard? Is there possible damage to the connection or cable?
If that's what it's actually like then there's something seriously wrong. Is the fan connected to the CPU_FAN header on the motherboard? Is there possible damage to the connection or cable?
The connections are good. I really dont think that its a hardware problem. Something controls this fan and tells it what to do (i mean like bios, not cables) and thats where the problem should be located. I really tested many many things. the cables and headers are fine, so is the vent and cooler itself. I just need to be able to start the fan manually. Thats all i need to be able to do. start the cpu fan manually.
The connections are good. I really dont think that its a hardware problem. Something controls this fan and tells it what to do (i mean like bios, not cables) and thats where the problem should be located. I really tested many many things. the cables and headers are fine, so is the vent and cooler itself. I just need to be able to start the fan manually. Thats all i need to be able to do. start the cpu fan manually.

How did you test the headers? How did you test the cables? How did you test the cooler? You've made no reference to the alternate parts that would be required to do this.

Nobody here is at your computer, so you have to serve as our eyes and ears for us to give you good advice. It makes it harder to assist you when you declare what is and what isn't the problem and then you don't provide information. If you knew what the problem is and how to fix it, you'd have fixed it instead of asking for assistance.
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Have you tried updating the BIOS itself? If you think that is the problem, maybe a newer BIOS update fixes this problem. You'll probably find the BIOS for your motherboard on Acer official website, and if you don't, you could install CPU-Z to see the model name of your motherboard, and then find the latest BIOS for the motherboard.
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Oh right, sorry I read very fast and didn't notice that, your wording is a bit confusing in that reply. My bad.
i reread my own post and i wrote it very poorly. im not surprised you missed it cause i had to read it a few times. lets try that again.

put the cpu fan into the case fan header spot.
and put the case fan into the cpu header fan spot
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It is almost inconceivable that there would not be some sort of fan control option/tuning curve adjustments within the BIOS to allow you to simply run the fan full time; as others have suggested, hook the CPU fan to a different fan header, and, perhaps an unused but full time 'on' fan header could alternatively be used to drive the CPU fan. Clearly the CPU fan can cool CPU down to 55-60C.....' trick is to get it to run always , if not too loud at 100% RPM.
Its about my CPU-Fan:
I have a Acer Predator G3 with Intel Core i7 6700, the pc is about 6 years old. The standard CPU-cooling is very bad, it lets the CPU heat up to about 95°c and then cools it all the way to about 50°c and then the fan shuts off and lets it heat up again and so on. terrible. I tried so many fan control programs and except Argus monitor not one is working and apparently my pc is too old for predator sense. The problem with argus monitor is that i can only control the fan once it has started running. That means, when i start the pc i have to hop in game and then wait until the cpu has reached said 95°c and the fan starts running. I cannot start the fan on my own. When it is running i then can control it using argus monitor. The only setting in my BIOS regarding CPU fan is Smart fan and I disabled it and nothing changed. PLEASE HELP ME
i have an acer predator series laptop, just dont ever buy acer if you want proper cooling. Insane how they are allowed to get away with making some of the worst products on the market
Problem....CPU heats to a threshold of 100'C or so before CPU fan starts.

Answer....well the first 15 answers about the fan, heatsink, thermal paste being defective is a load of horse dung. If the fan spins at 100'C then it obviously works. Dust is not causing your fan to all of sudden only spin at 100'C.

After the first 15 answers people start giving you better advice. You could plug the CPU fan into the powersupply or into a chasis fan header on the motherboard to have it spin all the time. But you need a fan plugged into the CPU fan header so the motherboard detects it and doesn't freak out. I would plug it direct to the power supply so it runs 100% since the case fans might be programmed to not work 100% of the time.

Anyways, I'm here to reassure you that you are not crazy. The computer is working as Acer intended. They locked the smart control of the cpu fan with no way of controlling it via the BIOS and claim that it is normal operation. It only turns on the CPU fan at high temps in order to reduce noise. The only solution as you have found is to use Argus Monitor which somehow bypasses the ACER lock on fan seeds. Other fan control programs seem to not work. You are not alone in the world of Acer owners who have ripped their hair out over this problem.

For a quick fix I would just plug the CPU fan into a case fan header if it works, or direct to the power supply molex connector with a fan adapter that you would have to purchase. You may however have a problem with nothing plugged to the CPU fan header so plug a regular case fan here even if you have to buy one for $5. This is your cheapest temporary fix to get you going for now.

Welcome to the world of owning a manufactured PC such as Acer, Dell, HP, etc... That's why you want to get into a DIY parts PC you assemble yourself. They work great with no restrictions like this. However if you do have problems such as you buy parts, assemble a PC, and it doesn't boot, you can rip your hair out trying to figure it out. At least with an Acer the computer turns on out of the box :) The best scenario is to choose the parts you want for a PC, then have a shop assemble it for you...if a part is dead on arrival it's not your problem. It'll be a bit more expensive but you get what you want without the headaches. The shop has multiple parts on hand so they can start swapping till they find the defective part. People at home don't have this luxury and therefor this forum was born with tons of people who are going crazy trying to boot a new computer they just built.
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