So I recently moved into my new place, and internet was included. When I connect to the WiFi on my computer I get some severe latency variation and my ping is very erratic when I play video games so I teleport all over the place which is pretty annoying. I tried running an ethernet cable from a port in the modem to my computer but nothing happens, the computer stays connected to WiFi rather than becoming a wired connection. The ports on the modem aren't LAN ports though, they say Data ports, and I have no idea what that means, I assume that's why I'm not getting the wired connection. The one Data port that is lit up is connected to a Leviton ethernet jack, I'm assuming that's the connection that connects the modem to the internet so I'm not going to play around with that cable. I've tried plugging into the other ports and nothing. I was wondering if I needed to buy a router in order to get the LAN ports, or if there was another solution. If I buy a router what connections do I have to make, because I think that ethernet cable needs to stay connected to the leviton ethernet jack in order to remain connected to the internet, correct me if I'm wrong.
The modem is a Nokia, I can't see what kind of model it is because it's zip tied to something in the breaker box, but the serial number is : ALCLFA5782DF
This is what the modem looks like:
The modem is a Nokia, I can't see what kind of model it is because it's zip tied to something in the breaker box, but the serial number is : ALCLFA5782DF
This is what the modem looks like: