Question Situational Low GPU Usage ?

Nov 29, 2024
I've been having this issue for some months now and haven't been able to find a solution.

Mobo: B550M
CPU: Ryzen 7 5700X
GPU: RTX 4060
RAM: 32GB 3200MHz
PSU: 650W

I previously had different specs and I started to update my pc by parts, but to the point where the only things that are still old are my 2 SSDs, everything else is brand new.

Basically my GPU usage practically never reaches 98% even when on Ultra settings, it varies a lot and I've realized that it's something that depends on how many players/npcs are on my screen because if I look to the sky instead to where the players/npcs are my GPU usage bumps up and I get a ton of fps.
On games like FH5, SH2 Remake and GOT the GPU usage runs perfectly at 98% being stable. On the other hand, on games like FN, WZN/BO6, WRFRAME, MC where there are many players/enemies on a lobby, my GPU usage will go from 50% to 78% max. Also, on CP2077 while I'm on Night City my usage is low (70%ish) and when I leave to the Desert, my GPU bumps up to 98%.

This is very annoying because I get way less FPS on these games (120fps FN Perf.Mode - Drops from 90fps in WRFRAME when there are to many enemies - WZN stutters a lot so I have to play on minimum settings because the usage moves a lot from 80 to 50 and so on giving me stutters - I even lag on RBLX cause my GPU usage is like 50%).

I have already done a clean Windows Installation, XMP enabled, tried different drivers (Nvidia's, BIOS, Chipset) and a bunch of other things as well.

If you have read all of this, thank you very much and I'm glad to hear any advices or opinions.