Steve Jobs Tells Student: ''Please Leave Us Alone''

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So this is kinda ironic. I just had an awful experience with Apple not getting back to me or hearing me out on a simple issue. When they sent out the survey, I gave them scathing marks and explained the end of the survey it asked if it was alright to call me to discuss my answers/elaborate. Oddly enough I actually got called. The same day.

I was contemplating giving them the cold shoulder/putting them at the receiving end of what they were dishing but decided to be the bigger and explain how they could improve (by listening more).

And then this comes out. Should Mr. Jobs need to respond to this person? No. But his public relations department certainly should. If they have nothing to say they could certainly even tell her that. She could have dropped it and said "calls to apple for comment were not returned" but she wanted to be persistent. She should be commended not lambasted. She could have handled herself better in speaking with Mr. Jobs but she was likely at the end of her patience and he was pretty rude, not empathetic, cold and curt. Pretty much all the things that you DON'T want to be with a customer. Hopefully more stories like this gets out and hopefully Apple learns from gaffes like this and starts actually providing some customer support.
Jobs being a dick, nothing new here.

What's amazing is the difference in reaction among us Tom's Hardwareites and Gizmodo users.

The guys over at Gizmodo were less than friendly to the lady. They blamed her, in fact, for Jobs' outburst. Those guys have no shame.
a) There's at least a decent possibility it wasn't jobs.

b) If it was, it only reconfirms (for at least the 100th time) that jobs is incredibly arrogant. He doesn't give two craps about customers or anyone else for that matter, unless it feeds his HUUUUUGE ego. The guy drives a plateless Benz and parks in handicapped parking spaces, even though he can walk fine and claims he's well. Its all about his image and show...he's a jerk.

c) She really probably shouldn't have tried to email the CEO of a rather large company expecting a reply. There's about 6 million other employees she could've/should've gone through first. CoC (chain of command) violation. She did sound snooty (after that initial email), and really shouldn't (at that point) expected a positive response. She should have still gotten one though, regardless of her perceived snootiness.
Steve Job's has no clue how to comunicate with the General public. I wouldn't give him 2 minutes of my time if
i had a question or concern. I'd find others within the company to contact, if i didn't get an answeer that i liked i'd just put it to rest and move on. Your odds of winning the lottery are higher than that of haveing a decent conversation with Jobs.
Steve Jobs needs to retire like Bill Gates did, he's kind of a douche bag still.

Anyway, he really should have just answered her question, he obviously had the time.
Typical journalist, thinks she should go to the front of the line trying to cut in front of thousands of others. About time someone put her (a journalist) in her place, at the end of the line and in the order recieved.
PR stands for Public Relations not Paying customer Relations. Even if it did, she is a paying customer. PR should have been paying attention. It probably would have taken them 15 or 20 minutes to send her a response. If they had responded that with "No comment" it wouldn't have taken that long. Bottom line, it is their job to manage the companies 'Relations' with the 'Public'.

However, I think this young journalist student got her story - it just won't polish the apple like it could have.
Steve Jobs comes off as a douche. The girl is a whiner and she got smacked down. With that said one would think the CEO would be concerned about bad PR. Guess he doesn't give a ****
I have bought only one Apple product(2nd Gen Ipod Nano) and as much as I like it(Hate iTunes - worst software ever concieved by man), this along with several hundred other reasons Apple has so graciously giving me over the years is why they'll never see anther pennny of mine.

Way to go Apple you arrogant b@st@rds.
Curios to know if all Apple customers have Jobs's personal phone number so they can send him txt messages. The the commenter that said the customer is always right; that is simply not true, the customer is not always right, but you need to let the customer be wrong with dignity. A customer who is being arrogant or cursing and screaming can be asked to leave an establishment, since they are interfering with the rights of the other customers who shouldn't have to listen to them. I'd like to see her try the same thing with Microsoft (she does have Bill Gates Win 7 phone number right, or Oracle, or IBM or any other major company.
Apple as a company doesn't answer some student's emails. Big deal. The world will go on.

The fact that Jobs has the time to read and correspond with her multiple times, putting more effort into this than he would have by answering her simple questions is pretty shady.

I also am very surprised that a professed Apple lover such as herself would be sending these emails from a BB or even own a BB instead of a shiny new iPhone.

Most likely some Apple hater out to make the company look bad. Not that they need the help these past few months...
All other things aside, the first email she sent from her BlackBerry was ridiculously long! Why type that out on your phone if your message is going to be that long? I think we are missing the real issue here, the real problem is that this girl is crazy.
DO you thinkthis is even real? If not, someone lower than steve jobs or the PR dept should look into it, its interesting how jobs would answer let alone take time to ead that long @$$initial message. ANyway, this should be done via rank and file and all jobs had to do was forward this request and be gone with it. Haha I guess he got impatient and likeall humans eventually do. He just needs to take more time meditating.
What a douchebag. It's amazing that things like this happen every month at least, and yet nobody has said "Maybe we shouldn't give all our money to this man who cares about nobody but himself..."
Another fake sounding email. You actually believe CEOs sit and read their emails and respond like this? Either way, I probably would've responded that way to her too with that attitude.
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