Question Strange GPU noise? Coil Whine or fan related?


Nov 14, 2020
Hi all,

I'm hearing strange noises from my RTX 3060 I believe, at first I thought it might be coil whine but I couldn't confirm it. Changing fan speed doesn't seem to affect it either and it emits the winding, high pitched noise (last 6 seconds of the video below) every minute or so.

What do you think might be causing this?

Thank you in advance!
If you could brighten the room and record close in to the pc case maybe we can find the problem.
Sorry for the delay in post as I was moving. I took another video ( View:
) with better lighting and after removing GPU and unplugging the CPU fan to eliminate potential sources of noise, but as you can see from the video the noise is still coming from somewhere around the CPU region?
Any clues if this is just inductors on the motherboard or a sign of something else?

Thank you!