
Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with Powersupply.
  1. L

    Question Pc not working

    So I just bought a used system from some one and they had it working at their house so when I took it home I took it apart and cleaned the hell out of it but I didn’t get water or alcohol on any other the things that couldn’t get it like the mother board or any thing but I put it all back...
  2. J

    [SOLVED] Power Supply Question/Backup UPC

    So, I'm about to buy a backup battery for my PC, I live in Florida so that means lots of very brief power surges, and I'm scared that my pc will get fried one day. So I have one already, but it's not enough for it to sustain gaming without beeping incessantly. I'm looking to get a 600w APC...
  3. bentejas10

    [SOLVED] I want to buy cable extensions, will they be compatible with my NON-modular PSU?

    I have an EVGA 600B Bronze Certified 80+. I want to buy red and black ThermalTake PSU extension cables, but both ends of the cables in the picture look male and not female? I was under the impression that you plug the extension cables into your already existing PSU cables via a female port and...
  4. O

    Question GTX 1070 8GB (2017) already broken ?

    So yesterday everything was working fine and I was smoothly playing 4K games but when I tried to start my computer this morning my screen wouldn’t get an input signal. After removing the GPU, the PC would start just fine. I tried both PCI-E slots various times and always ran into different...
  5. S

    Question Pc shutting down

    OK so its been 2 weeks i started facing this problem. I can browse enitre day, watch youtube videos or keep the pc idle it wont heat up or shutdown. But as soon as i start any game like dota or fortnite or apex legends literally like 5 mins into it it crashes like it just shuts down. when i...
  6. vule.pcgeek

    [SOLVED] Cooler Master V series motherboard connector

    I want to buy Cooler Master V series 750W modular, and I'm in a little dilemma. On CM's and local reatailer's site it says that it has 20+4 pin connector on it, but when I opened pictures of it, I found 18+10 pin (baisiclly 28pin). So who lies here? Specs or my vision? Is it possible to connect...
  7. I Josh I

    [SOLVED] Looking for New PSU

    Hi all! So my current PSU is an EVGA 500 W1, 80+ WHITE 500W https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00H33SFJU/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and I was talking with some else on this forum, and he suggest I get a new PSU for my system. I have had this PSU for basically 3 years, and since...
  8. I

    Question PSUs with Ribbon style cables

    While I won't be changing my PSU anytime soon we should have a list of those that come with ribbon style cables and not the tightly bundled together pain in the rear to cable manage ones like I ended up with in my last build......so please list if you know some. It will be good info for all.
  9. neuropathy

    Question Plastic Retainer for Laptop DC Power Jack Broke

    Hi everyone, I have a laptop that has a DC jack that’s not the usual style that’s soldered onto the motherboard - it’s just wired over to the edge of the laptop. The problem is that the plastic retainer broke, so the jack just fell into the laptop. I opened the laptop to attempt a repair and...
  10. JQB45

    Question Windows 10 Update to Version 19H1_RELEASE

    So I'm a Windows Insider on the Slow setting and tonight or I guess I should say early this morning Windows attempted to install 19H1_RELEASE. I get the following error message: Last failed install attempt on ‎3/‎23/‎2019 - 0x80242016 A quick google search yielded nothing, I attempted to...
  11. M

    Question I5 - 9400F vs Ryzen 5 2600

    so my friend want to buy new PC and i see I9 - 9400F is much more cheaper rather than I5 - 8400 and i see ryzen 5 2600 had a same price with I5 - 9400F which one is better for gaming purpose? since he want to play Sekiro : Shadow Die Twice at the end of March this is his built when simulating...
  12. R

    [SOLVED] Should I buy or wait

    So I’m planning on building a new pc soon with these parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RealStormix/saved/jqBr6h I can buy all the parts except the gpu. Should I use the 1060 3gb I have from my build now with the i7-8700k, or should I wait so I can get all the parts at once?
  13. ssilviu250

    [SOLVED] New gpu - help

    Hi there, so this week my gtx 1060 6gb should arrive, currently having a 960 4gb. My question is, what am i to do when before/after installing the new video card? (and ofc removing the old one) Reinstall windows completely? Use DDD, display driver uninstaller? Or do nothing? As i read somewhere...
  14. F

    Question Motherboard HDMI Dead

    Hello guys, The HDMI on my motherboard has stopped working. I was using it as a htpc connected to a tv via hdmi. The Sky box was also connected via hdmi to the same tv. All of a sudden, something went pop in the sky box and the sky box never worked after that. I opened up the sky box to recover...
  15. pept-o

    Question There is a file called OS (F:) on an HDD that I just put in my Pc, How can I remove this?

    From what I can tell it's an old boot file but when I formatted the Hard Drive, It was still there. Any advice on how to remove it?
  16. Exia00

    Question Fan orientation for the DeepCool MATREXX 55 (question mainly)

    Hi so i bought a couple of weeks ago the DeepCool MATREXX 55 cause one it is bigger than the case i am using now and two i could install 3 more fans in the system which i am just wondering about this if i would be able to do the 3 fans in the front and the one in the rear as intake and the 2 top...
  17. H

    Looking to upgrade

    Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-H170M-D3H (rev. 1.0) LGA 1151 Intel H170 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Micro ATX Intel GPU: GTX 970 4GB CPU: i7 6700 Which GPU would be a good upgrade?
  18. A

    [SOLVED] Help me decide a monitor

    I mainly focused on playing Rainbow Six at competitive level, so I wanted to get a 144 hz monitor. I Have 3 options: https://www.amazon.com/Dell-D2719HGF-Response-Speakers-FreeSync/dp/B07J4SXNQ5/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1548816267&sr=1-4&keywords=144hz+monitor...
  19. K

    Want to switch to iGPU after main GPU got fried

    Soooo yeah, just like the title says... After I press power the lights of HDD and Power light up, but the screen is pitch black, and I get an 8 beeps code, which probably means the main ATI 5430m GPU got fried... However, I have an Intel i3-380m CPU which has an integrated graphics, but I have...
  20. I

    Enable hardware virtualization

    Hello. How to enabled hardware virtualization in BIOS? Motherboard - asrock AB350M Pro4 ver. P5.50 CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 1700
  21. B

    [SOLVED] Accelero Xtreme IV Compatibility

    So here is my question Does Xtreme IV https://www.arctic.ac/eu_en/ax4.html Work and Fit WIth GTX 1070 TI however here is the catch it comes from Inno3D so it's a tad bit different i believe i may be wrong most likely but i don't want to spend extra money for it not to be compatible...
  22. T

    I need help choosing 16gb RAM for Intel setup

    Hello guys, I need your help in picking the best memory kit for my system. Here's my current spec: MSI Z370 A-Pro motherboard Intel i7-8700k @5.2 Ghz RTX 2080 graphic card Evga 280 clc with custom noctua fans 500 gb ssd, 2 tb hdd Evga 850w G2 psu And.... 4 sticks of 8gb DDR4 Adata XPG 2400...
  23. J

    Not sure if PSU is compatible with my other parts

    Let me give you some backstory. I bought a Corsair CX550m PSU originally, but after connecting everything, I realised that it was shot. So I wanted to get a new one I bought this PSU https://www.amazon.in/dp/B01N5WW9GQ/ref=twister_B0767MC1DN?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 It's a Corsair TX-M 850w...
  24. G

    Full 970evo compatibility

    So I'm getting a bit lost in the numbers surrounding pcie info for getting a samsung 970 evo. Ive got a msi z97a gaming 6 mobo, which has specs of: PCI Express 3.0 x16: 3 x PCIe 3.0 x16 slots, (support x16, x8/x8, x8/x4/x4 modes) PCI Express x1: 4 x PCIe 2.0 x1 slots Im guessing that...
  25. D

    (URGENT) Will upgrading my processor, motherboard, and ram make my internet worse?

    I’m trying to convince my parents to let me upgrade my computer, but they are convinced that if I upgrade my processor, motherboard, cooling fan, SSD, and ram that it will affect the internet around the house because it will “use more power and internet with more energy consuming parts”. 1. Is...
  26. quadrixx

    [SOLVED] TR 1950X stuck at idle temp 68C° since the 1st day

    i am not an overclocker, i don't have that intention , i never had ... but i bought my first AMD system a couple of weeks ago ( i have build many intel systems in the past without any problems ... ) since the day i put it together and turned it on inoticed unreasonable fan activity coming from...
  27. D

    Question What should I Choose

    Hi there, So now that I realised that I haven't been in the PC business for a long time I think that I'll need a little bit of help from you guys.... I want to build a new gaming rig mainly for GTA V and few other games.. Now I don't know what CPU should I choose, Core I7 9700K or 9600K ? The...
  28. Kadir-1

    [SOLVED] Good Temperature on 7700k ?

    Hello everyone, was going to ask a question about my CPU temperature. I have i7 7700k running at stock @ 4,2GHz. Playing Battlefield 1 Operations 64 players it was running about 60-66 Degrees all the time as i saw under 70-75% usage. Is that temperature fine for it or ? Btw my cooler is H100i...
  29. M

    ok R6S build?

    alright, i have some old parts from upgrading a computer and i was goig to put them into a new case to give to someone, and my brother plays siege, i dont play it. i know nothing about it. all im asking is if this build would get 60+ frames on Rainbow Six Siege Motherboard - ASROCK h77m Ram - 8...
  30. T

    bn39-01154h cable fit for use as a rca to 3.5mm cable

    Hi, I want to connect my TV (that has only a digital (optical) out connector, to my new Bose speaker (which features an aux 3.5 input). I have ordered an optical / analog convertor which I need. To connect the output of this convertor (the connector is a red & white female RCA connector) to the...
  31. K

    Can a separate home internet be created buying a modem

    So at home we have a virgin media router which is connected to CCTV cameras and my PC is using wireless which is very unstable I want to make my PC have a solid wired connection without bringing the router from downstairs and all of the camera equipment up with it. My idea is that could any...
  32. D

    [SOLVED] Computer Crashes While Playing Graphically Intensive Video Games

    Every time I am playing a graphically intensive game my computer will crash and display only a grey or black screen. The only way to get it started again is to manually turn off and on my computer again. My specs are: GPU: ASUS RX 480 8 GB CPU:AMD Ryzen 5 1600 PSU:EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G3 RAM...
  33. S

    CPU,GPU,Memory usage went up after 1803 and 1809 updaes

    I am not sure which screenshots an logs you would need to have some more insight into the issue. The problem is that even on a clean boot with all app closed my memory usage is over 40%. Using browser will make CPU spike to constant high usage even if it is chrome with a single tab open. Opening...
  34. X

    Gigabyte mobo boot loop

    I just built a new PC, and when i try and turn it on it’s stuck in a boot loop kinda thing and does not post, and nothing is outputted to the screen. All of the fans and lights turn on for about 20 seconds, shut down, and then turn on again for 2 seconds, shut down, and doing that in a loop...
  35. N

    Will gtx 1050 ti work on this mobo

    I wanna know which of these Motherboards will run gtx 1050 ti with no problem because what I found out is the gpu requires a motherboard with uefi bios Gigabyte Ga-H61M-S Or MSI H61M-P31 (W8) Or Gigabyte Ga-B75M-S Please help me
  36. J

    Wifi Dropping Randomly - Event ID 11004: "Wifi Security Stopped"

    Hello, I have been having a problem with my wifi connection dropping (seemingly) randomly. I had been in contact with my ISP and none of their solutions had helped at all and I even got in contact with Microsoft via Twitter and followed their suggestions with no fix. Prior to this, I also spent...
  37. S

    Trying to pick the right card for pairing with my cpu

    Hello all, I built my own computer last year and I'm looking to upgrade. Currently has an AMD FX-6300 cpu, ASRock 970 M Pro 3 MoBo, an R9 270X GPU and 8 gb of ram. I know all of what I want to change except the graphics card. What would be a good pairing for the FX 6300? I was thinking an rx...
  38. wookieahah

    Asrock x99 Taichi Motherboard showing 6800k cpu voltage at 1.776v

    Hello. In my BIOS it is showing a CPU voltage of 1.776v. This seems crazy high to me. CPU-Z is showing Core Voltage at around 0.781v. Can someone please explain the difference here? I have the BIOS defaults set, no overclocking on CPU or RAM at the moment.
  39. S

    Upgrade New GPU

    So I am looking at an AMD RX 560 to replace my AMD Radeon HD 7570. I need to know if my PC can support this, I'm unsure if it will fit in smoothly. Here's my known specs: Prebuilt System, XPS 8500 Intel Core i7-3770 CPU 3.4GHz w/turbo 3.9GHz Dell 0NW73C MB (UEFI) AMD Radeon HD 7570 GPU Hynix 8GB...
  40. R

    I tried updating my GPU driver and now it is undetected

    i have an RX 560 2gb GDDR5. I tried updating the drivers for it from 1.8.51 to 1.8.10 but during the update process it went to a black screen and then booted up and now my GPU is undetected. it may be the fact that i did a clean installation which may have affected the way the update process...