Question When should I upgrade my PC?


Oct 27, 2018

I am currently using a very outdated system, it can still play most of the games I want (just), however, I wanting to play some more intensive stuff (such as VR) and have been deliberating an upgrade. However, I would like to reduce the amount of buyers remorse I may get, although I do totally understand that it is ultimately inevitable to have some.

I have decided to hold out until the new Intel CPU's are announced at the end of this month, as I am open minded to whether I go for either the Red or Blue Team.

At the moment, I am leaning towards a Ryzen 3700x or 3900x with a 2070S or 2080S (any combination of CPU or GPU). Although I do predominantly game, I do also do other productive tasks on my PC, and would like to have a pretty high-end system that will last me a fair while playing at High to Ultra settings at 1440p.

So, if you have the time and can offer some knowledge about this certain topic, please let me know if you think I should wait until possibly Ryzen 4000 or the 3000 series GPU's. Also, if you I should be leaning towards an Intel system instead of an AMD system.

Any answers are much appreciated!

