FPS drop

Page 4 - Forum discussion tagged with FPS drop.
  1. S


    Hi there, I am experiencing major fps drops in all multiplayer games, for this discussion I will be referring to my performance on Call of Duty Black Ops: COLD WAR. Prior to my desktop configuration, I want to inform you that I updated mobo bios to latest and reset all settings to stock (no...
  2. Reniro

    Question FPS drops in RDR2

    A month ago rdr would run on medium-high settings with 60 fps with no frame drops, then after i got a new pc case with 4 built in coolers I've started experiencing fps drops to 40fps with the same settings. I tried to lower the settings but same outcome, then me and my friend thought that the...
  3. A

    [SOLVED] GPU usage randomly drops from 80% to 15%

    Hello everyone, first of all I want to apologize for my English. And here's my problem. I have laptop ASUS F556UQ with Intel Core i7-7500U, NVIDIA GeForce 940MX and when I play any game (for example League of Legends, CS:GO, ETS2) my GPU usage randomly drops from stable 80% to 15% for about 30...
  4. S

    [SOLVED] Are FPS Drops in Game Normal and Unavoidable?

    I Play A lot of games from simple games Like Dead Cells, Factorio, Stardew Valley To Heavy Games Like Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Destiny 2, Sea of Thieves. in all of these games I get frame drops. Whether I Play with Vsync on it goes From 60-59-58-56 and like that every couple of "Tens" of...
  5. Nvillate

    Question HELP? Why is my FPS so low in games?

    Hey, So this is my build https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/kshhZf I also added a 2tb HDD for extra storage I've had my computer for a couple of months now, and everything was great. But recently I've been dropping frames in some games (apex, overwatch). I usually run these games on high settings...
  6. MatrixHacker

    Question Massive Fps Drop

    [Specs] CPU-i7-8700K GPU-GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Fe RAM-Corsair Vengeance rgb pro 32GB MOB-Z390 AORUS PRO WIFI PSU-850+ Gold Evga Here's a clip I got of it doing it and it does it even when im in my inventory just sitting there, yea it does it in other games so im not sure what to do I run them in...
  7. PyroGhaster

    Question Severe fps drops and general lag after doing some overclocking

    (TLDR at the end) Hi, First of all, I have a EVGA gtx 1060gb SC edition, a Ryzen 5 1600 and 16gb of 2666mhz RAM (2x8). I've had this setup for 3 years now, and I've never tried to OC before today. I wanted to see what all this "overclocking" fuss was all about so I did several tests using...
  8. turret001

    Question Intel i7 7700K w/ RTX2080S lags, mouse jitters

    Hi everyone! I'll get straight to the point, my PC lags sometimes while playing CS and my cursor gets stuck while playing Rainbow 6 Siege. It's kind of hard to explain the mouse issue so I'll try my best to explain it. While playing Rainbow 6 Siege, when I try to flick my aim sometimes, my...
  9. Priyajit Ghosh

    Question Please Help me! My GPU usage and FPS suddenly but frequently drops while gaming.

    My Laptop specs are : CPU: i5-7200U GPU: Radeon r5 m330 (2gb ddr3) RAM: 8 GB single channel 500 GB WD Blue SSD Why gaming, the FPS suddenly drops from 60 to 1-10, and after 5-10 seconds, it comes back to normal. But this issue is happening frequently, almost 1 min interval, making games...
  10. LordMikeus

    [SOLVED] Noticing lag in games I suspect is due to Very High Power Usage

    Hello wise people. I've been noticing lag in some of my games as of late. Even some I wouldn't expect to be too intense. I've noticed it most on WoW and on Call of Cthulu just tonight (Limited to 60fps as I try to stream it). I have graphics kind of high I guess but due to nothing seeming to be...
  11. Antoniocs776

    Question Stuttering in games caused by high latency ?

    Hello everyone so i have this pc and it's new like 2 - 3 months ago here my specs : i5 9600k 1660 super 16gb ram 2x8 hyperx 2666mhz (max afford for intel i5 ) 700w psu nice cooling system, while gaming no more than 60 degrees celsius in cpu / gpu and im noticing stuttering in games and i did a...
  12. Yeno0o

    [SOLVED] Unstable GPU Usage (RX 580)

    I seem to be having very unstable GPU usage when playing any games. The GPU usage would be at 90-100%, then after a second or two, the usage goes back down to 0%. The temperatures seem to be fine as they are at a stable 60-70. So when I am playing fortnite or other games, the pc will not be...
  13. W

    Question bad fps on rx 570

    Question why is my rx 570 underperforming like I can't play any games without fps issue 1.Valorant can't even get 144 fps consistent dropping to 70 on low. 2.Fortnite don't judge, insane stutters unplayable i get like 60 to 120 fps and always dropping to 30 or 15 on low. 3.Rocket league and...
  14. R99 .

    [SOLVED] High end build with micro-stutters/jitters

    Hi guys, so recently I just finished building my brand new PC, the gameplay feels smooth and great but for whatever reason I keep getting micro-stutters and it's not just a few of them every so often; it's is a pretty consistent amount that happens pretty frequent... for example I will cap my...
  15. D

    [SOLVED] Mid/High end PC having Fps drops

    Windows 10 CPU: Intel i9-10850k GPU: RTX 2070 Super HDD: 2TB Seagate BarraCuda SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 7200RPM Hard Drive M2SSD: 512GB (1x512GB) ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD - 3500MB/s Read & 3000MB/s Write (Single Drive) RAM: 16GB DDR4/3200mhz corsair vengeance Motherboard: MSI MPG Z490...
  16. DanielJoe

    Question Help my pc started to have a lot of fps drops after 1 month of using it idk why it happens

    My pc started getting a lot of fps drops in games that it should run SMOOTHLY Roblox : works fine after moving my mouse 10 fps overwatch same thing tf2 same thing I have an i3 9100f 4ghz processor , GTX 1650 rog strix 4gb , 8 ram 2666 mhz (that only runs at 2400 mhz) SSD 240 gb an a HDD 1...
  17. Antoniocs777

    [SOLVED] I have fps drops on a good pc

    Hello im having a lot fps drops while im gaming here is my specs: i5 9600k 1660 super 2x8 gb ram 2666mhz psu 80+ bronze 650W asrock z390 phantom gaming 4s games are installed on hdd 7200 rpm and on a ssd Maybe the problem is from the monitor ? i have 60hz monitor with 17ms and no freesync or...
  18. TheNamesTopher

    [SOLVED] GPU and CPU Usage Drop along with FPS

    I'm attempting to squeeze as much power out of my decent gaming pc as possible but while gaming ,in VR mostly, along with other games I will get random 10-15sec snips of FPS drop. Like cut in half. I used MSI Afterburner to monitor and its apparent that my GPU,CPU usage drop and my FPS drops...
  19. N

    Question NZXT BLD extreme frame drops

    SPECS: Ryzen 5 3600 2070 super G Skill Trident Royal 3600 650 PSU m22 Kraken cooling Let me first say I know I can send it back but I am trying to avoid this since I live in Canada. I also do not want to be away from it for long. I am having problems with what I think is my GPU. After...
  20. Aelexis

    [SOLVED] My normal fps on csgo is 60-80 but it suddenly dropped today (Aug. 9, 2020) to 10-30 fps

    Those fps is from csgo, but not only csgo, my yakuza 0 also became slow motion because of the fps drop, my league of legends used to have stable 60 fps, but now it's only 40-50. I also recognized that my disk goes up to 100 every time i open an app but it goes down after a little while. Another...
  21. Alextoni

    Question FPS drops in a game when CPU clock drops [SOLVED]

    Hello, I have been having this pretty annoying thing happening to me, when I am playing any game, being it a more recent game or even like a game from 2007, I seem to have FPS drops whenever my cpu clock speed drops. I play on an old gaming laptop here are the specs And my GPU is a GeForce...
  22. Akamitsumi

    [SOLVED] Gpu Usage Spikes from 0% to 100%? (rx 570 8gb)

    I'm having spikess what should i do??? Any setting i should turn off from amd radeon software? I ran csgo to screenshot the spikes for you Is this normal? my specs: Ryzen 3 2200g MSI Radeon RX 570 ARMOR 8GB OC B450M DS3H Corsair CX650 80PLUS Bronze 16gb ddr4 2666mhz my spike...
  23. RPG WOLF

    Question Sudden FPS drop in GTA 5 when opening settings and delayed input when tabbing out and typing

    For some context, I got a new laptop just yesterday and I wanted to test out GTA (R9 4900H RTX 2060). My FPS is quite good, but whenever I press esc and open settings, my FPS dips to 10-8 and moving my mouse to navigate becomes a struggle. Sometimes it eases up when I've had it open for multiple...
  24. R

    [SOLVED] Please Help me, Should i increase my ram this way ?

    Hello, I recently bought a new laptop "Acer Nitro 5 Ryzen 5 Quad core HHD 8GB Ram Gtx 1650" When I play fortnite on it, i can get 120-140 fps but after every 7 to 8 secs, my game freezes for 1 second and then its again back to 130 fps, sometimes,I get soooooo bad stutters whenever enemy comes in...
  25. C

    Question can a low psu cause frame drops

    So i cant find out if its my power supply that is causing my pc not to run at its real performance. I always see benchmarks with similar specs as me but they have way better performance than me. I already know that my psu is low thats why im asking is my psu actually the reason of bad...
  26. Jamry

    [SOLVED] Low FPS on The Forest on 1366x768 resolution while on high and low settings

    The performance im getting while playing The Forest keeps on bugging me as I always experience FPS drops and frequent stutters which ruins my encounters with cannibals in the game. Here is my specs: R7 1700 RX 570 16GB RAM 320GB HDD 240GB SSD (The forest is installed here) The performance im...
  27. G

    Question FPS drops on all my games

    Hey guys. A week ago I was playing Fortnite and towards the end of the game, my fps dropped from 200 fps to 70 fps instantly. The weather was very hot that day so I checked my temps. My ryzen 5 2600 was around 85-90 C with the amd stock cooler. My gtx 1660 around 75C. A week passed and I...
  28. N

    [SOLVED] Low FPS when not running MSI afterburner GTX 1060

    i7 6700; GTX 1060 6Gb; 2x4:8Gb RAM(2400mhz, downclocked to 2133mhz for 6700; H110 MOBO NVIDIA DRIVER 442.74 Lately i have been having performance issues with games; CSGO and Dota 2 are the only ones I tested 1920x1080p Max settings, Dota 2 1920x1080 max settings = min 60, avg 90,max 125 FPS i...
  29. T

    Question Problems with Titan X (Maxwell) - any help appreciated :)

    Was playing Mordhau earlier today at high settings when suddenly my screen froze before my frames dropping to around 15 from 60. All my fans kicked up to max speed and my GPU began to make this buzzing sound as if there was something caught in the fan. The fan speed was sustained for about 5...
  30. shoelacessturm

    [SOLVED] High gpu usage, low fps

    I got a laptop for my birthday a year ago, don't know the exact model of it, but it's a ROG with a 4 GB GTX 1050, a Core i5 and 8 gigs of RAM. Also came with a 1 TB HDD. It's been doing a good job while gaming, but recently I encountered an issue in which a failing hard drive forced my laptop...
  31. F

    [SOLVED] Fresh off of a Factory Restart: GPU Clock Speed dropping, Lowering FPS and performance

    Just did a factory reset on my laptop, and all of a sudden I started getting massive frame drops in all my games after ~30 seconds of play on average. I ran multiple diagnostics and have come to the conclusion that my GPU is throttling at very low temperatures: around about in the 64-65 C range...
  32. I

    [SOLVED] R9 3950x FPS drops

    I recently completed a build with a ryzen 9 3950x, with 16Gb gskill trident neo ram (dual channel, set to timings and frequency on box) and am experiencing severe FPS drops in valorant and league of legends. The reason why I am posting to the CPU section of this forum is the in game FPS monitors...
  33. SSJBGhost

    Question FPS drops in COD Warzone

    Why do i get 120 fps in COD warzone and then midgame it randomly goes down to 20 and is stuck on 20 for the rest of the game? I got a 1060 3gb ryzen 5 2600 and 32gb ram everytime i play the game my fps is fine but then midgame it randomly drops to 20 fps for the rest of the game i tried alot...
  34. B

    Question Please Help, Games sttutering and FPS dropping for no aparent reason.

    Hello, Around 1 week ago my games began to stutter and freeze from time to time for no apparent reason, it has only been getting worse. The thing is, I did not change anything in my system and it played games just fine, (Games such as GTAV and Overwatch have been affected the most). My current...
  35. splxshleon

    Question Dell Laptop underperforming

    Hello, I have a Dell G5 5587 Gaming Laptop Specs are: 1TB HDD 128GB SSD GTX 1050 Ti i5 8300h 8GB DDR4 2666MHz ram My FPS in games are so bad. I expect a little bit more from this laptop (gaming). I can barley run GTA V at 40 fps stable (I can barley drive cars because if I crash into something...
  36. nar1cha

    Question Radeon RX 550 fps drop

    Hello guys I've this GPU (AMD Radeon RX 550 4gb) and it does this weird thing everytime i play any game. For example, when playing csgo my average fps are between 180-280 and suddently, every 20-30 seconds, they drop to 50-80fps for like 10-15 seconds and then they go up again. The weird thing...
  37. djhz2001

    Question Mystery problem -- intermittent FPS drops while gaming that occurs every few days

    Hello, I have been experiencing intermittent FPS drops for months, and I was hoping I could get some help figuring out what the problem is. My system: CPU: i7-6700K CPU Cooler: CORSAIR HYDRO Series H115i PRO RGB (280mm) GPU: GTX 1070 Founder's Edition Motherboard: MSI Z170A GAMING M7 ATX...
  38. F

    Question Fps drops, robotic sound

    Hey, could someone one help me with screen freezing (fps drops) and robotic sound? I have been using my dads pc when he isnt on it bcs my motherboard is broke and I have sent it for repair. It happens when I am playing games rn (GTA V, WoW), sometimes I can hear robotic voices of friends on...
  39. theuser400

    Question Gaming laptop crashing when running demanding games, GPU power + voltage limit throttling

    Specs: i7-7700HQ GTX 1070 (mobile) 16GB RAM Recently, when running Call of Duty Warzone I am getting significant frame rate drops and after a few minutes, my laptop crashes. When opening MSI afterburner, it is sometimes displayed that the GPU is power limit throttling, sometimes voltage...
  40. A

    Question Fps drops when plugged in.

    I have an Acer Swift 3 (SF-315-51G) laptop. In any game that I play when plugged in I get FPS drops. I installed MSI afterburner to find out why and found that the GPU reaches a temperature limit at 69 degrees. I don't have any issue when I play on battery the fps is locked at 60 with a little...