gtx 780

Page 2 - Forum discussion tagged with gtx 780.
  1. C

    Gaming/Video card upgrade

    Hi everyone, so I am wondering what type of upgrade I can put on my pc for gaming/video card, here is a link of my computer nothing looking into to expensive around 100-200 dollars, just enough to play games at a higher quality...
  2. S

    weird problem with windows in win 10

    since i upgraded to 10 i have been having a weird problem with open windows if i have a program that opens the window to my downloads ill go to click on the window and it will close and reopen to the same window has anyone has this problem?
  3. A

    Can't connect my iPhone to stream music via bluetooth

    I've tried to find a solution for this for a long time now so i really need your help... I've connected my iPhone 5 to my HP ZBook 15 on windows 10 via bluetooth but i cant stream music like i used to on win 7, even on windows 7 it worked in the beginning and then i reinstalled win 7 and...
  4. Jonathan Wong

    DDR3 1600 vs DDR3 2400 in 2015

    Few years ago it didnt really matter between 1600 or 2400, it was an expensive option for those who wanted the best of the best. But now DDR3 prices have gone down and im looking to upgrade from 16gb to 32gb. Is it worth getting 2400 32gb ram? It is going to be used for gaming, 3d modeling...
  5. A

    higher gpu temps after repaste but cpu temps lower

    Hi, I just repasted cpu and gpu on my acer e5 572g, i have amazing temperature drop on cpu (about 10-15 degrees C) but when I play games, the gpu temps are 7 degrees higher. Both run now about 70degrees under load. I'm sure, that I applied thermal paste properly. I'm just thinking that, both...
  6. G

    Which Laptop should I get for university?

    So the laptop I plan to get will be mainly for university work, maybe minimal video editing on an older vegas pro and light gaming. I will more than likely using it for netflix and listening to music. I have narrowed it down to 2 laptops: HP Pavilion 15-p011na 15.6 Inch 8GB 1TB Laptop. CPU...
  7. L

    can't install os on new built computer

    So.I just got done building my new pc and it boots to bios and eveything seems to work but when I try to boot from usb to install my os it tells me to insert proper boot media. It has the Iso file on it and I have it as the boot priority and force boot it too. The motherboard is set to uefi and...
  8. P

    Laptop's Internal Keyboard Presses "H" and "K" on its own.

    I am seriously having a problem with my laptop keyboard. First of all, the keyboard don't work as good. Half the keys don't work. I use an external keyboard. I would get on this computer and I go to start then my search starts going "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.........."...
  9. youngevans

    i5 4670k, asrock z87 extreme 4 overlooking guide

    I was able to archive 4.3 Ghz on my i5 4670k on asrock z87 extreme 4 mobo and play games without problems until recently i downloaded 2 updates from the net and flashed (one claim to improve sata performance, uefi and one improve overclocking capabilities) when i flashed them, it reseted all...
  10. Druantia

    My 1st PC Build, need some advice and comments (Gaming PC)

    Hello, This is the build I've planned: CPU - Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1150 Memory - Kingston 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory Storage Samsung 850...
  11. S

    How to uninstall windows xp?

    I installed windows xp in our old computer(its capable of running windows 8 the memory that i got a new memory, i want to install windows 8 but i want to remove xp, how?
  12. Chaingunchris

    Is there a way i can make my GTX 980 run like a GTX 760?

    Im Developing a game and i dont want it to be too demanding. is there a way i can check the frame rate of of the game with certain cards without having those cards?
  13. Z

    Will my PC bottleneck?

    I have a a8 5500 APU 3.20 GHz processor, which came with my Asus M11BB, and I want to know whether if I can fit a GTX 750 / ti GFX, inside my computer. This is my first PC, so I don't want to ruin it. I have also fitted a Corsair 600W PSU inside. Can anyone help.
  14. T

    Random Occurrences of no POST

    When my PC is set to default settings in the BIOS I have no issues booting (fans spin fast for a second then slow down, i get a beep, and begins to start windows.) However, when I change the settings in the BIOS and overclock my CPU, the problems begin. When I turn my PC on in the morning, or...
  15. H

    best wireless receiver for xbox 360 controller and windows 8.1

    I have two wireless xbox 360 controllers and want to use them for my pc (specifically fifa 15). What is the most reliable wireless controller receiver under $20 that is compatible with windows 8.1.
  16. B

    How to be untraceable/ghost?

    Hi how i can be untraceable?Im thinking to install Linux.How i can make my router with VPN?I want my whole network to be untraceable i have 3 computers that uses the network.
  17. T

    Difference between monitor and TV when it comes to gaming?

    I am just wondering if it is ok to use a TV for PC gaming or if there are any advantages to buying a monitor?
  18. O

    Absolute beginner's questions re: PC gaming setup

    My apologies to all you experts, but I need help with 2 very, very basic questions in the context of considering getting a PC rather than an Xbox: 1) How does a PC accommodate 2 or more different controllers--can they be wired, or do they have to be wireless? if wired, then through which ports...
  19. G

    ASRock QC5000-ITX/PH with mSATA storage

    I'm considering building a HTPC/NAS using to replace my Synology DS411j. Here's what I had in mind for a start: MB: ASRock QC5000-ITX/PH (AMD A4-5000 CPU, 4x1.5 GHz, passive cooling) CPU: see above Video: not needed (using the onboard) Case: CoolerMaster Elite 120 PSU: Corsair TX750 Storage...
  20. J

    Can I please get help with this python code?

    I'm learning python on zybooks and I have to change dice rolling code to repeatedly ask for the user to enter the number of rolls until the user enters a number less than 1. Can someone look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I tried to figure it out myself and not ask for help but...
  21. D

    550w psu for crossfire

    Hi friends, I am actually confused with my psu for rig. Below is my configuration CPU - fx 6300(evo tx3) GPU - msi r9 270x HDD - seagate 2tb RAM - corssair vengeance 8gb(1600) MoBo - msi 970a g43 psu - corssair vs 550w this is my current rig, along with I'm only having two cabinet fans, each...
  22. T

    Non-gaming/workstation triple 4k monitors build

    Hello all, I have been looking around for a while and haven't been fully able to decide on parts for a triple 4k monitor build. I'm looking at the nvidia line of gpus such as the Titans but just need some input. We have a budget of 5k and we are wanting to include 3-4k monitors. I am needing the...
  23. M

    Dropped my external hard drive

    Hi everyone! As the title says, i accidentally dropped my external hard drive. It was only about a foot drop but it must have been hit hard enough to damage something, not to mention it was connected to my desktop and that i was in the middle of moving some files around. My desktop froze for a...
  24. S

    need help to find a good keyboard and mouse for gaming

    I am finally at the point in my build where i need a good gaming keyboard and mouse but i don't want to spend 100 dollars to get this. i need help finding something that will suit me. i am new to pc gaming and generally like playing games ranging from fallout to assassins creed. and some first...
  25. N

    What CPU cooler to choose?

    My budget is 80$, I want a air cooler that's not too big, but can handle overclocking a i5 4690k to about 4 Ghz. The Noctua ones are pretty good, but the fans are ugly (I'm going for a black/white color scheme). I've also looked at the BQ Dark Rock 3, not the Pro version, (the Pro wouldn't fit...
  26. H

    MSI GTX 750 1gb FPS drops

    Hello there, this is just a quick query based on a new graphics card I got. I get some fps drops or lag spikes now and again and they are really annoying, especially if I'm in the middle of a firefight in battlefield. I am playing between 55 and 65fps on high settings. It would lag spike about...
  27. D

    My Computer vs the R9 (Specs)

    Ok so I'm having a time with my new card. Specs: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit CPU AMD A6-3620 15 °C Llano 32nm Technology Quad Core RAM 12.0GB DDR3 @ 665MHz (9-9-9-24) Motherboard Acer Aspire M3470G (P0) 29 °C Graphics HP 22bw (1920x1080@60Hz) 512MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 6530D Onboard...
  28. M

    i3 or i5?

    Hi everyone I am really confused whether should I buy a laptop with i3 or i5 processor. I need it as I am joining college. I mainly need it for making and watching presentations, editing documents and watching movies. Also I want to know if i3 will become an old thing in next couple of years...
  29. N

    Microsoft Tunneling Adapter

    Hi. I am trying to get this tunneling adapter to work or whatever it is suppose to do. I have tried the above remedies to no avail. When I do this and add the microsoft tunneling adapter, all it is doing is adding a adapter 1 and an adapter 2 to the already tunneling adapter that is already...
  30. R

    wifi enable process

    how to enable wifis hardware radio button in windows 7 lenovo G50 laptop
  31. W

    Activation wont work

    Ive been using windows 8.1 since it came out with it activated and all of the sudden when i install a driver for something it deactivates and my product key wont work. Help please!
  32. X

    I am having a problem with internet

    Okay so here is my problem... right now I have WiFi (A USB Adapter, don't ask about getting a PCIe one because my graphics card covers the slot up.) So I can't have ethernet because my router is on the other side of the house, and with the Powerline adapters I heard once you plug something in...
  33. C

    PC Build Information

    I am thinking of building a computer, but don't know what to do really, it's my first time. I was thinking for a CPU either an Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5 GHz or an AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz. I was wondering what parts could complete the build, like what GPU? I know I want probably 8 or 12 GB RAM, I...
  34. F

    3x4GB RAM Single Channel vs 2x4GB RAM Dual Channel

    I have 4 4GB sticks of RAM, but due to my mobo and choice of aftermarket cooling only 3 of the RAM slots are accessible. So i was wondering if it would be better just to have 2 sticks in for the dual channel speed or have 3 sticks for 12GB of all single link RAM?
  35. A

    Would the amd fx-8350 be good enough?

    Hi I am building a pc (link here: ) And I was wondering if the amd fx-8350 would be enough for recording, gaming, editing, and rendering. I am planning on recording gaming videos. Also will my amd fx-8350 bottleneck my evga gtx 970? Also I might overclock in the...
  36. S

    Do graphics card power requirements go down if not gaming?

    hi all, looking at buying a Radeon r7 240x graphics card. Website says requires a 400w PSU... Mine is a 350watt, with 10 and 13 amps in its 2 12v rails. My PSU is also a hyena, which from what I've read is a pretty crappy brand. My confusion comes because this is a gaming card, but I just want...
  37. K

    PSU advice for Asus GTX 760

    Ive recently found that my PSU (600W but with only 25A onthe 12V line) just isnt cutting it for the GTX 760 and keeps turning the PC off when running high end games. What PSU can any one recommend thats going to be a decent quality and would meet the specs for this card? It requires at least...
  38. T

    How much is this computer worth??

    -Windows 7 fully updated on Solid state drive -60GB ssd boot drive. 1TB storage drive -i3-4370 3.8GHz -8 GB Ripjaws Ram 1600 hrtz Gaming RAM -Asrock Z97 motherboard -R9-270X 2 GB video card -600w corsair bronze rated power supply -Intel Watercooled Heatsink -Corsair pc case with side...
  39. N

    Thoughts on build

    What do you guys think? My budget is £1500 (including accessories), give or take £10. I will be overclocking, which leaves me a bit confused on my motherboard choice. Any suggestions welcome :) And for people who have seen g-sync in action, is a drop from say...
  40. T

    I need some advice?

    Is there a website that I can check if my computer components will work together? These are the links to my components just incase there is not... Antec TruePower Classic 750w '80 Plus Gold' Power Supply KFA2...