Mar 14, 2024
Working with a brand new Samsung Evo 870, and this pc has had this issue across multiple storage devices.
When downloading a game through steam, and ONLY through steam, it will go well for about 15% of the download. After about that much, (It's never a consistent amount) the disk usage steadily and slowly drops from an average of 250Mbps+ to low kbs until it stops altogether, usually resulting in a "disk write error." After pouring through forums and videos and searching this issue for a lot longer than I'd like to admit, I am forced to post here and resign myself to admitting this is the one computer issue that has stumped me in it's entirety.
I have tried the following, and not necessarily in this order;

* letting steam through the firewall
* running steam as an admin
* running chkdsk utility, no errors on any drives
* Using crytaldisk to verify again that all drives are healthy
* reinstalling steam on the same drive as the games I want to install instead of the home C drive
* changing the download region
* clearing the download cache
* ensuring that I have enough space to download said games, including well over 100gb of free space after a full install
* Compatibility settings in windows properties
* changing all folders to no longer be "read only"
* using steams "fix library" function
* disabling fast boot
* disabling "write protection"
* Replacing SATA connectors
* Using different ports for said SATA connectors on the motherboard
* updating all drivers in my system
* allowing steam "full control" through the security settings

There may be even more things that I have tried that I cannot think of at this moment, but I feel like I'm just throwing a dart and hoping it sticks at this point. If anyone has any ideas, for the love of all that is mankind, please help me.

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU and all drives.

= = = =

I will add the suggestion to use Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to observe system performance while doing a download.

Use all three tools but use only one tool at a time.

Open the tool window and arrange your desktop so you can watch what is happening on your PC.

Let the system stabilize and then start a download. Look for what happens or changes when the download slows.

May take a bit of trial and effort to work out the process.

There may be some sudden changes that starts the slowdown or a gradual change that leads or follows the slowdown.

Observe carefully.

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU and all drives.

= = = =

I will add the suggestion to use Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to observe system performance while doing a download.

Use all three tools but use only one tool at a time.

Open the tool window and arrange your desktop so you can watch what is happening on your PC.

Let the system stabilize and then start a download. Look for what happens or changes when the download slows.

May take a bit of trial and effort to work out the process.

There may be some sudden changes that starts the slowdown or a gradual change that leads or follows the slowdown.

Observe carefully.
Done, and the ssd that the game is being downloaded to maxes out at full usage, reading in the kilobytes. Again, this only happens with steam, using epic, EA, Ubi, chrome, literally any other download source and it runs perfectly. 60gb games done downloading in about 25 - 30 minutes, usually.