[SOLVED] Final questions before I start ordering the parts

Aug 2, 2020
So this is the final build I’ve come to Here. If there is anything you guys would recommend to save a little money or anything. I just want to play mordern games on a high or ultra setting. Would love to play war zone on ultra but with my budget of $1000 idk how do able that is. I’m new to building so I apologize
It's a pretty common AMD 3600 build, It's fine but someone better with psu's could talk about the best option. Covid has hit psu pricing pretty hard.
Thank you, if you know a better build please lmk I don’t really have a preference of amd or nivida I’m just looking for good pieces yo makes this computer
Or there is this one. I really don’t know computers. If you know a better build for $1000 please let me know. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Tcasey799/saved/trHNcf
I would get a smaller SSD to save some money. If you're going to just use another hard drive get like a 240GB or 120GB SSD (which would be enough for Windows 10 and a few programs and/or favorite games) and maybe upgrade to a 4TB Barracuda. All up to you. If you need that much SSD storage go for it!