
Nov 9, 2021
Hello, I built a new PC around last month and got a new GPU about last week but ever since I got this new GPU it has been stuttery as hell with regularly below 50% usage, same thing with my CPU. My specs are:

CPU: Ryzen 5 5500
RAM: 16GB DDR4 3200mhz
GPU: RX 6650 XT

I don't know what is causing this, at first I just brushed it off as my new GPU compiling shaders but it has been a week at this point and the stutters have made the GPU upgrade insignificant... I know that with some games your hardware can be too powerful for it to be utilized fully but literally zero game has been fully utilizing my components and the only game that did not have insane stutter was DOOM ETERNAL, the issue first arose in Cyberpunk 2077; when I first installed it it was perfectly fine, but after the tutorial I randomly got a bottle neck, I was regularly getting near max utilization but after the tutorial I barely get above 50% while my CPU was constantly at 99%. Dishonored 2 stuttered like crazy with yet again low utilization on both, Overwatch 2 had the same exact issue, Resident Evil 4 remake as well, CS2 as well and CONTROL which had high utilization but stuttered regardless and a weird issue where if I teleport or alt-tabbed where it would suddenly stutter like crazy with high frame times while at 90+ utilization. Even games where you could run on a potato like Old school Runescapes and osu! were fucking stuttering (just less than heavier games). Here are the things I've tried:
  • Reinstalling drivers with and without DDU (currently just on the latest drivers because it feels pointless)
  • Reinstalling Windows
  • Reinstalling Chipset drivers
  • Reverting to older drivers
  • Maxing out settings (which sometime increased utilization but still stuttered or just had the same low utilization but lower framerate)
  • Reseating every component
  • Running my GPU on stock, overclock, underclocked and undervolted settings
  • Underclocking and/or undervolting my CPU (can't overclock on my motherboard as far as I'm concerned)
  • Turning off SMART and Re-Bar
  • Turning off Free Sync
  • Limiting framerate
I am at my wit's end, I can't get help on reddit nor here as well, I can't return the item because I used a gift card and I'm not in or from the US.