So, I've been struggling with this problem for around a month now. I've been trying almost everything possible and I've landed right back in the same area. I'll explain everything that happened which has led me to this point and the reasons for my despair.
I've owned my PC for around 6 years now, only recently deciding to upgrade. I ordered a custom built PC for a decent price considering the components it came with back then. Here were the specs:
GPU: GTX 760 - (1060 Now)
MOBO: h81m-e33
RAM: DDR3 16gb
CPU: i7-4790
HDD: Samsung 1TB
PSU: Unbranded 850W (
Everything was working fine up until last month, when I finally decided to upgrade my GPU. I went for a GTX MSI OCV1 6gb, thinking everything would work fine. It finally did and as I thought it was working fine, however the fps I got in games was sloppy and I realized my CPU temperature was 100C. I opened up my computer and realized the heat-sink was broken and thermal paste dried due to me not changing it. I ordered a new heat-sink which was much more sturdier and did in-fact half my cpu temperature and increase my fps A LOT. However, after around 3 days of it working completely fine, my pc began rebooting, out of nowhere. That's where it all started.
I was confused, not sure the cause, at first I suspected it to be my hard drive due to my disk jumping to 100% usage. I tried a lot of things to fix it but nothing worked, I formatted it (After backing up of course) and it still kept on occurring. I got another hard drive I had laying around and it still kept on occurring so I took that off my list. Next, I suspected it to be the ram maybe overheating from the new heat-sink which spreads the heat outwards and is very close to the ram, after removing the one ram and trying the other it still occurred. I reinstalled windows, tried windows 7, then Linux just to make sure and it still kept on occurring. I decided to undo what I did and put back in my GTX 760, to my not-surprise it worked completely fine and no crashes occurred. This led me to believe my graphics card could be faulty, I first used DDU, uninstalled all the drives installed current drivers, even tried older drivers and the problem still occurred. I decided to get a replacement as my GPU had a warranty, the replacement came and similar to before, it worked perfectly for the first 2 days and then the same problem started happening. The cause wasn't clear, there were no patterns, sometimes it restarted my PC at the log in screen, sometimes when watching a video whilst being on discord or sometimes when playing a game. Sometimes after the game ended or I ended a call, sometimes when installing an app and the "give permission" screen came up it crashed, it was VERY random to the point where I got anxiety whenever entering a game, worrying it will crash any second. I started monitoring all the temperatures and usage on my second monitor and disabled reboot after failure. Each time it crashed there were no crazy temperatures. I stress tested my GPU and CPU to see if it happens when they're under high performance and nothing happened. Safe mode boots completely fine. The fact that I could run my PC for a whole day one day and not another was just very off-putting. I tried so many different solutions including changing nvidias PHYSX to GPU instead of auto. Someone also told me there may be something wrong with my drivers, I did notice that whenever it restarted from crashing my headset (Razer Kraken 7.1 v2) didn't show up in Razer synapse (Driver software) but In not sure whether thats got anything to do with this.
In the windows event viewer, I got the critical errors of "41-Kernel-Power, 10110-DriverFreameworks-UserMode and 10111-DriverFreameworks-UserMode. I'm not sure what this refers to but these are the errors I've been getting after the restarts, no dumps were reported though. Right now I suspect it to be my PSU due to it being a Chinese-made unbranded PSU, it does work fine with my 760 though which confuses me. I'm really lost and if anyone has any advice please let me know. I'm planning on ordering a corsair PSU in around 2 days and hope that can fix things and if not I guess I'll return it and cry lol. This has been a major struggle, I'm not too well-versed in PC building, I've been learning a lot and I've only had the internet to rely on. I hope this problem can be solved, I couldn't find anyone else with this exact type of problem.